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2024 US Presidential Election

Thanks for the very impressive list. Donald should have no problem covering his judgments since his name is on so many properties.

I really like the fossil named after Trump, Tetragramma donaldtrumpi, a type of prickly bottom feeder. Very apropos.
I've been laughing for weeks since this Georgia case started.

It's almost unbelievable, but attorney Nathan Wade, whom Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hired as a highly paid Special Prosecutor in the Trump case, had never prosecuted a single felony case before in his career. At this point, he may never prosecute or represent anybody for the rest of his life.

Well-known Georgia attorney Philip Holloway has said that since both have Willis and Wade done things that warrant being disbarred, they and their colleagues in the D.A.'s office must all be removed from the case.
I've been laughing for weeks since this Georgia case started.

It's almost unbelievable, but attorney Nathan Wade, whom Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hired as a highly paid Special Prosecutor in the Trump case, had never prosecuted a single felony case before in his career. At this point, he may never prosecute or represent anybody for the rest of his life.

Well-known Georgia attorney Philip Holloway has said that since both have Willis and Wade done things that warrant being disbarred, they and their colleagues in the D.A.'s office must all be removed from the case.
People need to listen to Trump speak. An example from his SC rally:

"If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion. If you look at it, you have more than the men, you have more than the women. You have such power."​

It is also hard to see him repeating his sentences over and over. He is doing that a lot. It is obvious that something is going wrong in his brain. He keeps saying that he is running against Obama instead of Biden at his rallys - someone needs to remind him as he stuns his rally crowd silent each time.

When his brain glitches are pointed out, it must get under his skin because he talks about his dementia tests all the time now. Many people are saying he even talks about it with his wife Mercedes as they say good night to each other, over the phone, from separate residences, through surrogates.

Scary to think that if the army of aides and handlers around him collectively quit, Trump would probably be utterly incapable of looking after himself. How can anyone trust a man to be president when he could die within a week of having nobody to dress, clean, feed and transport him?
Another Trump victory: The Supreme Court has ruled that the 14th Amendment does not allow states to bar the former president from the ballot. The decision was unanimous.

Trump will be on the ballot tomorrow, March 5 "Super Tuesday", in Colorado, Illinois, and Maine, which are states that tried to bar him.
Joey B. claims he's innocent. He says the devil made him keep the borders open, with criminals and Fentanyl pouring through like an open sewer into the US.

This was a very important day, for those who value freedom.
Newt Gingrich on X said:
The biggest meaning of the Supreme Court decision on Colorado is that by 9-0 the Justices concluded that the biggest threat to democracy was not Donald Trump it was the left. Properly driven this can become a major political definition for the rest of the campaign and proof positive that the threat from the left is so great even the liberal Justices voted to protect the American people's right to have candidates they choose.
I feel like this entire election cycle serves as a very strong argument for implementing maximum age restrictions on holding certain offices – especially the Presidency.

The whole situation regarding Dianne Feinstein immediately comes to mind, as well. Or Mitch McConnell. Why do people keep voting such relics of the past into office?
I can't vote for either one of these chuckleheads in good conscience. I voted for Trump the first time, never again; he reminds of the Stay Puft marshmallow man when he has little tantrums




I wish there was more focus on independent candidates. This two party system is going tear us apart.
From a NYC article today, about voters forgetting about Donald Trump's term:
Remember how you felt the day after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016," the Biden campaign wrote in a fund-raising appeal last month. "Remember walking around in disbelief and fear of what was to come.
I did not vote for Trump in 2016, but I was concerned when he was elected. His job performance was nowhere near as bad as was predicted and I feel that he was at least as good as average, as a president in our times could be. We had relative peace in the world, low unemployment, and none of the horrors that we were told would happen, ever did. COVID-19 threw the world for a loop; nobody knew anything, including the doctors, but Trump was blamed for the problems that ensued. His detractors neglect to remember that while 400,000 died from COVID-19 during his term, over 700,000 more died during the first couple of years of Biden's term. Biden, unlike Trump, promised during his 2020 campaign that he had a plan to bring it under control. If there ever was such a plan, it failed miserably, and herd immunity eventually ended the pandemic.

