2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. Fields

      Fields Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Noise trauma
      It seems pretty certain now that Harris will replace Biden as the Democratic nominee. She's already clinched the majority of the delegates.

      She's also raised over 100 million USD in under 24 hours, which is apparently a record. Combining that with the funding that was already raised for Biden should make for a significant war chest.

      Meanwhile, the Republican party looks to be in panic mode:
      • Calling Biden's exit a coup
      • Trump calling for refunds of campaign money
      • Nikki Haley endorsing Harris
      • Mike Johnson suggesting that states should be blocked from removing Biden from ballots
      This is going to be a wild ride.
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    2. IYIiKe

      IYIiKe Member

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      Possible Ototoxic Reaction to Sertraline and Hydroxyzine
      Trump is all those things, and your last comment about Harris... so...
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    3. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      So... it is a tragedy either way. It is hard to determine lesser evil here, but I lean towards Harris being more evil given the destructive social agenda the cult Democrats promote. Trump and his redneck supporters are just primitive rubes.

      P.S. This thread proves that the ruling class politics of divide and conquer works perfectly. We should be going after the billionaire class, but we are discussing the merits of having some clown puppets of presidents. Both Trump and Harris are despicable. And they will not represent me or you. We are peons to be taken advantage of and spit out. If it weren't like this, we would not be run in circles to get basic help or care for our ailments.

      So everyone arguing one way or another in this thread - sorry you have been played, idiots. Enjoy your "choice" at the voting booth!
    4. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      I hope Harris (dumb as a box of rocks laughing hyena) resigns due to all the deaths caused by her open border so Mike Johnson can be the interim President.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
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      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      Nikki Haley said Trump has her strong endorsement. It's the "Haley Voters for Biden group" that endorsed Kamala Harris. So, now they're "Haley Voters for Harris."
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      • Informative Informative x 1
    6. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise trauma, hearing loss
      Hi brother,

      Thanks for asking about my family. We are well and visiting my brother, his wife, my niece, and my mom in Holland. Holland is a great country to visit, and it is much colder, which is refreshing. We have done a lot of cycling and are chill.

      I hope your inflammation reduces in time and your Eustachian tube eases up. I saw some good stretches on YouTube for the Eustachian tube. They work but are not easy. You should try to do some walking every day and some simple stretches and weights if you can.

      My tinnitus is loud and constant, but I am no longer scared. It is a challenge I wrestle with, and being focused on something and having low-level noise helps; outside is best.

      You are lucky to have contact with wildlife; many humans don't.

      My desire for the US election hasn't changed, and I found your name-calling of VP Harris in poor taste, but of course, it's your call. I am disillusioned with humanity generally and try to stay positive to keep my spirits up and feel good.

      I hope you and your family are well, and I will catch you around.

      • Winner Winner x 2
    7. Fields

      Fields Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise trauma
      Ah, yes, you're right. I misread.

      I wonder how many members this PAC consists of.
    8. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      It could as well read: "Brainwashed Haley suburban hags for military-industrial complex!"

      Seriously, we have no hope as long as people like you @RunningMan fall for this charade. "Occupy Wall St" freaked the elites out. That's why they killed it with the woke Black Lives Matter bullshit.
    9. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      I am not high on Harris. She was the border czar for Biden and didn’t live up to that name. Think of all the deaths caused by her open border policy. Her cackling laugh is a turnoff, and she promotes abortion too much. I'm sorry you are offended by some comments I’ve read on X, like “Harris is dumb as a rock.”

      Yeah, I’m disappointed to have tinnitus. It takes the joy out of life, and there’s no decent treatment for it.
      Actually, most bikers including Harley owners like Trump.
    10. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      I'm not falling for anything. But look on the bright side. It's no longer two senile old guys that you have a choice of, which you were complaining about earlier in the thread. There's now someone intelligent you can vote for that has a chance of winning. I definitely don't support the far-left agenda, anarchy in the streets, and such, but we need to prevent the old, senile, immoral, lying, stupid Trump from becoming president again. So we really only have one choice.
      Remember, the situation at the border is actually due to Trump killing the bipartisan negotiated border deal. Trump obviously didn't care about slowing down the illegals as much as using the issue for his own political gain. See the link I posted about that earlier. I would rather listen to Harris laugh than hear Trump repeating the same old comments and lies without any substance.
    11. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
      That border legislation was part of a larger deal that allowed Biden to include tens of billions more tax money for Ukraine.

