2024 US Presidential Election

Literally on Putin's side. Really disgusting.
"Disgusting"? That's a laugh.

Why did Zelenskyy cancel the election in 2024, and declare martial law? This war has been going on for three years, and he does not want to do anything to end it.

A poll (Jan 2025) shows that Ukrainians' trust in President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dropped from 77% in late 2023 to 52% in late 2024.

Ukraine has trillions of dollars in natural resources, yet Biden gave this country hundreds of billions of our money, in aid. The corruption should be investigated, on both sides.

Zelenskyy needs to be replaced, but if he remains president he must given an ultimatum so that negotiations can begin.
Russia started this invasion on Ukraine. No amount of Russian propaganda or lies will steal that truth away.
Why did Zelenskyy cancel the election in 2024, and declare martial law?
Imagine criticizing someone for declaring martial law in the midst of an ongoing war in their country, especially while they face brutal indiscriminate bombings from evil incarnate.

I won't bother with the rest of your predictable response (still think the US is just handing out paychecks to Ukraine huh?), but now that your cult leader has lied about Ukraine starting this war, you will also need to defend that by any means necessary.
It's unbelievable. Or maybe not, given Trump is in position again. He's always "had a thing" for dictators. Nevertheless, disgusting.
Agreed. Trump's infatuation with dictators has been known for a while. Honestly, what's also horrible about this, is that he is now spewing complete lies on how Ukraine started this war and is absolving Russia.

We're seriously living in a post-truth Orwellian reality within the US now (almost like 1984). Brainwashing and gaslighting people on a massive scale. You repeat a lie over and over again, it becomes truth. This is what Trump embodies.

The US is a lost cause at this point. I just hope Europe will start to rise up together in unifying fashion and help Ukraine till the end.

So, let me get this straight…

The USA wins World War II, then spends almost a lifetime doing everything in its power to achieve victory in the Cold War against Russia. It wins that as well, securing unchallenged power and dominance over much of the free world—and beyond.

Then, decades later, it throws all of that away because of some personal vendetta, buddying up with a dictator or whatever the hell this is?

And here we are.

We're all going to suffer to death from tinnitus anyway, so why should we care, right?
Trump had some things to say, this morning, about Zelenskyy, Ukraine, and peace negotiations. I will outline some of his key points.

Former comedian Zelenskyy got the United States to spend 350 billion dollars on a war that could not be won, should never have begun, and can not be settled without the United States. America has spent 200 billion dollars more than Europe, and while Europe's money is guaranteed, ours is not. Zelenskyy admits that half of the money sent by us is "missing".

Why is the United States paying so much, when this war is a far more critical issue for Europe?

Ukrainian presidential elections are held every five years. The last one was in 2019, and he canceled the presidential election in 2024, like any good dictator would.

Biden never tried to end the war.

Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, Ukraine is shattered and many have died.
Their budget resolution is indeed a joke, but this was to be expected if you had a brain, which many Americans don't have unfortunately.

Not only is there a $4.5T in tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, but their budget also:
  • Increases debt ceiling by $4 trillion.
  • $300 billion in new spending for border security (including judiciary/immigration judges and border patrol)
  • $880 billion in Medicaid program cuts
  • 20% cut ($230 billion) in SNAP program funding
  • Ending school breakfast and lunch program (very Christ-like!)
  • $330 billion in education cuts

GOP have actually managed to convince people that they are the party of working class families. Clown world.

Literally on Putin's side. Really disgusting.
After four disastrous years of Trump's first presidency, I knew how bad he was likely to be again, and I braced myself for the inevitable harm he would bring to the country this time around, but he has managed to exceed my worst expectations in record time.
After four disastrous years of Trump's first presidency, I knew how bad he was likely to be again, and I braced myself for the inevitable harm he would bring to the country this time around, but he has managed to exceed my worst expectations in record time.
You're are nuttier than squirrel turds. TDS is real.
Former comedian Zelenskyy got the United States to spend 350 billion dollars on a war that could not be won, should never have begun, and can not be settled without the United States. America has spent 200 billion dollars more than Europe, and while Europe's money is guaranteed, ours is not. Zelenskyy admits that half of the money sent by us is "missing".
Fake news.

The US has sent roughly 110 to 120 billion USD in aid.

