2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Kennedy is scheduled to make a major announcement in Philadelphia on Monday, Oct. 9, which is expected to be about running as an independent. This could be a game-changer for Biden and Trump. I'm guessing that if more Democrats than Republicans vote for him, along with most independents, he could throw the election to Trump. In a different outcome, more Trump voters switching to Kennedy would have the opposite effect, or perhaps Kennedy could get more votes than either of them and win, which is his goal. It will be interesting to see how this develops.
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    2. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Cornel West has announced he is running as an independent, having dropped the Green Party.
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    3. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Glad to hear that, he'll take votes away from Biden.

      West is also against our involvement in the Ukraine/Russia war, in addition to Kennedy and Trump.
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    4. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      We have this feeling in Europe too. In Spain there are a bunch of kleptocrats in power right now. The extreme and radical left is in office and ruining the country fast; they are radical communists. And the opposition parties are routinely blocked because a bunch of ex-terrorists and separatists support the radical communists and very likely they will stay in power despite having lost the general election.

      And in other countries the situation is similar. Democracy has been stolen from voters because politicians do whatever they like after receiving the trust and the votes of their supporters. Politicians alter what was promised or fail to deliver, or just do the opposite thing. Or they steal democracy from the winners of the election... for instance there is a party who wins and then 10 different small parties ally to be in power together... and they pay themselves with the money of the taxpayers, they just steal and take what they like.

      That's the situation in Spain right now. And in other countries you have Germany leaning to the left, destroying the country...

      And the US political arena is just as you explained: two bad options and the citizens taken as hostages.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Funny Funny x 1
    5. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      The Biden Impeachment inquiry is hardly baseless with the mountain of evidence presented by the House Oversight Committee. Raskin, Goldman, AOC and others saying it is baseless was completely ridiculous. The House Democrats want to cover for crooked Joe when everyone knows he’s guilty. James Comer and Company are proving that despite the White House stonewalling.
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    6. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      If he'd only pay his taxes! Deadbeat.
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    7. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      This 10-minute video is worth watching, it relates to the Donald Trump fraud trial in NYC.

      Trump's New York fraud ruling sets...
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    8. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Another false promise from Biden: "There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1," he told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro during an interview with journalists from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists. This was in 2020. He is now planning to build new sections of walls along parts of Texas’ border with Mexico.

      Biden administration presses forward with border wall plans in Texas, angering allies
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    9. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      When NYS Attorney General Letitia James was campaigning, she vowed she was going to "Get Trump". Here are some quotes, which are from videos of James speaking and chanting to her audiences:

      "His days are numbered", referring to President Donald Trump.

      "We've got to get ready to mobilize, we've got to get ready to agitate and irritate until victory is won but more importantly until Trump is defeated."

      "I'm going to give you the same level of respect that you gave to President Obama, and that is absolutely no respect at all."

      "Hey Hey Ho Ho Donald Trump has got to go...", shouted over and over with her supporters, in the street.

      "Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up..."

      She now denies that she based her campaign on "Getting Trump". James is currently prosecuting him in a very large, controversial civil trial in the State Supreme Court.
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    10. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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    11. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      I don't have a problem with this, especially considering that Trump eventually denigrates anyone and everyone that has ever supported him. Loyalty is a one way street with him.
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    12. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I hope Jim Jordan is the new Speaker of the House of Representatives. He listens to the American people, unlike Biden. He thinks there should be an objective in the Russian/Ukraine war before the U.S taxpayers give more money. This is common sense says Jordan. I agree.
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    13. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Having an unpleasant personality is not against the law.

      The charges of fraud, which have been brought in NYS against Trump, have been described by Alan Dershowitz, who is not a fan of Trump, as totally political.

      NYS Attorney General Letitia James claims that Mar-a-Lago is worth 18 million dollars, which is ridiculous. This is one of the largest mansions in the country with 126 rooms and is 62,500 square feet. There are co-ops in Manhattan apartment buildings, which sell for well over 50 million dollars, and she expects us to believe that Trump's mansion and property are worth of fraction of those.

      This case should be dropped and Letitia James removed from her post as NYS Attorney General.

