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2024 US Presidential Election

This perspective is completely ridiculous. The United States is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world by an insane margin. You spend more money on the military than the next ten countries combined. Yet you don't guarantee basic services for all citizens like every other country in the Western world. Your healthcare system is utterly insane, with a million different overpriced private insurance plans that won't cover this and that, and when you actually need any treatment, you're still required to cough up a large amount of money. The average in-state tuition at public colleges and universities is just shy of ten grand a year. People go into insane amounts of debt in order to get the education they need so they can get a decent-paying job.

Any Norwegian citizen spends no more than $280 a year on public healthcare services. If you've spent $280 all services are free. You can see a doctor, a therapist, a physiotherapist, an ENT, or any healthcare specialist, all for free. If you need an ambulance to drive you to the hospital in an emergency, that is free, with no exceptions. Apparently, just being picked up by an ambulance in the US costs a minimum of $400, even with health insurance. Do you know how much I pay per year to go to university? I pay MINUS four grand. I get PAID to go to university and get the education I need. Four grand in US dollars. With some variations, the situation is, by and large, the same in other European countries.

You think the problem is that the United States is full. That there are no more resources to distribute. What you fail to realize is that the distribution of income and wealth in the US is utterly insane. Watch this video:


And if you think he's got to be a crazy commie socialist, take a look at the rest of his channel. The American working class and middle class are fighting for scraps, while a few people at the top hoard immense amounts of wealth and power. They own the media and brainwash you into hating immigrants and LGBT people and whatever else. They own your health insurance plan. They buy Congress to work for them rather than you. The economy is completely rigged in their favor, and yet you keep blaming immigrants instead of the ones who are actually sucking money out of your pockets.
I agree with your description of US healthcare. I now have Medicare, which is the best US healthcare insurance I've ever had. With my gap insurance ($120/mo), I pay zero out of pocket and pay a $240 deductible per year. Everything is covered: ER, ambulance, blood tests, imaging, specialists, cancer care, hospitalization, etc.

Medicare is what America needs universally and should not be just for the seniors or the disabled. Very scary that Trump is talking about cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; all of these programs President Biden plans to fully fund and improve.
That's why I don't even feel energized to reply to @ZFire, who makes some decent comments.
Weak sauce.
How do you know what will happen? Has Fani Willis said that she would stay on the case, and hire a new prosecutor?

The judge is up for reelection and wanted to straddle the fence in this highly political case.

If she refuses to quit, and the Willis Circus continues, it will be good news for Trump and the other defendants. Having a district attorney this unprofessional, with an admonishment of her by the judge of several dozen pages, will work to the advantage of the defense.

See The Washington Post article, a significant setback for Fani Willis.
I know this would happen since special prosecutor Nathan Wade resigned from Trump Georgia case following the judge's ruling. I'm sure that Willis is continuing her prosecution of Trump. Makes sense.

We all know they did nothing wrong. Team trump lost their one chance of having the case thrown out. The judge saying "we're continuing" is devastating because they know there's no defense.

This is exactly the result I was expecting from all of this.
Medicare is what America needs universally and should not be just for the seniors or the disabled. Very scary that Trump is talking about cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; all of these programs President Biden plans to fully fund and improve.
He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act as well, which includes the Medicaid Expansion. Some people can get their coverage for free or lower cost than what Medicare would cost them (if they were eligible).

I forgot to mention that Trump has talked about more tariffs on imports, which are passed on to us consumers as an inflation tax, just what we need on top of the massive inflation we've seen in recent years.

Biden is not completely at fault for the border security and immigration issues, and Trump couldn't get done what he should have for border security, but it's becoming a bigger issue lately.
He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act as well, which includes the Medicaid Expansion. Some people can get their coverage for free or lower cost than what Medicare would cost them (if they were eligible).

I forgot to mention that Trump has talked about more tariffs on imports, which are passed on to us consumers as an inflation tax, just what we need on top of the massive inflation we've seen in recent years.

Biden is not completely at fault for the border security and immigration issues, and Trump couldn't get done what he should have for border security, but it's becoming a bigger issue lately.
Yes, more great points why Trump would be ruinous for the American people.

I forgot that repeal and replace was Trump's idea and it never materialized; he said "Nobody knew that healthcare was so complicated". And he's wants to repeal and replace again. I think it's another directed campaign buzzword for those who love everything that he says.

