2024 US Presidential Election

It's not his age, it's his cognitive abilities. He was clearly pumped up on some drugs during the State of the Union.
I actually wondered about that myself. He did pretty well and came across much more intelligent than Trump ever does, although that's not saying much.

I was surprised when he said "illegal," but he said later that he regrets calling the killer of the nursing student by that term. At least he acknowledged it at the time and the serious problems with the border and immigration that aren't being addressed that have worsened drastically during his term. It could be a major losing issue for him at election time.
I actually wondered about that myself. He did pretty well and came across much more intelligent than Trump ever does, although that's not saying much.

I was surprised when he said "illegal," but he said later that he regrets calling the killer of the nursing student by that term. At least he acknowledged it at the time and the serious problems with the border and immigration that aren't being addressed that have worsened drastically during his term. It could be a major losing issue for him at election time.
I'm getting stove parts in New Ross, Ireland, and the man behind the counter asks if I'm American. I said yes. He said we watched Biden and his speech. The world finds the US the biggest laughing place for one of the most powerful countries in the world. I said yes, it is one of the reasons why I retired to Ireland.
I'm getting stove parts in New Ross, Ireland, and the man behind the counter asks if I'm American. I said yes. He said we watched Biden and his speech. The world finds the US the biggest laughing place for one of the most powerful countries in the world. I said yes, it is one of the reasons why I retired to Ireland.
How long have you been living in Ireland?
Seriously? That senile aggressive campaign-like rant? Is Ukraine and right to kill fetuses (and unborn babies) really the most important issue for State of the Union? Last I checked Ukraine wasn't in the Union. Or size of the Snickers bar?

I am so disappointed in people in general, and everywhere I turn I am disappointed more. I understand (though detest) partisanship and tribalism but being happy about what that senile moron says perplexes me. Did you people lose all shred of critical thinking? All you care about is how much he "showed them" (i.e. Repubs).

On that token, that women, Katie Britt, was beyond cringe, yes. Pathetic and babbling in a creepy poorly lit kitchen. Who the heck handled that live stream? It really would seem like there are no competent people left even advising politicians.
Who do you prefer? A 'senile' president who gets things done that the American people want or a 'senile malignant narcissist' president who wants retribution for perceived wrongs done to him, a real 'Victim King'?

I also agree with you about the 'housewife' Katie Britt. Unfortunately for the listening audience, Britt lied and made it appear as though Biden's actions were related to that immigrant rape victim's experience crossing the southern border. It actually happened in Mexico between 2004 and 2008 -- during George W. Bush's presidency.

As the Steely Dan album said, "Katy lied". Standard GOP SOP.
Who do you prefer? A 'senile' president who gets things done that the American people want or a 'senile malignant narcissist' president who wants retribution for perceived wrongs done to him, a real 'Victim King'?
Things getting done? Like what? So far, I see ever-increasing debt further fueling inflation, a bonanza for the military-industrial complex, floods of illegals (to stake the Congress in favor of the Marxists), concerted efforts at destroying the family by sponsoring vile ideologies like transgenderism, DEI, race-baiting to divide this society further.

I honestly do not understand this. It would seem like Dems want to turn the USA into Mexico, which narrows the wealthy class and poor masses with selectively doled-out welfare to play them against each other. If I were the US enemy, I'd love Dems to be in power. They may be warmongering abroad, but the real war against the American middle class is happening at home, and the middle class ain't winning.

Given both Trump and Biden are likely to kick the bucket any moment, this is going to be a VP contest. It confuses me to think anyone would want venn-diagram moron Kamala with her horse-like laugh. Let's see who Trump will pick. I cannot fathom a choice less preferable to Kamala.
I heard Trump say this about Biden: "everything Joe Biden touches turns to shit".
By venal means, you mean?
Trump has built and owned scores of world-famous buildings and 500 companies. The ambitious Attorney General of NYS, Letitia James, who is trying to use this witch hunt to become Governor of NYS, has her eye on 40 Wall Street, which she would like to steal from him.