      More about Mar-a-Lago, which became a National Historic Landmark in 1980:

      Wikipedia: Mar-a-Lago
    14. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      She has had TDS since 2018. I’ve seen video clips of her back then. Professor Alan Dershowitz predicted this in his book “Get Trump”.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    15. jjflyman

      jjflyman Member

      Michigan, USA
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      The object is to stop Putin before he crosses a NATO border, because then it's World War III.
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    16. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump is a "loser"? He owns 50 companies, is worth several billion dollars, was the president of the United States for four years, and is currently running again while fighting several court cases brought against him by those who wish to stop him. That does not sound like a loser, according to any definition that I can think of. We had peace in most parts of the world, during his term, and if it wasn't for COVID-19, for which he was blamed to a large degree, he would have beat Biden in 2020.

      That being said, Kennedy would probably be a better choice in 2024, and he is expected to announce his candidacy on Monday, Oct. 9. Another candidate, Cornel West, a Progressive independent, will no doubt take votes from Biden, but there's not much chance of him winning. Any of these three would be better than Biden and/or Kamala.
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    17. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Israel is at war and the GOP doesn't know what to do, their heads might just explode... The obsession their voters have with Israel and not wanting to pass any more war funding are real problems for them.

      The Republicans showed their hand by immediately making this an American political issue somehow — they don't actually care about Israel at all. They like authoritarians like Putin, and they don't like non-caucasians like Palestinians. Netanyahu's Israel ticks those boxes enough for them.

      Because of Republicans, we have no ambassador to Israel, no House speaker, compromised military readiness thanks to a backlog in promotions, and a government teetering on the brink of a shutdown while the world is on fire.

      And maybe reinstating McCarthy will solve their crisis; I guess NOW they care about foreign military aid?

      Why should the Democrats help elect him again when he repeatedly backstabs and renegs on agreements? Why should we deliver aid to Israel? They are already one of the foremost powers in the Middle east and they can take care of themselves.
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      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    18. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      In the US an attempted coup d'état by Trump supporters was condemned and some of the offenders were jailed.

      As a comparison, in Spain there is a "government" formed by radical communists who want to ILLEGALLY pardon those who attempted a coup d'état in 2017:

      Mass protest in Barcelona against possible amnesty for Catalan separatists | Spain | The Guardian

      Now the radical communists call this "amnesty" and they use all kinds of euphemisms and detours to avoid saying clearly that they want to break the law and the Spanish Constitution.

      I am just posting this to show that at least the US seems a true democracy, while Spain is just governed as a banana republic where the rule of law does not exist and therefore is a country where no one can invest, because the institutions cannot be trusted.
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    19. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      Today the radical communists in Spain have decided to "pardon" people from their own political party, who stole at least 600 million euros.

      Does this happen in the US too? Do presidents pardon people who were in office, from their own party, who have been convicted in court from stealing public money, the money of the taxpayers?
      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    20. jjflyman

      jjflyman Member

      Michigan, USA
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      A disturbing developing story from Newsweek. Apparently Trump shared sensitive information with Putin in 2017 about Israeli defensive capability and weakness in their "Iron Dome". The story alleges Putin shared this information with the Iranians in exchange for Iranian weapons for Russia's war with Ukraine. It also alleges the Palestine terrorists were then trained in Iran to assault Israel and exploit any defensive weakness.
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    21. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      RFK Jr announced 3 hours ago that he's running as an independent, which is aomething most Democrats realized from the beginning; he never was a Democrat.

      His embrace of far-right talking points is expected to woo voters away from Donald Trump. Current polling indicates his favorability ratings are far higher among Republicans. It’s unlikely he’ll pull a lot of voters away from Trump, but he could pull just enough to turn the election decisively for Joe Biden.
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    22. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Correction: The Trump Organization owns 500, not 50, companies.
      Kennedy is getting 14% at the moment. Republicans, at least officially, consider him to be left-wing.

      The popularity polls are currently favoring Trump over Biden.

      The outbreak of terrorism in the Middle East is said to be partially the fault of Biden, due to his giving six billion dollars to Iran, which supports Hamas. Chuck Schumer and other politicians are appealing to China to influence Iran in this matter. Isn't this Biden's job?