Europe has sent roughly 130 to 150 billion USD in aid (with another large amount yet to be allocated).
Americans: "Let's burn bridges with all of our friends and allies and start trusting the Russians!"

Meanwhile, the Russians:


Honestly, it is quite impressive what Putin has accomplished. He called the collapse of the Soviet Empire "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century". It's pretty obvious that he wants a restoration of the USSR. Now NATO is in shambles and Americans have an unfavourable view of Europe and a favorable view of him. Ukraine is his to take. All thanks to his disinformation campaign aimed at the US.

Meanwhile, China is taking notes and see that they can get Taiwan by making more and more Americans believe that Taiwan is ripping them off and not doing enough to defend themselves. All it takes is a few troll farms. It's a spectacular comeback for communism and authoritarianism.

Good job, America!
Then, decades later, it throws all of that away because of some personal vendetta, buddying up with a dictator or whatever the hell this is?
Hillary Clinton was probably right. There must have been intel about Trump being compromised way back then.
Ukrainian presidential elections are held every five years. The last one was in 2019, and he canceled the presidential election in 2024, like any good dictator would.
Maybe you should do some research instead of parroting your cult leader's misinformation. Ukrainian law prohibits holding elections under martial law. The public supports a delayed election. Plus, Russia is currently occupying about 20% of Ukrainian territory, which means displaced voters in those regions. A major disruption to the voting process.

Meanwhile Putin, the actual dictator, has been in power for over 20+ years. They run sham elections every 6 years in Russia, where Putin wins 90% of the "vote". They don't even pretend to hide their ballet stuffing anymore. Putin also rewrote the Russian constitution so that he can 'reset' his term limits under some bullshit technicality.

But carry on-- Zelenskyy bad, Putin good.
After four disastrous years of Trump's first presidency, I knew how bad he was likely to be again, and I braced myself for the inevitable harm he would bring to the country this time around, but he has managed to exceed my worst expectations in record time.
Yeah, it's really bad. He is doing exactly what you think he would do. There's something new with this chaotic lunatic every day.
Finally, U.S. is respected in the world again!

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If Zelenskyy does not want Trump to help stop the war, he can say so.

Trump is an expert negotiator and strategist, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks. Zelenskyy is a corrupt, power-hungry war monger.

Biden did nothing but throw money at Zelenskyy and Kamala had no plans to change these policies if she had won.
A summary of the negotiations:

People who think this war should continue should enlist in the Ukrainian army. It's been a stalemate at best, with 100s of thousands killed. Give Trump some credit for negotiating an end to this madness.

You have to be a goofy bastard to want the Ukraine-Russia war to continue.
Focusing on the relevance to our struggles with tinnitus, Trump's massive cuts to the CDC and FDA will have serious implications for future treatment approvals (Auricle anyone?), research, and clinical trials. One of the many positions eliminated was the director of the Office of Product Evaluation and Quality at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, the very office responsible for approving medical devices.

How will anything get approved to help us if the office overseeing it has no leadership?

Yet again, to all the Trump supporters, why the silence on this? You are here in the forum, surely suffering immensely and looking for relief as soon as possible. So where is the outrage? I am simply baffled.

Is it really that hard to see through the smoke and mirrors? Trump is following the classic playbook for dictatorship. He is attacking:
  • Arts and leisure (budget cuts to Parks and Recreation, privatization, and drilling in national parks)
  • Education (cuts and attempts to dismantle the Department of Education)
  • Healthcare (cuts to the NIH, CDC, and FDA)
  • Civil rights (removing protections for women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups)
For the first time in history, elected representatives were denied access to the Department of Education, while Elon Musk, who was not elected, was inside. Armed guards were even called in to prevent access.

He is trying to privatize the USPS, which would allow him to control access to information and its distribution. He is flooding the courts and Congress with executive orders, many of them illegal or unconstitutional, to keep them overwhelmed and distracted. He pardoned criminals who attempted to overthrow the government and murder elected officials. In the past, such acts of treason would have led to execution, yet he let them go.

He is installing loyalists in high positions of power while using scapegoats, immigrants, to distract his base from what he is doing behind the scenes: tax cuts for himself and his allies, consolidating power, and making more money.

My grandmother was a teenager during World War Two. She is almost 95 now, and she has warned me from the beginning that she has seen this before. She lived through it once already. Every red flag is being raised. Every checkbox is being marked. Historians are sounding the alarm.