Regardless, time is running out for the Democrats. The reelection is less than eight months away, and it is clear that Trump could beat the massively unpopular Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden.
Biden won the popular vote and the electoral college in the last election, where people were unsure about Biden being able to get stuff done. He's done way more than any other president since the 2000s.
Trump has built and owned scores of world-famous buildings and 500 companies. The ambitious Attorney General of NYS, Letitia James, who is trying to use this witch hunt to become Governor of NYS, has her eye on 40 Wall Street, which she would like to steal from him.

Regardless, time is running out for the Democrats. The reelection is less than eight months away, and it is clear that Trump could beat the massively unpopular Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden.
There is no way in hell Biden will lose this election either. I have no doubt in my mind.

His State of the Union address put to bed the age issue. He was energetic, positive, and made an incredible case on how America is great and doesn't need to be made "Great Again."
I cannot fathom a choice less preferable to Kamala.
I think the GOP was hoping that Katie Britt would be the VP pick. Her rising star has fallen a bit due to her 'storytelling'.
Bill O'Reilly thinks the U.S. is on the fast track to socialism if the Democrats have their way. He said Joe Biden acts like a simpleton, not in a mean way, just the truth. He thought the SOTU ended up being a campaign speech to the Democrats.

I'm glad Lara Trump is the head of the RNC now, a very bright person.
I think we would all be better served if we talked about the issues rather than put each other down and sling mud at the candidates. It's not productive and doesn't solve anything. Who cares if the wife split and what the candidates look like?! It's like a kindergarten playground broke out in a fight.
Oct. 4, 2019:
  • The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.
The unemployment numbers are better under Biden. The stock market peaked higher under Biden. And, wage growth, both average and peak, was higher under Biden than under Trump.
His State of the Union address put to bed the age issue. He was energetic, positive."
It's always interesting to see when reality bursts the GOP's little bubble, even if it's just for a short while. Right-wing media can spin their narratives, create the boogeymen, and indoctrinate that audience. Events like the State of the Union completely shatter that image.

For months now, Fox News has been pushing this narrative that Biden can barely function or be coherent, but then on Thursday last week, he came out swinging, making the GOP look incredibly weak on any policy stance because, well, they don't really have any.

We can already see how, in the last few days, right-wing media has been cooking up conspiracy theories (Biden taking drugs, cocaine, speed, etc), trying to explain why he suddenly seems like the opposite of what they've been saying. There are even people in this thread saying it, too.

Meanwhile, the other guy is chilling at his shite resort, on the brink of going broke, and probably snorting Adderall while having a meltdown on social media as his world crumbles around him.
Seriously? That senile aggressive campaign-like rant? Is Ukraine and right to kill fetuses (and unborn babies) really the most important issue for State of the Union? Last I checked Ukraine wasn't in the Union. Or size of the Snickers bar?
Abortion access was on the ballot in numerous states during both the 2022 elections and also special elections in 2023. The GOP has been getting lost in these special elections, and abortion is one of the main reasons why they are losing. Even Ohio, which is Trump land, approved a constitutional amendment that guarantees a state constitutional right to make and follow through with one's own choices regarding reproduction. That includes decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, continuing pregnancy, etc. Refer to Ohio Issue 1 for more details.

And more abortion-related ballot measures/referendums are expected to be on the ballot this November as well (in Maryland, New York, etc).

After the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling was overturned, which was in place for 50 years as the supreme law of the land, you can sure bet that abortion is certainly in the top 5 of important issues for voters. The election cycles over the past two years point to it if you've been following it.

And no, Ukraine is not a member of the Union, but their country is currently confronting imperialistic aggression from barbaric authoritarian forces. The US is still a superpower and leader of the free world. I think we have a responsibility to ensure that oppressive dictatorships understand they will face consequences for their actions.

Meanwhile, Trump has gone on record to say that he's okay with letting Russia 'do whatever the hell they want' to our allies in Europe. What an absolute disgraceful thing to say.
see ever-increasing debt further fueling inflation
Inflation rates have been going down, though—from 9% to 3.1%. The US was among the few countries that managed to navigate the wave of inflation better than others.