Mike Pence will not endorse Trump for president; this is huge. Pence, for all his flaws, refused to go along with Trump's plan to throw out the election. He's now refusing to endorse Trump. While it is easy to say that any sane person would do the same, there has to be a lot of pressure on Pence to fall in line. If Trump gets back into power, you can be certain that he'll seek retribution against Pence. The fact that Pence has been able to pull together sufficient courage to not fall in line is significant. Others, like Ted Cruz, could never muster that courage.

I disagree with Pence on a lot of issues, and the fact that he helped give Trump legitimacy in the first place is certainly a strike against him, but as this ordeal continues, I respect that he at least has had the courage to see that he was wrong and change course.
...Mike Pence will not endorse Trump for president; this is huge. Pence, for all his flaws, refused to go along with Trump's plan to throw out the election. He's now refusing to endorse Trump. While it is easy to say that any sane person would do the same, there has to be a lot of pressure on Pence to fall in line. If Trump gets back into power, you can be certain that he'll seek retribution against Pence. The fact that Pence has been able to pull together sufficient courage to not fall in line is significant. Others, like Ted Cruz, could never muster that courage.

I disagree with Pence on a lot of issues, and the fact that he helped give Trump legitimacy in the first place is certainly a strike against him, but as this ordeal continues, I respect that he at least has had the courage to see that he was wrong and change course.
Pence has said that the reason he is not endorsing Trump is because he no longer considers him to be conservative enough. He is not in agreement with Trump's current positions on abortion, the national debt, and TikTok.

Trump is now distancing himself from deep conservatism which is a good thing. Pence, an evangelical Christian, can go read his Bible and not vote for him - it makes no difference to me as I was never that crazy about him as Trump's VP, or otherwise, to begin with.
Pence has said that the reason he is not endorsing Trump is because he no longer considers him to be conservative enough. He is not in agreement with Trump's current positions on abortion, the national debt, and TikTok.

Trump is now distancing himself from deep conservatism which is a good thing. Pence, an evangelical Christian, can go read his Bible and not vote for him - it makes no difference to me as I was never that crazy about him as Trump's VP, or otherwise, to begin with.
This 'new and improved Trump' you mention doesn't reflect many of the standard Conservative tenants any longer, which to me are Limited Government, backing the Rule of Law, a strong Military, Fiscal Responsibility, and Unrestrained Markets. None of these are what I would call deeply conservative, and these reflect Mike Pence's stance. I also agree with several of these.

Trump has also dramatically changed from his 2016 positions, such as not cutting entitlements (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security). Only 4/44 previous members of his cabinet endorsed him, so more than 90% of the people who worked closest with him haven't endorsed him this time. I wonder why.

Also concerning for Trump is a coalition of traditional Republicans that Trump had for 2016 and 2020 is/has crumbled heading into this election. Pair this up with the exit polls that show there's a large swath of anti-trump Republicans and the Wisconsin poll that shows most swing voters there blame Republicans for the. lack of a border response; these are good signs for the Trump campaign. The only thing they have against Biden is his age, and that seems to have gone up in flames. They've failed to come up with anything to run on or pin against Dems that's even remotely close to the danger that people feel Trump poses.

Trump has nothing to truly offer to middle-class people, and his main goal, which he has frequently spoken about, is to get billionaires and corporations more tax cuts; goodbye fiscal responsibility.

Really, with so many critically important issues out there, such as the war in the Middle East, Ukraine, guns, education, health care, NATO, reproductive rights, and voting rights, why has the Republican focus turned towards pronouns, trans, and other minor distractions? I believe stoking the cult of personality, their 'woke' war, and 'owning the Dems' is the reason why.
I agree with your description of US healthcare. I now have Medicare, which is the best US healthcare insurance I've ever had. With my gap insurance ($120/mo), I pay zero out of pocket and pay a $240 deductible per year. Everything is covered: ER, ambulance, blood tests, imaging, specialists, cancer care, hospitalization, etc.

Medicare is what America needs universally and should not be just for the seniors or the disabled. Very scary that Trump is talking about cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; all of these programs President Biden plans to fully fund and improve.

Weak sauce.

I know this would happen since special prosecutor Nathan Wade resigned from Trump Georgia case following the judge's ruling. I'm sure that Willis is continuing her prosecution of Trump. Makes sense.