Many people I know voted for him for the economy. But with all his executive orders, he has not lowered grocery or gas prices. They are actually higher. Look at the price of eggs. And he is making it worse by limiting the government's ability to communicate with farmers and study the bird flu epidemic to prevent its spread.

Your taxes will likely go up under his tax plan. The diversity equity and inclusion protections he abolished? Those probably helped those of us who need accommodations for tinnitus and other hearing related conditions. Now they are gone.

You know who else did all of this? Came to power during economic hardship with no real qualifications for political leadership. People said, but he is different. He is going to change things. I am sure Germans could tell you a little about that one. Replace illegals with Jewish and you can figure out the rest.

But Trump is a businessman. He will fix things.

Besides the fact that he has a long history of failed businesses, since when do we glorify CEOs as being good for the average worker? They are the ones who lay off employees while increasing their own bonuses. And the United States is not a corporation, nor should it ever be. We do not need a CEO, which is just a euphemism for a dictator. We need a leader, someone who strengthens alliances, Trump did the opposite, unites the country, he has divided it even further, and helps ordinary people live without worrying about government and politics because it just runs in the background while we live our lives.

Every action Trump takes is the opposite of what a good president would do. We are once again the laughingstock of the world stage. His base only fuels even more extreme ideas. In Arizona, proposed legislation would require men to give consent for women to access birth control and reproductive healthcare, straight out of The Handmaids Tale. Should I pull out my red coat now? Blessed be the fruit, indeed.

I feel lucky I had my baby last year. With the deletion of CDC databases, references my doctor would have used to check for side effects, tinnitus anyone?, medication interactions, or vaccine information are now gone.

For those who say, just ignore it, turn off the news for the next four years, do not care about politics, we do not have that luxury. Ask the German citizens who were forced to dig mass graves in the ruins of concentration camps how ignoring it and just living their lives turned out.

Trump's presidency is a nightmare worse than I ever imagined. How can anyone still support him? How can they not see past his theatrics to the real harm he is causing? I am baffled and exhausted.

Let us hope we are still able to hold an election. And that someone will be able to pick up the broken pieces of the United States he leaves in his wake.
Focusing on the relevance to our struggles with tinnitus, Trump's massive cuts to the CDC and FDA will have serious implications for future treatment approvals (Auricle anyone?), research, and clinical trials. One of the many positions eliminated was the director of the Office of Product Evaluation and Quality at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, the very office responsible for approving medical devices.

How will anything get approved to help us if the office overseeing it has no leadership?

Yet again, to all the Trump supporters, why the silence on this? You are here in the forum, surely suffering immensely and looking for relief as soon as possible. So where is the outrage? I am simply baffled.

Is it really that hard to see through the smoke and mirrors? Trump is following the classic playbook for dictatorship. He is attacking:
  • Arts and leisure (budget cuts to Parks and Recreation, privatization, and drilling in national parks)
  • Education (cuts and attempts to dismantle the Department of Education)
  • Healthcare (cuts to the NIH, CDC, and FDA)
  • Civil rights (removing protections for women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups)
For the first time in history, elected representatives were denied access to the Department of Education, while Elon Musk, who was not elected, was inside. Armed guards were even called in to prevent access.

He is trying to privatize the USPS, which would allow him to control access to information and its distribution. He is flooding the courts and Congress with executive orders, many of them illegal or unconstitutional, to keep them overwhelmed and distracted. He pardoned criminals who attempted to overthrow the government and murder elected officials. In the past, such acts of treason would have led to execution, yet he let them go.

He is installing loyalists in high positions of power while using scapegoats, immigrants, to distract his base from what he is doing behind the scenes: tax cuts for himself and his allies, consolidating power, and making more money.

My grandmother was a teenager during World War Two. She is almost 95 now, and she has warned me from the beginning that she has seen this before. She lived through it once already. Every red flag is being raised. Every checkbox is being marked. Historians are sounding the alarm.

Many people I know voted for him for the economy. But with all his executive orders, he has not lowered grocery or gas prices. They are actually higher. Look at the price of eggs. And he is making it worse by limiting the government's ability to communicate with farmers and study the bird flu epidemic to prevent its spread.