As I said before, it's a miracle we stopped inflation without a recession, and no one seems to care or notice.

I'm a proponent of Keynesian economics, so grievances and whining over government spending don't do much for me, I'm afraid. I've come to the conclusion that the 'fiscal responsibility' motto serves as deceptive political campaign rhetoric because that same side will also increase the debt when they're in office, even more so.
bonanza for the military-industrial complex
I keep hearing this argument, but I haven't seen evidence to support it. The military-industrial complex has barely intervened in the Ukrainian war. If anything, I hope the conflict in Ukraine puts at least a damper on the silly idea that the military-industrial complex controls everything, including the media. If it did, we'd already be air-dropping armored vehicles over Kyiv and spinning up new factories to build weapons like it's a game of Hearts of Iron or Age of Empires by now. Our aid for Ukraine in weapons and equipment has been so half-assed and weak.
They may be warmongering abroad, but the real war against the American middle class is happening at home, and the middle class ain't winning.
I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons why the middle class keeps shrinking is because you have policy decisions that are mostly coming from the GOP side, which favors the wealthy and corporations at the expense of working-class and middle-class people. I'm talking about tax policies, deregulation, and labor protection laws that are eroding unions. It all began with Reagan with 'the big takeover.' Globalization is also another problem where we see lots of jobs being outsourced.

Your culture wars have little to do with the actual erosion of the middle class, in my opinion. Although you do have a point (I think this is what you are saying?) about how the wealthy elites like to divide and keep lower-class people fighting with one another by exploiting differences such as race, religion, ethnicity, national backgrounds, sexuality, social status, gender, education, jobs, in attempt to hide the fact they are real culprits when it comes to economic inequality. What they really steer clear of is acknowledging the role of socioeconomic class. That would be a big problem for them. Those Occupy Wall Street protests had them shitting bricks for a moment, though.
It's perverted system, oligarchic socialism is probably the closest description
It's still a democracy, although not a very good one at the moment. Democracy doesn't work well when the population is lagging behind in education.

Historians and economists make better arguments for describing the US as a Plutocracy—simply meaning society is governed by the wealthy. All you have to do is look at our politicians' disclosure forms, and you'll see that many of them have backgrounds in business and banking—many of them on the GOP side.

Another problem that's also prevalent in the US government is the influence of big business and special interest lobbying Congress to shape policy. I wrote my thesis paper on this. With corporations being considered as 'people' (all thanks to Citizens United), they can funnel unlimited funds through super PACs to either support or oppose candidates who challenge their interests. They went after Bernie Sanders, for example, who's a socialist ironically. A democratic socialist, to be specific.
He's done way more than any other president since the 2000s
Biden's not perfect, but he has done a lot of good. For some reason, no one in this thread will acknowledge it. He is a pro-union president, unlike his predecessor. Seriously, never before has a sitting President actively participated in joining picket lines and negotiating favorable deals for auto workers as he has. He prevented an auto assembly plant from shutting down FFS.

Trump campaigned on bringing back manufacturing jobs (which failed miserably), but Biden ended up doing it. The fact that he was able to sign numerous legislation aimed at improving the long-term prospects of the US amidst today's heavily polarized political climate is shockingly impressive. But hey, I guess the good done is not enough for some people.
The unemployment numbers are better under Biden. The stock market peaked higher under Biden. And, wage growth, both average and peak, was higher under Biden than under Trump.

It's always interesting to see when reality bursts the GOP's little bubble, even if it's just for a short while. Right-wing media can spin their narratives, create the boogeymen, and indoctrinate that audience. Events like the State of the Union completely shatter that image.

For months now, Fox News has been pushing this narrative that Biden can barely function or be coherent, but then on Thursday last week, he came out swinging, making the GOP look incredibly weak on any policy stance because, well, they don't really have any.

We can already see how, in the last few days, right-wing media has been cooking up conspiracy theories (Biden taking drugs, cocaine, speed, etc), trying to explain why he suddenly seems like the opposite of what they've been saying. There are even people in this thread saying it, too.