We now see a resurgence of voters' support of Trump, and is it any wonder why, after three years of Biden's lies, policies, and incompetence?
I'm hoping Trump tells Biden "You're Fired!" and closes the border and ends the Ukraine/Russia war. Biden will do neither I'm afraid.
Trump didn't really have an economy of his own, until his last year in office. Then, of course, he mismanaged COVID-19 so badly he triggered the Trump Recession simultaneously with the Trump Inflation. What a dope.

He inherited the Mighty Obama Prosperity, so his first three years were obviously years 9, 10, and 11 of the Obama era... when steady, professional leadership brought the world back from the Bush Recession of 2007 and 2008.

It isn't an accident that President Obama appears on the list of America's dozen best presidents: He and the Democrats stopped a second Great Depression and restored American exceptionalism. Credit for the strong economy first three years of the Trump term in office clearly go to President Obama and his then-vice president Joe Biden!

Trump weakly ran to the front of the parade and tried to take credit for his predecessor's muscle. Those of us who follow business news have always found him easy to see through.

Have you ever worked with blowhards who join a project near the end, contribute little, then put the whole project on their resume? That's Donald Trump, as fake as the day is long.
Joe Biden has flown more than 300,000 illegal aliens on secret flights into the United States in an attempt to decrease border encounters.

Joe Biden isn't even pretending to care about national security and the safety of our communities.
From a NYC article today, about voters forgetting about Donald Trump's term:
I did not vote for Trump in 2016, but I was concerned when he was elected. His job performance was nowhere near as bad as was predicted and I feel that he was at least as good as average, as a president in our times could be. We had relative peace in the world, low unemployment, and none of the horrors that we were told would happen, ever did. COVID-19 threw the world for a loop; nobody knew anything, including the doctors, but Trump was blamed for the problems that ensued. His detractors neglect to remember that while 400,000 died from COVID-19 during his term, over 700,000 more died during the first couple of years of Biden's term. Biden, unlike Trump, promised during his 2020 campaign that he had a plan to bring it under control. If there ever was such a plan, it failed miserably, and herd immunity eventually ended the pandemic.

We now see a resurgence of voters' support of Trump, and is it any wonder why, after three years of Biden's lies, policies, and incompetence?
Donald Trump told to pay six-figure costs of firm he sued:
Donald Trump has been told to pay the six-figure legal costs of a company he sued over claims of "perverted" sex acts and bribes to Russian officials.

Mrs Justice Steyn threw out the case against Orbis Business Intelligence, a consultancy founded by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, last month.

She found that Mr Trump's compensation claim was "bound to fail".

In a new ruling she also ordered Mr Trump to pay Orbis's costs "of the entire claim".
I love that every one of Trump's attempts to "strike back" at Hillary Clinton, the Deep State, Christopher Steele, et al. has resulted in the judge laughing in his face and sanctioning him. He just orders his legal teams to package his conspiracy theories into something resembling a lawsuit and file it.
Donald Trump told to pay six-figure costs of firm he sued:

I love that every one of Trump's attempts to "strike back" at Hillary Clinton, the Deep State, Christopher Steele, et al. has resulted in the judge laughing in his face and sanctioning him. He just orders his legal teams to package his conspiracy theories into something resembling a lawsuit and file it.
Trump does not care, he can find ways to pay any fines that are imposed on him by the courts.

Hillary blew it by referring to Trump supporters as "deplorable".

He'll be on Truth Social tonight, which I do not subscribe to, to answer Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Hopefully, the transcripts or video highlights will be available somewhere, online.