      Biden is a serial liar; Trump was right to oppose the bill because Biden was the one responsible for the influx of ten to twenty million illegals in the first place. Anybody who would do that cannot be trusted.

      Harris slept her way to the top; everybody knows it, including despots and allies alike. She has not done a single thing as VP to help this country.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    12. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      That wasn't why the Republicans killed it. It was because of Trump and border security/immigration parts.

      The Ukraine spending was later passed in a separate foreign aid bill:

      US Senate passes $95 Billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

      And the Republicans still killed the border bill without that:

      Senate Republicans block bipartisan border security bill for a second time
      • Agree Agree x 2
    13. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      Rep. Clay Higgins:

      It’s just not right. Unspeakable grief. Two beautiful Louisiana American teenagers killed by a drunk driving illegal alien. Two more American families destroyed by Mayorkas and Biden. Becca and I are heartbroken for the kids and their family but I’m also enraged and I’m ready to see Mayorkas take that long walk.

      • Informative Informative x 1
    14. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
      Some Democrats voted against it, as well.

      The best way to fix the border problem that Joe Biden caused is to let Trump handle it. He knows how to get things done and has more experience than most people would have in ten ordinary lifespans.
    15. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      One may no longer be senile, but sorry, these are still two idiots! Crazy Trump hatred or tribalism must be really blinding you... Harris intelligent? Please.

      She is also dangerous. Equity may be coming your way, @RunningMan...

      Kamala Harris word salads leave social media...

      ‘Cackling idiocy’: Sky News host...
    16. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
      If you commented using such derogatory terms about virtually any other racial or religious group, you would be condemned, and the post likely removed, but it's fine to bash working-class Southern whites whom you feel superior to.

      There is no excuse for this, and if you are white, that does not give you the right to viciously deride those who are from a different background than yourself.
    17. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      You conveniently left out the other part of my comment. I despise Biden/Harris supporters even more than I despise Trump's. This is partly because I am charitable towards simple folk (I like simple folk, often good people) and appreciate their predicament of being assaulted by the evil espoused by the Democratic party. Sadly, Trump is not their (or yours) savior.

      Gotta say Tinnitus Talk is pretty lenient here when it comes to expressing political opinions and views.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    18. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
      Nobody is looking for a savior; we simply need somebody who can get things done efficiently and not cause WWIII.

      Tinnitus Talk would not be "lenient" if you said that segments of groups such as Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Jews, Arabs, Native Americans, etc., are "primitive".
    19. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      He will not do shit; his administration was patently ineffective, except for signing off the first tranche of helicopter money during COVID-19 and igniting inflation. But yes, not starting WWIII would be a plus.

      We are screwed either way, I am afraid.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    20. Fields

      Fields Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Noise trauma
      A hypothetical question for the Republican-minded users on Tinnitus Talk:

      If Trump were to lose, who could the Republican party put forward in 2028? I would assume that Trump is no longer an option by then. Would Trump's base support well-known Republicans such as Rubio, Ramaswamy, or DeSantis?

      There has been some mention of possibly one of Trump's children stepping up – but would they hold the same sway?

      To be clear, I'm not trying to insinuate Trump will lose. I'm just curious to hear your opinions on possible future candidates.
    21. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      Why do you despise Trump so much? Are you from a Northeast Blue State? Trump’s policies were a hell of a lot better than the Biden/Harris policies. I don’t look at Trump’s personality so much. Trump-Vance will get the southern border under control and possibly help end the Ukraine/Russia war.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    22. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
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      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      Thank you. Those are my feelings about Trump. Anything he can actually get done is bad, like leaving 40,000,000 Americans without healthcare and raising prices on everything even more through Trump tariffs that get passed on to American citizens.

      Towards the end of Trump's presidency, generals were concerned that Trump would start a war. Let's not give him that chance again.