Meanwhile, the other guy is chilling at his shite resort, on the brink of going broke, and probably snorting Adderall while having a meltdown on social media as his world crumbles around him.

Abortion access was on the ballot in numerous states during both the 2022 elections and also special elections in 2023. The GOP has been getting lost in these special elections, and abortion is one of the main reasons why they are losing. Even Ohio, which is Trump land, approved a constitutional amendment that guarantees a state constitutional right to make and follow through with one's own choices regarding reproduction. That includes decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, continuing pregnancy, etc. Refer to Ohio Issue 1 for more details.

And more abortion-related ballot measures/referendums are expected to be on the ballot this November as well (in Maryland, New York, etc).

After the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling was overturned, which was in place for 50 years as the supreme law of the land, you can sure bet that abortion is certainly in the top 5 of important issues for voters. The election cycles over the past two years point to it if you've been following it.

And no, Ukraine is not a member of the Union, but their country is currently confronting imperialistic aggression from barbaric authoritarian forces. The US is still a superpower and leader of the free world. I think we have a responsibility to ensure that oppressive dictatorships understand they will face consequences for their actions.

Meanwhile, Trump has gone on record to say that he's okay with letting Russia 'do whatever the hell they want' to our allies in Europe. What an absolute disgraceful thing to say.

Inflation rates have been going down, though—from 9% to 3.1%. The US was among the few countries that managed to navigate the wave of inflation better than others.

As I said before, it's a miracle we stopped inflation without a recession, and no one seems to care or notice.

I'm a proponent of Keynesian economics, so grievances and whining over government spending don't do much for me, I'm afraid. I've come to the conclusion that the 'fiscal responsibility' motto serves as deceptive political campaign rhetoric because that same side will also increase the debt when they're in office, even more so.

I keep hearing this argument, but I haven't seen evidence to support it. The military-industrial complex has barely intervened in the Ukrainian war. If anything, I hope the conflict in Ukraine puts at least a damper on the silly idea that the military-industrial complex controls everything, including the media. If it did, we'd already be air-dropping armored vehicles over Kyiv and spinning up new factories to build weapons like it's a game of Hearts of Iron or Age of Empires by now. Our aid for Ukraine in weapons and equipment has been so half-assed and weak.

I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons why the middle class keeps shrinking is because you have policy decisions that are mostly coming from the GOP side, which favors the wealthy and corporations at the expense of working-class and middle-class people. I'm talking about tax policies, deregulation, and labor protection laws that are eroding unions. It all began with Reagan with 'the big takeover.' Globalization is also another problem where we see lots of jobs being outsourced.

Your culture wars have little to do with the actual erosion of the middle class, in my opinion. Although you do have a point (I think this is what you are saying?) about how the wealthy elites like to divide and keep lower-class people fighting with one another by exploiting differences such as race, religion, ethnicity, national backgrounds, sexuality, social status, gender, education, jobs, in attempt to hide the fact they are real culprits when it comes to economic inequality. What they really steer clear of is acknowledging the role of socioeconomic class. That would be a big problem for them. Those Occupy Wall Street protests had them shitting bricks for a moment, though.

It's still a democracy, although not a very good one at the moment. Democracy doesn't work well when the population is lagging behind in education.

Historians and economists make better arguments for describing the US as a Plutocracy—simply meaning society is governed by the wealthy. All you have to do is look at our politicians' disclosure forms, and you'll see that many of them have backgrounds in business and banking—many of them on the GOP side.

Another problem that's also prevalent in the US government is the influence of big business and special interest lobbying Congress to shape policy. I wrote my thesis paper on this. With corporations being considered as 'people' (all thanks to Citizens United), they can funnel unlimited funds through super PACs to either support or oppose candidates who challenge their interests. They went after Bernie Sanders, for example, who's a socialist ironically. A democratic socialist, to be specific.

Biden's not perfect, but he has done a lot of good. For some reason, no one in this thread will acknowledge it. He is a pro-union president, unlike his predecessor. Seriously, never before has a sitting President actively participated in joining picket lines and negotiating favorable deals for auto workers as he has. He prevented an auto assembly plant from shutting down FFS.