We all know they did nothing wrong. Team trump lost their one chance of having the case thrown out. The judge saying "we're continuing" is devastating because they know there's no defense.

This is exactly the result I was expecting from all of this.
What exactly are the Democrats waiting for? Obama had plenty of time to get us Medicare for all when the Democrats had full control of the Senate and House. Instead, he gave us Romney Care.
What exactly are the Democrats waiting for? Obama had plenty of time to get us Medicare for all when the Democrats had full control of the Senate and House. Instead, he gave us Romney Care.
A better question is why didn't Trump make good on his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with Trumpcare when he had full control of the Senate and the House? He had plenty of time, right? It's gotta be easier than Medicare for all, you know, awful Socialism?

Trump and his team were never serious about repealing Obamacare in the first place. It was just politics, just a bullet point for his election campaign, just the same thing he's saying now for the same reason.

Trumpcare's demise suggested that Trump doesn't believe the regular rules of politics in Washington apply to him. When he failed, Trump tried to save face and admitted that the challenge of transforming health care was bigger than he had imagined, "Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated".

Remember that many folks in the southern red states say they hate Obamacare, but don't you take away my Affordable Care Act! They love it. Why? Because they didn't have any healthcare until the Affordable Care Act.
This 'new and improved Trump' you mention doesn't reflect many of the standard Conservative tenants any longer, which to me are Limited Government, backing the Rule of Law, a strong Military, Fiscal Responsibility, and Unrestrained Markets. None of these are what I would call deeply conservative, and these reflect Mike Pence's stance. I also agree with several of these.

Trump has also dramatically changed from his 2016 positions, such as not cutting entitlements (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security). Only 4/44 previous members of his cabinet endorsed him, so more than 90% of the people who worked closest with him haven't endorsed him this time. I wonder why.

Also concerning for Trump is a coalition of traditional Republicans that Trump had for 2016 and 2020 is/has crumbled heading into this election. Pair this up with the exit polls that show there's a large swath of anti-trump Republicans and the Wisconsin poll that shows most swing voters there blame Republicans for the. lack of a border response; these are good signs for the Trump campaign. The only thing they have against Biden is his age, and that seems to have gone up in flames. They've failed to come up with anything to run on or pin against Dems that's even remotely close to the danger that people feel Trump poses.

Trump has nothing to truly offer to middle-class people, and his main goal, which he has frequently spoken about, is to get billionaires and corporations more tax cuts; goodbye fiscal responsibility.

Really, with so many critically important issues out there, such as the war in the Middle East, Ukraine, guns, education, health care, NATO, reproductive rights, and voting rights, why has the Republican focus turned towards pronouns, trans, and other minor distractions? I believe stoking the cult of personality, their 'woke' war, and 'owning the Dems' is the reason why.
I know that Trump gets blamed by some Republicans for how Biden has destroyed border security, and this is due to anti-Trump sentiment. It's ridiculous, and everybody knows it.

I am glad that Trump is not part of the evangelical Republican movement, which has been prevalent over the past 30 or so years. This fanatical faction would ban all abortions everywhere, put prayer in the public schools, and insist that the bible be our source of laws. They were easier for the Democrats to defeat, and prefer that Trump was part of it, which he never truly was and never will be. Some members of the Republican party will say anything to get rid of him because he is not part of their establishment.

Getting back to Pence, whom you believe was courageous when he refused to support Trump, there is much to object to. He bases his political views on the "Old Book," his term for the bible. Many evangelical Republicans believe that God is using Pence to bring about his rule in America.

In 2016, against the wishes of many Republicans, Pence signed the most restrictive set of anti-abortion measures in the country into law, which made him very popular with evangelical conservative Republicans. He regularly quotes the bible and uses it to create his politics.

We are fortunate that Trump, not Pence, is the Republican candidate.

It's amusing that so many Democrats prefer the religious nuts in the Republican party to Trump, even though the former's views are strikingly more conservative than Trump's, which are moderate in comparison.
What exactly are the Democrats waiting for? Obama had plenty of time to get us Medicare for all when the Democrats had full control of the Senate and House. Instead, he gave us Romney Care.
What is Romney Care? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I honestly don't know what you mean. I know what Obamacare is, but have never heard of Romney Care.
Trump warns of "Bloodbath" for the country if he isn't elected.