Your taxes will likely go up under his tax plan. The diversity equity and inclusion protections he abolished? Those probably helped those of us who need accommodations for tinnitus and other hearing related conditions. Now they are gone.

You know who else did all of this? Came to power during economic hardship with no real qualifications for political leadership. People said, but he is different. He is going to change things. I am sure Germans could tell you a little about that one. Replace illegals with Jewish and you can figure out the rest.

But Trump is a businessman. He will fix things.

Besides the fact that he has a long history of failed businesses, since when do we glorify CEOs as being good for the average worker? They are the ones who lay off employees while increasing their own bonuses. And the United States is not a corporation, nor should it ever be. We do not need a CEO, which is just a euphemism for a dictator. We need a leader, someone who strengthens alliances, Trump did the opposite, unites the country, he has divided it even further, and helps ordinary people live without worrying about government and politics because it just runs in the background while we live our lives.

Every action Trump takes is the opposite of what a good president would do. We are once again the laughingstock of the world stage. His base only fuels even more extreme ideas. In Arizona, proposed legislation would require men to give consent for women to access birth control and reproductive healthcare, straight out of The Handmaids Tale. Should I pull out my red coat now? Blessed be the fruit, indeed.

I feel lucky I had my baby last year. With the deletion of CDC databases, references my doctor would have used to check for side effects, tinnitus anyone?, medication interactions, or vaccine information are now gone.

For those who say, just ignore it, turn off the news for the next four years, do not care about politics, we do not have that luxury. Ask the German citizens who were forced to dig mass graves in the ruins of concentration camps how ignoring it and just living their lives turned out.

Trump's presidency is a nightmare worse than I ever imagined. How can anyone still support him? How can they not see past his theatrics to the real harm he is causing? I am baffled and exhausted.

Let us hope we are still able to hold an election. And that someone will be able to pick up the broken pieces of the United States he leaves in his wake.
Great post. Thank you for taking the time. As mentioned throughout the thread, it's the low-information voter that got us to this point of having Trump in office again, and now we are all suffering the consequences. Four years is a long time, and who knows how much damage is yet to be done.
Zelenskyy can now pay the United States back for our help and ensure Ukraine's security by signing a deal with Trump to give the United States a percentage of Ukraine's minerals and other valuable natural resources.

The average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 40. Ukraine lowered the conscription age from 27 to 25 years old in 2024. The age limit for conscription of soldiers is 55, and the age limit for recalled officers is 60. Because of the pressure that America put on Ukraine to lower the draft age to 18, many males of college age or younger are leaving the country. It is a disgrace that Ukraine refuses to draft younger men while making those in their 40s and 50s fight. The former comedian claims that the age of the army does not matter but that the important thing is being provided with more and better equipment. Most Ukrainians are sick of him. They want the war to end and a replacement for president.
Great post. Thank you for taking the time. As mentioned throughout the thread, it's the low-information voter that got us to this point of having Trump in office again, and now we are all suffering the consequences. Four years is a long time, and who knows how much damage is yet to be done.
Being you say are an Independent, did you vote for Harris-Walz or choose to not vote?
Somebody remarked that Donald Trump has a long history of failed businesses. This is not true, as the Trump Organization has had success with hundreds of companies and only a handful of bankruptcies.
Focusing on the relevance to our struggles with tinnitus, Trump's massive cuts to the CDC and FDA will have serious implications for future treatment approvals (Auricle anyone?), research, and clinical trials. One of the many positions eliminated was the director of the Office of Product Evaluation and Quality at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, the very office responsible for approving medical devices.

How will anything get approved to help us if the office overseeing it has no leadership?

Yet again, to all the Trump supporters, why the silence on this? You are here in the forum, surely suffering immensely and looking for relief as soon as possible. So where is the outrage? I am simply baffled.

Is it really that hard to see through the smoke and mirrors? Trump is following the classic playbook for dictatorship. He is attacking:
  • Arts and leisure (budget cuts to Parks and Recreation, privatization, and drilling in national parks)
  • Education (cuts and attempts to dismantle the Department of Education)
  • Healthcare (cuts to the NIH, CDC, and FDA)
  • Civil rights (removing protections for women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups)
For the first time in history, elected representatives were denied access to the Department of Education, while Elon Musk, who was not elected, was inside. Armed guards were even called in to prevent access.