Trump campaigned on bringing back manufacturing jobs (which failed miserably), but Biden ended up doing it. The fact that he was able to sign numerous legislation aimed at improving the long-term prospects of the US amidst today's heavily polarized political climate is shockingly impressive. But hey, I guess the good done is not enough for some people.
Perfect response to the suppositions, presented as fact, of the highly biased GOP disinformation regurgitated frequently by individuals here, who are so dug in that they can rarely discern the truth.

You stayed on topic and discussed issues as @AbbaZaba recommended. I'm eagerly awaiting the response of those who can stay on topic to provide rebuttals. Well said—Bravo!
Robert Kennedy Jr's campaign has confirmed that the candidate is "considering Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura as running mates."

To me, this seems like an unlikely combo to achieve election success. Maybe it will siphon the anti-vax voters from some other campaign, not sure which one.

Still wondering who will Trump pick as his running mate? Any guesses?
Mike Johnson was on Fox and mentioned Biden was more interested in Snickers bar packages than our border. He can't wait until Trump gets in the Oval Office. I think Trump and Mike Johnson will be very effective working together.
They both have serious issues. There are better candidates than Trump on the Republican side, but I can't think of any Democrats that would be better than Biden.

The latest inflation report reported 3.8% CPI (without excluding food and energy). The Fed Reserve targets inflation at 2%. So, prices are still going up way too quickly. Credit card debt is up and record number of people are drawing early from 401K plans to get by. This inflation is a big reason why so many people are down on Biden, but the pandemic and stimulus started before Biden was president. The Fed needs to stay the course and not lower interest rates too quickly.

It took about 2 years since the previous record, but the S&P 500 did finally hit a new record this year and more records since. It's important for it to keep going up so that retirement investments can keep pace with high inflation.

Trump mentioned a while back that he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, raising the costs of health care for many millions and leaving millions unable to afford health care at all.

Now Trump is talking about cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Expanded Medicaid is actually part of the ACA, but I doubt Trump even knows that.

The border is a serious issue for Biden as his administration has only made the problem worse with executive action and working against states trying to protect against the invasion. The illegals are treated better than our vets who are out on the street. This is coming at great cost to Americans. Trump is rated much higher than Biden on this issue, and Biden has failed on the matter. He's risking losing the election.
Still wondering who will Trump pick as his running mate? Any guesses?
Last I recalled, his team is advising him to choose a woman or black person, to improve his standing among those demographics. I think it will be Tim Scott. He's one of the biggest yes-man I've seen so far. Trump likes it that way.

I also hear New York Rep. Elise Stefanik's name being included in the list of Vice President candidates.
I think Scarlett Johansson did a better 'Katie Britt' than Katie Britt IMO.
It was good, but a bit disappointed she didn't sound crazier. The parody is supposed to be more unhinged than the original content, not less lol.

She destroyed Katie though.
House Republicans now want to swiftly end their Biden impeachment efforts, and surprisingly, Rep Ken Buck called out Mike Johnson's unconstitutional impeachment demands in his I quit letter.

Honestly, to me, House Republican support for the Biden impeachment seemed lukewarm from the very start (as in, most went along with it, but enough of them publicly expressed uncertainty about it to sink the whole thing).

Now, their majority is shrinking, and the amount of time they have wasted getting nothing done just keeps growing. A failed attempt to impeach Biden, or even a successful one that amounts to nothing, will just add to the pile of things they have failed to do since gaining control of the House.

I bet they will now take the "criminal referral" offramp. They can then pretend that they succeeded in what they set out to do and call the Justice Department corrupt when it declines to follow up on it.
They both have serious issues. There are better candidates than Trump on the Republican side, but I can't think of any Democrats that would be better than Biden.