      Biden's foreign policies regarding Ukraine, have been instrumental in creating and prolonging the war with Russia, with no support for negotiations, and the death tolls are now in the six figure range, with massive destruction that the American taxpayer will be further burdened with paying for at the the conclusion of the war.

      Eric Adams. the Democratic mayor of New York, which is overrun with Biden's "migrants" (illegal immigrants), is on a tour of Central America to try to convince them not to come here, due to indifference from the White House when asked for help. Other Democratic mayors of similarly affected cities are also taking steps to stop this influx.

      Biden can't even control his own dogs, much less handle the responsibilities that are required of the presidency.
      • Agree Agree x 3
    23. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      It's funny how American politicians are classified, haha...

      If RK Jr is left wing, then, what's the Spanish "government"? Yesterday, asked about Hamas and the war in Israel, Spain's vice president Yolanda Díaz said "she cannot be sure Hamas is a terrorist group". Amazing, huh?
      I don't see how Biden can ask anything from the Chinese, the country he is trying to screw up... and which is, ironically, his banker.

      Let me add that Biden is trying badly to provoke a conflict around Taiwan. The Chinese are not falling for it so far. They are not as silly as the Russians.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    24. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump is doomed:

      A civil case entering its second week threatens to put on display unprecedented details about how Trump’s business operated

      Paywall. I paste the article below:
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    25. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Thanks for the article.

      They seem to be unaware or choose to ignore the fact, that all NYC commercial real estate brokers and owners overvalue property, often estimating the size by 200% or higher. We are not talking about a few, or most, but ALL of them. The banks do not complain, because they can make larger loans, which generate more interest. The government does not care, because property taxes are higher. The businesses that rent property pass the higher costs to their customers. This is why NYC is so much more expensive than the vast majority of other cities in the country.

      It's completely unfair to go after Trump, as they all do it because it's the standard business practice in the New York Real Estate Industry.
    26. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Dunno about that. Thanks to her, a class action lawsuit (which I was a part of) against scummy Town Sports International Holdings, the parent company of New York Sports Club, was successful. They continued to charge us monthly gym dues during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and through her persistent efforts, we were finally able to obtain our refunds. I’ll remember that.
      I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest by this if it did turn out to be true.

      I see Trump as an asset of Putin. Not a direct one, but he played to his tune. The man is enamored with dictators and have also threatened to pull the US out of NATO on multiple occasions when he was in office. That kind of rhetoric is music to Putin’s ears. This is the same guy that called Putin a ‘genius’ at the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Seriously...
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      • Funny Funny x 1
    27. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      That's true.

      The problem with the Trump fraud case is that every single commercial landlord and real estate agent in NYC overestimates the size of their properties and they overvalue by a lot. All of them do this, with no exceptions.

      Prosecuting Trump is a stepping-stone for James, to the office of Governor. She failed to do this with Cuomo, so this is her last chance.

      Dershowitz, a Democrat, has said the entire case is political.
    28. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump supporters primarily started supporting RFK Jr because of name and brand recognition. They said “hey I know that guy as a rich and successful businessman”.

      The Q-Anon group latched on to the JFK Jr conspiracy because of name recognition with him and his father (and their untimely deaths).

      RFK Jr has the Kennedy name and a crackpot conspiratorial worldview. Of course he was always going to siphon more MAGA voters than Democrats.
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    29. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      There are various opinions regarding whether Kennedy will pull votes from Biden or Trump. They all have valid points. I tend to think that he will hurt the Democrats the most. Biden's popularity is in very bad shape. The majority of Americans are on board with Kennedy, as to the origin of COVID-19 being Fauci's lab in Wuhan. A significant percentage of the country is also fed up with lockdowns and endless, hardly-tested, and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    30. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      I hear the circus music in the distance behind the hills. The clowns could come marching into town as early as this afternoon.

      The boring rational part of me wants to say that after the McCarthy debacle last time, they have likely made sure that this vote will go down easy without any huge complications.

      However... I wouldn't be disappointed to see it turn into an absolutely mortifying display of political ineptitude that culminates in no speaker despite weeks of repeated failed votes.

      People need regular reminders of what Republican 'leadership' looks like these days, so it would be a service to our country in the long run.
      I think you have it backwards. Just my opinion.
      • Agree Agree x 1

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