As a former Trump voter (2016), I am now very worried for our country as I watch Trump's descent into madness.
The true madman is our war-mongering, border-opening president, Joe Biden. We have to get him out before the massacres by his illegals become a worse threat than they presently are. He is extorting us to get more money for Ukraine. Do not trust Biden; he is a pathological liar. The illegals have to be deported, and the war funding has to stop. Trump had said that he would do both, and I believe him.
Trump warns of "Bloodbath" for the country if he isn't elected.

As a former Trump voter (2016), I am now very worried for our country as I watch Trump's descent into madness.
Here is the full quote Trump said at his Ohio rally yesterday:

"If you're listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now…you're going to not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars to us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected," Trump said.

"Now if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's gonna be the least of it," he added. "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories."​

You know what, I don't care if he was implying violence with the word "bloodbath," or if it was hyperbole around the economy, auto industry... I do not care. He has cultivated bad blood and acted in bad faith over the years, told the most grotesque lies, and his followers already have engaged in violence.

If Trump wanted to say there'd be a bloodbath for the car industry he could've said that. He didn't say that. He said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country." Those were his words. But I digress...

Think about it @jjflyman: The Republicans just overwhelmingly nominated Biden as their leader out of every candidate in the field to represent them. You should vote Biden if you care about America.
What is Romney Care? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I honestly don't know what you mean. I know what Obamacare is, but have never heard of Romney Care.
RomneyCare is the name given to Mitt Romney's health care insurance reform laws passed in MA in 2006. RomneyCare aimed to reform healthcare by providing all MA residents with affordable quality health insurance. It also offered additional protections to MA residents, including the retention of health coverage when switching employers or when they faced financial difficulties. The idea is that all citizens of that state should have.

RomneyCare has been widely successful and has massive popularity within MA.

Republicans bashed Romney for implementing this program instead of thanking him for his reform, which brought much-needed healthcare to people without it; it was the model that Obamacare was modeled after. Hence, @Joey72 is bashing Obamacare as RomneyCare.
Here is the full quote Trump said at his Ohio rally yesterday:

"If you're listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now…you're going to not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars to us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected," Trump said.

"Now if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's gonna be the least of it," he added. "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories."​

You know what, I don't care if he was implying violence with the word "bloodbath," or if it was hyperbole around the economy, auto industry... I do not care. He has cultivated bad blood and acted in bad faith over the years, told the most grotesque lies, and his followers already have engaged in violence.

If Trump wanted to say there'd be a bloodbath for the car industry he could've said that. He didn't say that. He said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country." Those were his words. But I digress...

Think about it @jjflyman: The Republicans just overwhelmingly nominated Biden as their leader out of every candidate in the field to represent them. You should vote Biden if you care about America.

RomneyCare is the name given to Mitt Romney's health care insurance reform laws passed in MA in 2006. RomneyCare aimed to reform healthcare by providing all MA residents with affordable quality health insurance. It also offered additional protections to MA residents, including the retention of health coverage when switching employers or when they faced financial difficulties. The idea is that all citizens of that state should have.

RomneyCare has been widely successful and has massive popularity within MA.

Republicans bashed Romney for implementing this program instead of thanking him for his reform, which brought much-needed healthcare to people without it; it was the model that Obamacare was modeled after. Hence, @Joey72 is bashing Obamacare as RomneyCare.
Thanks for clarifying. Your post was well-written and informative.
Thanks for clarifying. Your post was well-written and informative.
My pleasure. You're welcome.

Apparently, Trump no longer holds the attention of his rallygoers as several hundred began leaving early while he was still rambling. The crowd's enthusiasm seems to be waning.

Aside from people walking out, I wonder if he's changed their minds on voting for him? He gave his usual dark orotund speech and crowd-hyping comments, but when they see him ramble off script and show signs that he's not as sharp as he portrays himself, I wonder if that makes the attendees think about changing their vote?
I wonder if that makes the attendees think about changing their vote?
After hearing Trump's speeches, I am concerned that he is losing his mind, and I'm not trying to be funny. I'm worried about the aftermath of the election. No matter who wins, the other is going to cause civil unrest. I suspect as the election gets closer, Trump will call for violence if he loses.
You gotta love Dark Brandon's witty quip at Trump:

"One's too old and mentally unfit, the other's me."

