When I emailed a company in the UK they told me:My thought is that maybe the 3% isn't strong enough and the 20% would work better since the neurons are firing erratically as they do in epilepsy. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or know anyone with T that has tried a stronger dosage of CBD oil? I talked to their customer service and they're not allowed to discuss the medical benefits but when I told them why I wanted to consider the purchase and how I thought T compared to epilepsy he said I was on the right track.
''We probably won't be getting the 17% back in stock in the near future. It's made from pure CBD instead of a whole plant extract, and it just doesn't work as well, unfortunately.
For epilepsy the 7% is our most effective oil.''
and then went on to say
''The best oil for sleep is the 4% - we recommend the 7% for daytime and 4% for evening use (the 7% can be a little stimulating, where as the 4% is a bit sedating).
Re: tinnitus. The honest answer is that I don't know whether CBD helps or not. I don't know of any customers using it for tinnitus. What I can say is, customers are using CBD for 100 different things and it frequently blows my mind the diversity of conditions it helps with, so it's definitely worth trying.
But I'd probably go with the 4% to start with.''
Hopefully it is a little helpful.......