The latest inflation report reported 3.8% CPI (without excluding food and energy). The Fed Reserve targets inflation at 2%. So, prices are still going up way too quickly. Credit card debt is up and record number of people are drawing early from 401K plans to get by. This inflation is a big reason why so many people are down on Biden, but the pandemic and stimulus started before Biden was president. The Fed needs to stay the course and not lower interest rates too quickly.

It took about 2 years since the previous record, but the S&P 500 did finally hit a new record this year and more records since. It's important for it to keep going up so that retirement investments can keep pace with high inflation.

Trump mentioned a while back that he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, raising the costs of health care for many millions and leaving millions unable to afford health care at all.

Now Trump is talking about cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Expanded Medicaid is actually part of the ACA, but I doubt Trump even knows that.

The border is a serious issue for Biden as his administration has only made the problem worse with executive action and working against states trying to protect against the invasion. The illegals are treated better than our vets who are out on the street. This is coming at great cost to Americans. Trump is rated much higher than Biden on this issue, and Biden has failed on the matter. He's risking losing the election.
I agree with your post with the exception of the last paragraph. Biden needs the support of Congress to pass legislation needed to meaningfully reform how this country manages immigration, something no modern President has been able to accomplish. With Trump directing the House not to pass Biden's border legislation, the current status quo will not change.

But Biden will still get the blame.
Biden's border was responsible for Laken Riley's death and all he talks about is shrinkflation in regards to Snickers bars and potato chips. He could use executive orders right now to stop the flow of illegal immigrants but he won't. Potential future Democratic voters are more important to Biden and the Democrats than Fentanyl deaths and other societal ills from open borders.
Past presidents didn't do anything about the border, not even the Republicans. Let's not forget our country is surrounded by thousands of miles of coastline, and we have a northern border as well. So, is it hate for a particular group of people or concern for American safety that is driving all this now? If it's for the safety of our country, then we would need a wall all the way around and people to man the whole thing. Let's also not forget that the terrorists on 9/11 were all here legally, folks. We just need the powers that be to actually enforce laws on the books and not accept everyone with open arms. Instead of shipping people to sanctuary cities, ship them out of the country. No six months until a hearing. It's simple: you're not here legally, and you've passed through however many countries to get here. That's not how asylum works.

I am all for helping our fellow man, but at this rate, we're not even going to have the resources to support our current population, let alone people from other countries, no matter where they're coming from. At some point, we must say enough is enough. I feel bad for you, but we can't help.

Our government needs to think about protecting our future for our kids and grandkids and stop the flow of people from all over the world, not just our southern border.
I am all for helping our fellow man, but at this rate, we're not even going to have the resources to support our current population, let alone people from other countries, no matter where they're coming from. At some point, we must say enough is enough. I feel bad for you, but we can't help.

Our government needs to think about protecting our future for our kids and grandkids and stop the flow of people from all over the world, not just our southern border.
This perspective is completely ridiculous. The United States is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world by an insane margin. You spend more money on the military than the next ten countries combined. Yet you don't guarantee basic services for all citizens like every other country in the Western world. Your healthcare system is utterly insane, with a million different overpriced private insurance plans that won't cover this and that, and when you actually need any treatment, you're still required to cough up a large amount of money. The average in-state tuition at public colleges and universities is just shy of ten grand a year. People go into insane amounts of debt in order to get the education they need so they can get a decent-paying job.

Any Norwegian citizen spends no more than $280 a year on public healthcare services. If you've spent $280 all services are free. You can see a doctor, a therapist, a physiotherapist, an ENT, or any healthcare specialist, all for free. If you need an ambulance to drive you to the hospital in an emergency, that is free, with no exceptions. Apparently, just being picked up by an ambulance in the US costs a minimum of $400, even with health insurance. Do you know how much I pay per year to go to university? I pay MINUS four grand. I get PAID to go to university and get the education I need. Four grand in US dollars. With some variations, the situation is, by and large, the same in other European countries.