Yep, Brandon's still got it. Nice one! I'm now anxiously anticipating Trump's clapback.
After hearing Trump's speeches, I am concerned that he is losing his mind, and I'm not trying to be funny. I'm worried about the aftermath of the election. No matter who wins, the other is going to cause civil unrest. I suspect as the election gets closer, Trump will call for violence if he loses.
I agree with everything you said with one exception - if Trump wins, I believe that Biden will graciously shake Trump's hand at Trump's inauguration and we'll witness the last peaceful transfer of power in US history.
After hearing Trump's speeches, I am concerned that he is losing his mind, and I'm not trying to be funny. I'm worried about the aftermath of the election. No matter who wins, the other is going to cause civil unrest. I suspect as the election gets closer, Trump will call for violence if he loses.
He is street smart and knows how to bully people, i.e. the distasteful name calling and the onslaught of negativity. Intellectually completely subpar and his speeches are getting crazier by the day. Leaving a cult is like leaving a religion; it's not easy and pretty rare. It would appear that most facets of Mainstream media, from NBC and CNN to Fox and Newsmax, have legitimized a person clearly unfit for office or anywhere at this point except his golden gilt house in Mar-a-Lago and a golf course. He is good at golf and superb at lying. He's charismatic; human beings are drawn to that.
Trump and whomever he picks for a VP is a whole lot better than the alternative. A lot of smart and sensible people who endorse Trump think Trump's policies are more important than his personality. Speaker Mike Johnson said the nation collectively will make a much better choice in the next election cycle than we did the last time.
He is street smart and knows how to bully people, i.e. the distasteful name calling and the onslaught of negativity. Intellectually completely subpar and his speeches are getting crazier by the day. Leaving a cult is like leaving a religion; it's not easy and pretty rare. It would appear that most facets of Mainstream media, from NBC and CNN to Fox and Newsmax, have legitimized a person clearly unfit for office or anywhere at this point except his golden gilt house in Mar-a-Lago and a golf course. He is good at golf and superb at lying. He's charismatic; human beings are drawn to that.
Trump is likely on the path of beating Biden, who is more reprehensible, and a worse president than Trump ever was. He is the least popular president, in decades, and this is a fact.
Trump and whomever he picks for a VP is a whole lot better than the alternative. A lot of smart and sensible people who endorse Trump think Trump's policies are more important than his personality. Speaker Mike Johnson said the nation collectively will make a much better choice in the next election cycle than we did the last time.
Remember when the Clintons and the news outlets used to slobber all over Trump when he was a Democrat? I do.
He is street smart and knows how to bully people, i.e. the distasteful name calling and the onslaught of negativity. Intellectually completely subpar and his speeches are getting crazier by the day. Leaving a cult is like leaving a religion; it's not easy and pretty rare. It would appear that most facets of Mainstream media, from NBC and CNN to Fox and Newsmax, have legitimized a person clearly unfit for office or anywhere at this point except his golden gilt house in Mar-a-Lago and a golf course. He is good at golf and superb at lying. He's charismatic; human beings are drawn to that.
In court documents released today, Trump's lawyers admit it would be "a practical impossibility" for the former president to post his bond for his $464 million civil fraud judgment, and it's due next week on the 25th of March. The clock is ticking, and Trump will have to sell assets ASAP, or a summary judgment will be entered against him.

An important and often overshadowed reason Trump should not be reelected is his current >$500 million judgments against him; this kind of debt can easily create the opportunity for foreign and domestic influence buying.

Astronomical judgments against an individual should be a standard disqualifying condition for the presidency. If the average citizen can't get a security clearance because of too much debt or a small loan through conventional means because of debt to income ratio, a candidate who hides his loans and money sources shouldn't be able to hold the highest office of the land. Trump can be easily compromised.

Trump is a true madman; this is a fact - he's calling for the members of the House January 6th Select Committee to be imprisoned and promised to pardon the criminals, his patriots, who tried to stop the counting of the electoral votes at the US Capitol.

He has been telling us what evil things he'll do for the past four years, and now an American bloodbath is on the table. Don't trust Trump; he is a pathological liar and talks like a fascist. He'll sell government secrets to the highest bidder, and he'll use his presidential office as a dictatorship to continue to enrich himself and his cronies, thus destroying democracy at home and abroad in the process.