For several years, on the previous "2020 US Presidential Election" thread, and to some extent on this one, most members who were very against Trump insisted that he was washed up, would not be able to run in 2024, most or all of his assets would be in jeopardy or gone, and he would he be going to prison. They did not believe me when I said this scenario was highly unlikely. Today, he is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, still rich and on the verge of receiving four billion dollars in the Truth Social merger, he's not in prison, and doing considerably better than Biden, according to polls and political pundits. I was right, about virtually everything that I predicted would not happen. Not to rub it in, but I was right about Fani Willis, as well.
Very good State of the Union speech. Biden delivered it well and touched on all important policies. I'm excited to see the emergency pier for humanitarian aid in Gaza. The proposals he put forth for first-time home buyers, capping life-saving medication costs, and passing the bipartisan border bill are solid. You have to hand it to the man; he has been in the halls of Congress for many decades, he is old, but he is experienced, and he is the leader we need now, and I think he deserves another four years to continue doing a good job. Go Joe!

Unfortunately for Trump, his Truth Social site crashed when he needed it the most and crashed for many before Biden even entered the House chamber, with technical issues lingering for at least an hour before and into his remarks. Not worth 4 million, let alone 4 billion.

Joey B. really good at trolling MAGA Republicans lol.

Anyone caught GOP Senator Lankford nodding his head in agreement as Biden outlined the very border bill he wrote, promising to sign it into law? Lol. MAGA Republicans looking like the hypocrites that they are.

P.S. Senator Katie Britt is cringe AF. The overacting. The forced quivering of her voice, all the while she complains about issues that GOP will never address. Someone is in dire need of acting lessons.
Joey B. claims he's innocent. He says the devil made him keep the borders open, with criminals and Fentanyl pouring through like an open sewer into the US.

View attachment 56539
You've clearly lost your mind, my dear friend.

May I suggest you eat more fruits and vegetables and stop watching right wing dribble. It's clearly affecting your neurology. Try eating healthy and listen to music, comedy, and people who have had spiritual transformations through diet and exercise. I have high hopes for you!

Stay strong, @just1morething.
Trump does not care, he can find ways to pay any fines that are imposed on him by the courts.

Hillary blew it by referring to Trump supporters as "deplorable".

He'll be on Truth Social tonight, which I do not subscribe to, to answer Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Hopefully, the transcripts or video highlights will be available somewhere, online.

For several years, on the previous "2020 US Presidential Election" thread, and to some extent on this one, most members who were very against Trump insisted that he was washed up, would not be able to run in 2024, most or all of his assets would be in jeopardy or gone, and he would he be going to prison. They did not believe me when I said this scenario was highly unlikely. Today, he is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, still rich and on the verge of receiving four billion dollars in the Truth Social merger, he's not in prison, and doing considerably better than Biden, according to polls and political pundits. I was right, about virtually everything that I predicted would not happen. Not to rub it in, but I was right about Fani Willis, as well.
You've been wrong about nearly everything @Luman.

You predicted a red wave, which was a red dribble.
Justice and litigation take time. The Orange haired loser you bow to keeps losing as well as the politicians he has endorsed. Even his wife has kicked him to the curb.

If there were a popular vote, the guy wouldn't stand a chance. I don't understand your unyielding admiration and worship for this guy. I have never done that in my life for a politician.

What gives?
View attachment 56553

Joey B. really good at trolling MAGA Republicans lol.

Anyone caught GOP Senator Lankford nodding his head in agreement as Biden outlined the very border bill he wrote, promising to sign it into law? Lol. MAGA Republicans looking like the hypocrites that they are.

P.S. Senator Katie Britt is cringe AF. The overacting. The forced quivering of her voice, all the while she complains about issues that GOP will never address. Someone is in dire need of acting lessons.
Not only was GOP Senator Lankford nodding his head in agreement as Biden outlined the very border bill he wrote, you could clearly see his lips move and he said "I agree."

I agree that Senator Katie Britt is cringe AF; complete stepford wive material. She was feigning human emotions, but failing miserably. She speech was just riddled with lame, performative guilt-trips.

She was also one of the Republican senators that negotiated The Bipartisan Boarder legislation, that she then voted no on, along with most of her party, after Trump whined and said, "No! You can't pass the most sweeping boarder legislation in modern history! I need something to run on." Note that current law allows infinite numbers of migrants to come here seeking asylum. The bill he squashed imposed a ceiling where none existed before.
Biden has Trump Derangement Syndrome, along with a few others on this thread. I wonder if they were dropped on their head as a child? Katie Britt was the most honest and sensible person last night. Biden was scowling and telling lies and half truths like usual. He reminded me of Clint Eastwood on his Gran Torino movie.