      Top general was so fearful Trump might spark war that he made secret calls to his Chinese counterpart

      Harris isn't perfect, but Trump is a non-starter. Hopefully, the uneducated MAGA Trumpers won't be enough to get him elected again. He sure as hell isn't looking out for their best interest.
      • Agree Agree x 3
    23. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Looking at the Republican primary, there was a long list of unsuitable candidates. Burgum did not seem terrible, but who knows? DeSantis needs a face transplant before he looks good on TV, so he's a no-go. To be honest, Pence was maybe the only decent guy, but obviously, he did not and will not have a chance in hell.

      But your question wasn't who is a good candidate, who is likely a candidate, but a totally different one. It is sad to think one of Trump's progeny could be. Suddenly, Harris could look intelligent, indeed.

      God help us all.
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      • Informative Informative x 1
    24. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump said that that story was "fabricated," and if Milley had called China, the way the articles describe, he should be tried for treason.

      When Trump was president, we had peace in the world for four years. That all changed when Biden took over.

      Trump is the peace candidate. Harris, like Biden, is a War Hawk.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Funny Funny x 1
    25. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      Don't you realize Trump lies every time he starts moving his mouth?

      There was no world peace under Trump. And you can read about some of Trump's lies at the RNC here.

      Harris called Trump out this week about his desire to cut Social Security and the Affordable Care Act.

      She said, “His extreme Project 2025 agenda. Can you believe they put that thing in writing? Read it. It’s 900 pages. But here’s the thing. When you read it, you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare. He intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and make working families foot the bill. They intend to end the Affordable Care Act. And take us back, then, to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.”
      • Agree Agree x 3
    26. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump has already said he did not write Project 2025 and disavowed much of what is in it.

      For 50 to 60 years, the Democrats have said, during every election and in between, that the Republicans are going to eliminate or drastically cut Social Security and Medicare, which has never happened under any Republican administration. The Democrats' tactic is FEAR, and they accomplish this through lies, over and over, until their voters believe them.

      Kamala is the lying successor to Joe Biden and will fail to contain the wars that started under his administration because this is what she has been installed to do.

      It's amazing how many in the world must die because of the people running this country through the Democrats they control.
      • Like Like x 1
    27. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      I watched a short segment of Trump’s rally in North Carolina. He does exaggerate a bit but has a nice sense of humor. He said Kamala Harris (the border Czar) allowed 15-20 million illegal aliens into the U.S., including people similar to the fictional character Hannibal Lector (he wants to eat you for dinner).

      Trump seems back to normal already after his nearly fatal assassination attempt just 11 days ago. He mentioned Harris being the border Czar several times. Harris has never talked to the border chief Brandon Judd.
    28. Fields

      Fields Member

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      Noise trauma
      To be fair, the Republican party does the exact same thing, but on different topics. A few big talking points are immigration, job security, the radical left, and Harris.

      The Democrats, on the other hand, will talk about housing, health care, education, and Trump.

      Both parties are prone to using hyperbole. The Republican party is more prone to childish name-calling, though. Especially Trump. Here are a few examples.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    29. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      Trump recently said there should be cuts to Social Security and Medicare, which he called Entitlements. As far as people dying, imagine how many people will die when their health care under ACA, Medicaid, and Medicare is cut under another horrific Trump presidency. We already talked about the blood on Trump's hands earlier in this thread. Senior citizens already have a tough time paying the bills after all the inflation that Trump unleashed during his pandemic spending and tax cuts for multi-millionaires and billionaires. Now, he wants to cut Social Security, which already isn't keeping up with seniors' expenses. Add all those new tariffs Trump promises, and prices will skyrocket even further.
      He exaggerates and lies more than any other politician I've ever seen. The border situation isn't good, but you can thank Trump and the Republicans for sinking the bipartisan negotiated border bill they were set to pass until Trump urged them not to pass it because he thought it would benefit him politically. But Americans are on to his charade.
    30. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      Dinesh D'Souza:

      Trump’s security—and therefore his life—is in the hands of his chief political rivals and opponents: Biden, Mayorkas, Kim Cheatle. Think of how scary that is. Is it out the question that these people might be more than okay with disposing of a dangerous political adversary?
      That’s ridiculous. It had been over three years before Biden and the Democrats proposed a flawed bill that would have allowed approximately 1.2 million immigrants per year and would have been codified into law; that’s why Mike Johnson never took it up in the House.

      Biden’s poll numbers were dropping because of the border crisis, so they tried to pass a flawed bill after approximately 10 million illegal aliens had already crossed into this country.

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