Voting against Trump is a no-brainer. Trump has never known hardship - he was born to a rich family that made him a millionaire when he was 8 years old, and he has never wanted anything in his life. Biden has overcome family tragedy (losing his wife and one-year-old daughter in a car accident, both sons critically injured) and raised his two sons as a widower. He has achieved many accomplishments coming from a middle-class background; he earned his law degree from Syracuse University, and he was elected to the Senate. Biden knows that struggles of the working class and is doing his best to help even the playing field. Biden is the only choice for president.
An important and often overshadowed reason Trump should not be reelected is his current >$500 million judgments against him; this kind of debt can easily create the opportunity for foreign and domestic influence buying.

Astronomical judgments against an individual should be a standard disqualifying condition for the presidency. If the average citizen can't get a security clearance because of too much debt or a small loan through conventional means because of debt to income ratio, a candidate who hides his loans and money sources shouldn't be able to hold the highest office of the land. Trump can be easily compromised.
I don't think he has anything to worry about, financially. He is the principal shareholder of Truth Social, which is merging with Digital World Acquisition. He will hold 78 million shares of the new company, between 58 and 69 percent of its total shares, with a net worth of almost $4 billion. This is eight times the amount he owes in the New York real estate witch hunt trial.
I don't think he has anything to worry about, financially. He is the principal shareholder of Truth Social, which is merging with Digital World Acquisition. He will hold 78 million shares of the new company, between 58 and 69 percent of its total shares, with a net worth of almost $4 billion. This is eight times the amount he owes in the New York real estate witch hunt trial.
Trump should already have the cash in the bank, if he is to be believed. In an April 2023 deposition, Trump volunteered that he had substantially in excess of $400 million in cash:

"Developers usually don't have cash. They have assets, not cash," Trump said. "We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month." Trump added later that, despite the legal fees he was facing, "I have over 400 — fairly substantially over $400 million in cash. That's just cash. That's just cash."​

So, what we are seeing here is a man who can't pay his bills for the acts he's undertaken, who is simultaneously the presidential candidate of the "law and order" and "fiscal responsibility" party.

Let's get this straight... Trump is now ordered to pay, in full, for a bond in regards to a judgment relating to artificially inflating his net worth, but he can't raise enough money because he's NOT worth as much as he claims; thus, justifying the judgment against him? Trump is suffering some of the BEST irony known to man. Yet, he's too ignorant to even make that connection.

The irony just can't get much deeper.
I don't think he has anything to worry about, financially. He is the principal shareholder of Truth Social, which is merging with Digital World Acquisition. He will hold 78 million shares of the new company, between 58 and 69 percent of its total shares, with a net worth of almost $4 billion. This is eight times the amount he owes in the New York real estate witch hunt trial.
Trump needs the bond or pay the judgment in 7 days, and even if Trump's merger when through today, he's subject to a 6 month lockout period where he can't sell his shares. The people that bought shares, if they're smart, will sell them before the lockout ends, leaving Trump with a pile of penny stocks.
Trump should already have the cash in the bank, if he is to be believed. In an April 2023 deposition, Trump volunteered that he had substantially in excess of $400 million in cash:

"Developers usually don't have cash. They have assets, not cash," Trump said. "We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month." Trump added later that, despite the legal fees he was facing, "I have over 400 — fairly substantially over $400 million in cash. That's just cash. That's just cash."​

So, what we are seeing here is a man who can't pay his bills for the acts he's undertaken, who is simultaneously the presidential candidate of the "law and order" and "fiscal responsibility" party.

Let's get this straight... Trump is now ordered to pay, in full, for a bond in regards to a judgment relating to artificially inflating his net worth, but he can't raise enough money because he's NOT worth as much as he claims; thus, justifying the judgment against him? Trump is suffering some of the BEST irony known to man. Yet, he's too ignorant to even make that connection.

The irony just can't get much deeper.
You can be sure he is not "ignorant", and he's working on something. He's always one step ahead, and the Democrats should have realized this, years ago. He's sharp and anybody who believes that his public persona is his true nature is sadly mistaken. When the Truth Social merger goes through, he is going to be worth at least twice as much as he ever was, thanks to the censorship that the Democratic media used against him, and will probably be in the Oval Office for another four years.
Trump needs the bond or pay the judgment in 7 days, and even if Trump's merger when through today, he's subject to a 6 month lockout period where he can't sell his shares. The people that bought shares, if they're smart, will sell them before the lockout ends, leaving Trump with a pile of penny stocks.
Nobody can get a loan for a $500 million dollar bond.