You've been wrong about nearly everything @Luman.

You predicted a red wave, which was a red dribble.
Justice and litigation take time. The Orange haired loser you bow to keeps losing as well as the politicians he has endorsed. Even his wife has kicked him to the curb.

If there were a popular vote, the guy wouldn't stand a chance. I don't understand your unyielding admiration and worship for this guy. I have never done that in my life for a politician.

What gives?
If anybody considers Trump, a man who owns 500 companies, has built scores of world-famous buildings, and was the POTUS, a "loser," there's not much I can say to persuade them otherwise.
An absolute embarrassment for the Republicans. From the way Biden rope-a-doped them on live TV (just like last year) to the creepy, totally out-of-touch rebuttal. Katie Britt made Jindal and Rubio looks like normal human beings with that cringe-worthy performance.

Unreal to me how anyone can support Trump/MAGA at this point. Name one thing he did that helped average working class Americans while in office. Just one.
An absolute embarrassment for the Republicans. From the way Biden rope-a-doped them on live TV (just like last year) to the creepy, totally out-of-touch rebuttal. Katie Britt made Jindal and Rubio looks like normal human beings with that cringe-worthy performance.

Unreal to me how anyone can support Trump/MAGA at this point. Name one thing he did that helped average working class Americans while in office. Just one.
If you are a U.S. citizen, then vote for Biden in November. Time will tell how the election turns out. I just hope the illegal aliens aren't able to vote and it's a fair and free election.
Unreal to me how anyone can support Trump/MAGA at this point. Name one thing he did that helped average working class Americans while in office. Just one.
Oct. 4, 2019:
  • The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.
I agree that Senator Katie Britt is cringe AF; complete stepford wive material. She was feigning human emotions, but failing miserably. She speech was just riddled with lame, performative guilt-trips.
Yeah, you know it's bad when even MAGA Republicans have been expressing their dislike for it on social media lol. Saturday Night Live is going to have a field day with her cringeworthy and really creepy State of the Union response.
Very good State of the Union speech. Biden delivered it well and touched on all important policies. I'm excited to see the emergency pier for humanitarian aid in Gaza. The proposals he put forth for first-time home buyers, capping life-saving medication costs, and passing the bipartisan border bill are solid. You have to hand it to the man; he has been in the halls of Congress for many decades, he is old, but he is experienced, and he is the leader we need now, and I think he deserves another four years to continue doing a good job. Go Joe!
Biden knows how to dunk on MAGA Republicans really well. Made them look like the clowns that they are, like that nut job and MAGA tool, Majorie Taylor Greene.

Best part of his State of the Union address:

Biden: Thanks to our bipartisan infrastructure law, 46000 new projects have been announced all across your communities. I noticed some of you who strongly voted against it are there cheering on that money coming in. If you don't want that money, let me know.

From a New York Times article today, about Biden's massive unpopularity:
Joe Biden is one of the most unpopular presidents in modern American history. In Gallup polling, his approval ratings are lower than those of any president embarking on a re-election campaign, from Dwight Eisenhower to Donald Trump.
I knew Biden, as president, would be bad, but had no idea of the extent, and how unpopular he would turn out to be, after three years.
From a New York Times article today, about Biden's massive unpopularity:

I knew Biden, as president, would be bad, but had no idea of the extent, and how unpopular he would turn out to be, after three years.
Biden has clearly demonstrated his fitness during the past three years, and the State of the Union address should have been enough for anyone whose really concerned. Anyone talking about the man's age at this point isn't actually thinking coherently themselves. The media, and their tedious little pollsters, would have us all ignore what we saw with our own eyes--as if the clicks and the advertising dollars are somehow more important than the lives of 350 million Americans whose freedoms hang in the balance of the next election. I'm voting Democratic across the board come November, and all these people trying to pollute the conversations can thank me later when they still live in a country that permits dissenting viewpoints.
Biden has clearly demonstrated his fitness during the past three years, and the State of the Union address should have been enough for anyone whose really concerned. Anyone talking about the man's age at this point isn't actually thinking coherently themselves. The media, and their tedious little pollsters, would have us all ignore what we saw with our own eyes--as if the clicks and the advertising dollars are somehow more important than the lives of 350 million Americans whose freedoms hang in the balance of the next election. I'm voting Democratic across the board come November, and all these people trying to pollute the conversations can thank me later when they still live in a country that permits dissenting viewpoints.
The mainstream media has been consistently anti-Trump and pro-Biden until it was impossible to maintain this position 100% of the time. Now, the worse things become, due to the illegals, crime, inflation, wars, etc., the country is starting to realize that we had it better under Trump.

Covid and Elections Meme.jpg
Trump just loves his dictators:
Donald Trump said:
There's nobody smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orban. He's the boss. He's a non-controversial figure because he says, 'This is the way it's going to be and that's the end of it.' He's the boss. He's a great leader.
Viktor Orban has become a folk hero in conservative circles of his own accord. This jackass had an original stint as Prime Minister of Hungary, lost his re-election bid, and then came to power again eight years later. When Orban regained power, he completely revamped the country's judicial system and filled those positions with his cronies. He has also proudly boasted about his anti-immigration beliefs and the fact that Hungary must remain completely white and "pure." No racial mixing will be tolerated.

The only people who don't know this already are segments of our population who actually want a dictator because they take comfort in being told how to march and salute. And this is 100% what conservatives in America want Donald Trump to do.
and the State of the Union address should have been enough for anyone whose really concerned
Seriously? That senile aggressive campaign-like rant? Is Ukraine and right to kill fetuses (and unborn babies) really the most important issue for State of the Union? Last I checked Ukraine wasn't in the Union. Or size of the Snickers bar?

I am so disappointed in people in general, and everywhere I turn I am disappointed more. I understand (though detest) partisanship and tribalism but being happy about what that senile moron says perplexes me. Did you people lose all shred of critical thinking? All you care about is how much he "showed them" (i.e. Repubs).

On that token, that women, Katie Britt, was beyond cringe, yes. Pathetic and babbling in a creepy poorly lit kitchen. Who the heck handled that live stream? It really would seem like there are no competent people left even advising politicians.
Biden has clearly demonstrated his fitness during the past three years, and the State of the Union address should have been enough for anyone whose really concerned. Anyone talking about the man's age at this point isn't actually thinking coherently themselves. The media, and their tedious little pollsters, would have us all ignore what we saw with our own eyes--as if the clicks and the advertising dollars are somehow more important than the lives of 350 million Americans whose freedoms hang in the balance of the next election. I'm voting Democratic across the board come November, and all these people trying to pollute the conversations can thank me later when they still live in a country that permits dissenting viewpoints.
It's not his age, it's his cognitive abilities. He was clearly pumped up on some drugs during the State of the Union.
Trump just loves his dictators:

Viktor Orban has become a folk hero in conservative circles of his own accord. This jackass had an original stint as Prime Minister of Hungary, lost his re-election bid, and then came to power again eight years later. When Orban regained power, he completely revamped the country's judicial system and filled those positions with his cronies. He has also proudly boasted about his anti-immigration beliefs and the fact that Hungary must remain completely white and "pure." No racial mixing will be tolerated.

The only people who don't know this already are segments of our population who actually want a dictator because they take comfort in being told how to march and salute. And this is 100% what conservatives in America want Donald Trump to do.
If you think we're living in a democracy, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
If you think we're living in a democracy, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
It's perverted system, oligarchic socialism is probably the closest description. Now infused with racial baiting, historical revisionism and Marxist ideologies. Nicely designed to divide and conquer, so peons go after each other with issues like abortion, gay rights, guns rights, etc. all the while they fleece you. So you will own nothing and be happy!

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