He is trying to privatize the USPS, which would allow him to control access to information and its distribution. He is flooding the courts and Congress with executive orders, many of them illegal or unconstitutional, to keep them overwhelmed and distracted. He pardoned criminals who attempted to overthrow the government and murder elected officials. In the past, such acts of treason would have led to execution, yet he let them go.

He is installing loyalists in high positions of power while using scapegoats, immigrants, to distract his base from what he is doing behind the scenes: tax cuts for himself and his allies, consolidating power, and making more money.

My grandmother was a teenager during World War Two. She is almost 95 now, and she has warned me from the beginning that she has seen this before. She lived through it once already. Every red flag is being raised. Every checkbox is being marked. Historians are sounding the alarm.

Many people I know voted for him for the economy. But with all his executive orders, he has not lowered grocery or gas prices. They are actually higher. Look at the price of eggs. And he is making it worse by limiting the government's ability to communicate with farmers and study the bird flu epidemic to prevent its spread.

Your taxes will likely go up under his tax plan. The diversity equity and inclusion protections he abolished? Those probably helped those of us who need accommodations for tinnitus and other hearing related conditions. Now they are gone.

You know who else did all of this? Came to power during economic hardship with no real qualifications for political leadership. People said, but he is different. He is going to change things. I am sure Germans could tell you a little about that one. Replace illegals with Jewish and you can figure out the rest.

But Trump is a businessman. He will fix things.

Besides the fact that he has a long history of failed businesses, since when do we glorify CEOs as being good for the average worker? They are the ones who lay off employees while increasing their own bonuses. And the United States is not a corporation, nor should it ever be. We do not need a CEO, which is just a euphemism for a dictator. We need a leader, someone who strengthens alliances, Trump did the opposite, unites the country, he has divided it even further, and helps ordinary people live without worrying about government and politics because it just runs in the background while we live our lives.

Every action Trump takes is the opposite of what a good president would do. We are once again the laughingstock of the world stage. His base only fuels even more extreme ideas. In Arizona, proposed legislation would require men to give consent for women to access birth control and reproductive healthcare, straight out of The Handmaids Tale. Should I pull out my red coat now? Blessed be the fruit, indeed.

I feel lucky I had my baby last year. With the deletion of CDC databases, references my doctor would have used to check for side effects, tinnitus anyone?, medication interactions, or vaccine information are now gone.

For those who say, just ignore it, turn off the news for the next four years, do not care about politics, we do not have that luxury. Ask the German citizens who were forced to dig mass graves in the ruins of concentration camps how ignoring it and just living their lives turned out.

Trump's presidency is a nightmare worse than I ever imagined. How can anyone still support him? How can they not see past his theatrics to the real harm he is causing? I am baffled and exhausted.

Let us hope we are still able to hold an election. And that someone will be able to pick up the broken pieces of the United States he leaves in his wake.
Very well written—the part about your grandmother really struck a chord with me. Sadly, you won't get any response. I had a somewhat similar post about Trump and fascism, but it fell on deaf ears.

As they say, we can all have different opinions, but we can't have different facts. MAGA beliefs are built on so many lies that any rational debate becomes impossible, as this thread clearly shows.
Most Americans, including myself, were not aware that the aid given by the EU to Ukraine were loans, not grants, which have to be paid back. Not only that, but the loans came from the interest of seized Russian assets in Europe, not money from the European countries. We do not know what is going to happen if there is a ceasefire agreement. Using collateral like this was a stupid move. Europe did this under the assumption that Ukraine would win.

Zelenskyy said today that frozen Russian assets, mostly government bonds held in the EU, the US, and the UK, should belong to Ukraine. He also affirmed that the money from the United States was grants, not loans.

The US, under Dementia Joe, stupidly just gave him money. If Zelenskyy wants continued security, Trump has proposed that the money be repaid in the form of natural assets located in Ukraine-owned territory. If Zenelskyy is smart he will sign Trump's deal and also speak with Putin.
On that point...

Those idiots in the year-old video must be having a meltdown, now that he is the president again.

Anybody who has owned hundreds of businesses is bound to have some failures. Has it ever been any different, for anybody? He is worth at least 5.5 billion, but I'm sure that the people in the video are worth a lot more, as they are far more savvy than Trump. :cool:

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