He'll work something out. If the NYS Attorney General and the judge steal one of his buildings because he couldn't or wouldn't put up a bond, he will find a way to make it work for him - he always does.

Remember when people here insisted that he would be in prison, by now? It hasn't happened. Nor has their prediction that he would not run for president again.

The most important thing is the election; he is on track to win. He's going to get a lot of votes from people, many of them former Biden voters, who want to get rid of the illegals that the current president brought in.
Yet again, the GOP impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden has proven a complete failure. The latest was the Republicans' attempt to invite Devon Archer, a former business associate of Hunter Biden and a key witness, to appear at a public hearing Wednesday before a pair of Republican-led House panels. They never sent the invite to Archer's lawyer, so he declined it.

The entirety of the supposed Hunter Biden/Burisma connection funneling cash to Joe Biden is a nothingburger. The FBI informant has been charged with fabricating the whole multimillion-dollar bribery scheme, but the House keeps digging for nonexistent dirt.

To the everlasting shame of the Republican party, the "Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden's Abuse of Public Office" hearings into the Bidens are clearly meant to trivialize impeachment in service to Trump.

Remember when people here were raising red flags, posting news articles that insisted Biden would be well on the way to impeachment, by now? It hasn't happened. Republicans trying to pin crimes on Joe Biden while he wasn't in the office and calling it "Abuse of Public Office" is a complete joke.

When will the House GOP stop this Trump smokescreen theater/abuse of power and get to the job of working for the American people and pass our bipartisan border policy overhaul legislation to improve our border security greatly?


Trump is now positioning the violent siege and its failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election as a cornerstone of his reelection campaign. This is a dumb move.

Trump has amplified the fringe theory on the edges of the Republican Party that there was no violent siege at the Capitol on January 6th and that those who stormed the building were 'patriots'. He spouts this nonsense at his campaign rallies to rouse his most devoted voters. This is the centerpiece of a Trump rally, while he really needs to appeal instead to a general election audience.

Unfortunately for Trump, this is the one approach that is most unpopular with the broadest swath of voters. His shortsighted approach is great news for President Biden. There's a solid chance he's adlibbing whatever he thinks is getting the biggest reaction from his MAGA crowds, but it's a stupid idea. But considering that he calls himself a stable genius, he might find a way to make it work for him somehow.

He's already going to be banking on a significant number of people to "hold their nose" and vote for Trump. Those are the people who know exactly what J6 was and try their best to avoid the topic altogether. If he is the one putting it in their faces and keeping it top-of-mind, he's likely to move many of them into the "won't vote for either candidate" camp.

If that happens, all Biden has to do is make up a little bit of ground with minority voters in urban areas of swing states, and we're looking at a pretty insurmountable situation for Trump.
Voting against Biden is a no-brainer.
Biden has run the U.S into the ground. Millions of illegal aliens crossing the border, including criminals and terrorists. Trump's strong world presence kept Russia from invading Ukraine while Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal emboldened Putin into invading Ukraine. Anyone with half a brain knew America was better off during Trump's term. Who wants an electric car in the Midwest? Car dealers are having a hard time selling EVs.

Everything Biden did turned to shit. Obama himself said don't underestimate Biden's ability to f*ck things up. High gas and grocery prices all were caused courtesy of the Biden administration.
This thread is moving fast... trying to catch up :/
Trump and whomever he picks for a VP is a whole lot better than the alternative.
I said it might be Tim Scott, but he does have one glaring problem which might hinder his chance at being Trump's potential running mate—He voted to certify the election results of 2020. This could be seen as disloyal in the eyes of Trump. It's most likely a woman then.
that's why I don't even feel energized to reply to @ZFire, who makes some decent comments.
No worries, man. I know tinnitus bothers you greatly and drains up all your energy. It's probably best to conserve what energy you've got left for things that really matter, instead of political debates. Unless, of course, you think it's a good distraction for you.
Even with the radicalization of both Woke Dems and MAGA Repubs, they are still two sides of the same coin
This is an interesting observation, and one I'm leaning towards agreement. Both the far-left and far-right exhibit tendencies towards authoritarianism. And I suppose it makes sense: the more radical or extreme someone becomes, the more authoritarian they naturally become to enforce that radical ideology.

There's a political theory called the Horseshoe theory, which claims that the far-left and the far-right, aren't actually polar opposites of the political spectrum, but closely resemble each other at the curved ends of a horseshoe:


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