- Apr 30, 2018
- 2,507
- Tinnitus Since
- 02/2018
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
@GlennS -- That certainly wasn't the case for me. Once I decided in my early 20's to determinedly "get to the heart" of things regarding life and spirituality, I immediately returned to and reviewed the Christian faith of my upbringing, this time deciding to look at it with more of an open mind (I was somewhat of a religious rebel during my 8 years of parochial grade school). It only took me a few months of sincere review of several different Christian orientations to determine I was right all along, that there was simply nothing there for me, and I again (this time totally) rejected the "vengeful" and "jealous" god of my youth.My problem with atheists is that fixating and focusing on disproving religion feels sort of like a suspended stage of personal development to me.
Once I finished that review and reaffirmed my more jaundiced view of Christianity, it felt like a huge load had been lifted from me, allowing me take a significant step forward spiritually. The reason being that I had definitively and conclusively left it behind, opening the doors wide open for me to pursue what I considered to be other more uplifting spiritual endeavors. -- So far from my "atheism" for the Christian god being some kind of "suspended stage" for myself, I instead considered it (and still do) to have been a major catalyst for me to move forward in life.
And taking this step paid huge life dividends for me, even though I did have to contend with some disapproval from some family and friends. But I had been looking for a certain kind of love somewhere within Christianity, and just couldn't find it there. So Christianity became a "dead" religion for me. Once I looked elsewhere for that certain kind of love I felt was out there somewhere, I did find it, and it totally transformed my life for the better. The way I look at it, everybody finds their way to love sooner or later, whether in this lifetime or a future one. For some, that path to love will be found through Christianity, for others it won't. I just happen to fall in that "other" category, and also happened to pass through the gateway of atheism.