You think the problem is that the United States is full. That there are no more resources to distribute. What you fail to realize is that the distribution of income and wealth in the US is utterly insane. Watch this video:

And if you think he's got to be a crazy commie socialist, take a look at the rest of his channel. The American working class and middle class are fighting for scraps, while a few people at the top hoard immense amounts of wealth and power. They own the media and brainwash you into hating immigrants and LGBT people and whatever else. They own your health insurance plan. They buy Congress to work for them rather than you. The economy is completely rigged in their favor, and yet you keep blaming immigrants instead of the ones who are actually sucking money out of your pockets.
The news today is that Trump's lawyers hired private investigators who tracked 2000+ phone calls and 12000 texts between Fulton County DA Fani Willis and her special prosecutor Natan Wade for 11 months in 2021, which was before he was hired. Many of the calls were made in the evening hours. Willis and Wade claim that their romantic relationship did not begin until after he was hired.

Based on phone tracking, it is reported that Wede visited Willis' rented condo late at night and stayed until the next morning, several times during this period. Wade testified that he never spent the night at Willis' condo, at this time, and Willis corroborated his testimony.

This evidence should be enough to disqualify Willis and Wade as prosecutors in the Trump case.

Both of them should be disbarred and tried for perjury and misusing taxpayers' funds if these allegations are found to be accurate. The state of Georgia should thank Donald Trump and his lawyers for their help in exposing corrupt government officials who engage in illegal and unethical behavior.
It appears that your bloviating was for naught. The defense 'evidence' presented to the Judge turned into a hill of beans; he ruled there was only 'an appearance' of impropriety and that the defense "failed to meet their burden of proving that the District Attorney acquired an actual conflict of interest," as opposed to any wrongdoing by Willis and Wade. Willis and her prosecuting team only need a new prosecutor to "move forward without his presence or remuneration distracting from and potentially compromising the merits of this case."

From beginning to end, this was just a distraction from the crimes that Trump committed and a way to delay his prosecution. Don't forget we all heard Trump on tape ask Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find 11,780" votes.

Trump will stand trial for election interference in Georgia, and it will be comforting to everyone who felt the prosecutor was "super underqualified" will now be replaced with someone way more qualified.
The economy is completely rigged in their favor, and yet you keep blaming immigrants instead of the ones who are actually sucking money out of your pockets.
100%. Probably the best post in this thread. Even with the radicalization of both Woke Dems and MAGA Repubs, they are still two sides of the same coin. While I despise the ideology pushed by Dems more, both of these parties, including their presidential candidates, are not really representing us - the average middle-class or even upper middle-class folks.

It's pretty sobering, especially now when I am so incapacitated by this disability. Before this, my motto was, just try living your life well, take care of the family, and enjoy your time here, you can't fix this insane injustice. Now I feel so helpless, because I cannot quite do these things as I could before.

That's why I don't even feel energized to reply to @ZFire, who makes some decent comments. @Jammer is completely engulfed by tribalism, exactly like the powers that be want us to be. They are very effective in making sure the choice we have is not a choice at all. It never was more apparent than now, when the choice is between two old senile morons.
It appears that your bloviating was for naught. The defense 'evidence' presented to the Judge turned into a hill of beans; he ruled there was only 'an appearance' of impropriety and that the defense "failed to meet their burden of proving that the District Attorney acquired an actual conflict of interest," as opposed to any wrongdoing by Willis and Wade. Willis and her prosecuting team only need a new prosecutor to "move forward without his presence or remuneration distracting from and potentially compromising the merits of this case."

From beginning to end, this was just a distraction from the crimes that Trump committed and a way to delay his prosecution. Don't forget we all heard Trump on tape ask Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find 11,780" votes.

Trump will stand trial for election interference in Georgia, and it will be comforting to everyone who felt the prosecutor was "super underqualified" will now be replaced with someone way more qualified.
How do you know what will happen? Has Fani Willis said that she would stay on the case, and hire a new prosecutor?

The judge is up for reelection and wanted to straddle the fence in this highly political case.

If she refuses to quit, and the Willis Circus continues, it will be good news for Trump and the other defendants. Having a district attorney this unprofessional, with an admonishment of her by the judge of several dozen pages, will work to the advantage of the defense.

See The Washington Post article, a significant setback for Fani Willis.

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