Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

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I've seen people with parkinson that where not able to move and within 10 minutes of consuming cannabis oil which is CBD oil with THC they could drive a car and act normal.
Same for touret syndrome.

Also people have cured themselves from cancer with 60grams of pure cannabis oil in 90 days. Even people in stadium 4 that were given up.
English is not your first language, so that's stage 4, not stadium 4.

I'm sorry, but your claims are outrageously assertive about the healing powers of CBD oil. Curing Parkinson's, curing Tourette syndrome, curing cancer stage 4! Please provide links to reputable medical sites that will back up these claims. It isn't fair to people with a debilitating condition like tinnitus to try yet another "cure" that ends up being another major disappointment. :cautious:
English is not your first language, so that's stage 4, not stadium 4.

I'm sorry, but your claims are outrageously assertive about the healing powers of CBD oil. Curing Parkinson's, curing Tourette syndrome, curing cancer stage 4! Please provide links to reputable medical sites that will back up these claims. It isn't fair to people with a debilitating condition like tinnitus to try yet another "cure" that ends up being another major disappointment. :cautious:

I will but now I'm off to bed it is wel over 2 in the morning over here.

I will but now I'm off to bed it is wel over 2 in the morning over here.

I never said it's a cure I just described my own experience. I have no idea if this will work for anyone else.

All other qualities are well know and well documented in Pubmed even the american cancer assosiation mention on their website that cannabis kills cancer cells.

Google Rick Simpson Run from the cure on you tube.
Hmm.. I'm also pretty skeptical about CBD being powerful curing agent.

Don't get me wrong, I totally dig the stuff. For the past month or so, I have been regularly smoking some bud that is all CBD and no THC, and it is great for getting calm and feeling nice without all the wacky effects of THC. I think they should be distributing this stuff in Congress and the UN. :D

I haven't noticed it do anything to my T, but then again mine doesn't seem to be affected by caffeine either. Maybe I'll see about getting some CBD oil next time at the weed shop, though.
I'm very happy for you. Thanks for sharing. I want to order some but I do have to say I am a bit skeptical that this helped your high pitched T that was only from last Saturday. Doesn't it seem that the spike just settled and had nothing to do with the drops? What was your T like before last Saturday? Anyway, I'm glad you had a good day and hope it continues.
A lot of people I know are turning to hemp and mary-j products for their ailments instead of medicines because of side effects of the medicines or that the medicines aren't doing anything. And a lot of them are finding success. My cousin has seizures and medicine wasn't helping her. Using hemp/mary-j products took her down from 8 seizures a week to maybe 1 seizure in 3 months so far...
A lot of people I know are turning to hemp and mary-j products for their ailments instead of medicines because of side effects of the medicines or that the medicines aren't doing anything. And a lot of them are finding success. My cousin has seizures and medicine wasn't helping her. Using hemp/mary-j products took her down from 8 seizures a week to maybe 1 seizure in 3 months so far...

Ordered, got some disposable cash, can't hurt to try it. I'll obviously post if it helps me too.

I've smoked marijuana for a long time and it's had no effect on the T (not smoking now), let's see if CBD helps this situation.
Good Morning!

First things first my T level stayed the same as yesterday, bearly noticable. When I went to bed my T level seemed to have risen slightly but i believe that was due to the 'naughty' substances and the quit room plus laying horizontal.

I couldn't get to sleep until half past 4 in the morning for several reasons, I was too exciting, I was running any possible scenario for this effect to happen in my head to see if I could understand why this happened and if I missed something I haven't thought of. And my window was open , my bedroom is at the street site and man people make a lot of noise when they come back from the pub!

I just had a cigarette and a cup of coffee en noticed a slight uptick but still marginal. I won't take any drops today (unless necessary) to see what my T will do.

Now you Questions:

Hmm.. I'm also pretty skeptical about CBD being powerful curing agent.

Don't get me wrong, I totally dig the stuff. For the past month or so, I have been regularly smoking some bud that is all CBD and no THC, and it is great for getting calm and feeling nice without all the wacky effects of THC. I think they should be distributing this stuff in Congress and the UN. :D

I haven't noticed it do anything to my T, but then again mine doesn't seem to be affected by caffeine either. Maybe I'll see about getting some CBD oil next time at the weed shop, though.

Smoking is nothing compared to the oil taken orally. 98% of the good stuff goes up in the air when you smoke.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that your cb1 and cb2 receptors need to be stimulated.

Don't forget i've been using Cannabis for the last 25 years so my receptors are well trained.
For many people that do not use any THC or CBD the last time those receptors encountered any CBD was probably during breastfeeding.

It is also known that unhealthy diet , heavy metals can diminish the intake of the receptors. However by including some foods in your diet you can activate your CBD receptors. I will have a search and provide a list later.

I'm very happy for you. Thanks for sharing. I want to order some but I do have to say I am a bit skeptical that this helped your high pitched T that was only from last Saturday. Doesn't it seem that the spike just settled and had nothing to do with the drops? What was your T like before last Saturday? Anyway, I'm glad you had a good day and hope it continues.

Always be skeptical with an open mind. ;)

When my T started back in 2012 it was a clicking sound with a faint hiss (no high pitch sound) nevertheless very annoying at the time but over time I habiteated.
When my T spiked last Saturday it was a completely other and new sound. The highpitch and loud sound at 8 khz I've never experienced before.

This stayed at the same level throughout the week up to the point of taking the drops.

Now it could be that CBD oil has managed to correct my T back to it's old level because it is merely a week old, I don't know. What I do know is that I can manipulate my new situation alternating between stimulants and CBD.'

So I can slightly crank my T up with coffee and nicotine and bring it down with CBD. So it definitely has some physical effect.

The problem is there is not much researche because the Phamaceutical mafia can't make money on a plant that cannot be patented so pretty much every thing is trial and error.

Don't forget this CBD market has only been there for a year or 2 and of this year CBD oil is finally getting known to a large public.

Ill keep you updated.
Well are you sure this is legal? I live in France and as it seems not so expensive, maybe i'll try, but i'm hesitating.

I know it's legal in a number of EU countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the UK. I'm not sure about France.
Why are you hesitating?
Smoking is nothing compared to the oil taken orally. 98% of the good stuff goes up in the air when you smoke.
I am also a seasoned smoker and was one of my favorite things to do pre-T. (44 years of using it now although by no means every day or month, sometimes every day and sometimes not for a year depending on supply). Never drank alcohol but preferred this.
Was too frightened to use it in the last year since I got T due to all the horror stories I read. Using home grown and not indoor grown super high THC. . Yesterday I tried a few smokes of home grown outside bio mj and it worked in the sense that I became calm and it made me feel very optimistic as opposed to depressed. Also the sound went down in the evening.
Therefore I also believe that the oil could have a very beneficial effect on T which is related to epilepsy (by the way the ENT's I have spoken with agree that it is akin to epilepsy and that is why epilepsy drugs work but they wont prescribe due to it being off label and side effects). I would like to take the pure CBD oil you talk about (am well aware of Rick Simpson and also the patents taken out by the USA govt on cbd after evidence that it reduces cancerous tumors plus helps with pain reduction etc).
So please can you tell me - you say it is available in europe - I am currently in France so can order it here or order it from UK maybe. Please can you advise me which oil to buy and where I can get it in France or if not in the UK and have it posted to France.
Really serious about trying this as I am practically sure it can help and is certainly much better than any anti anxiety pills or chemicals that currently take sometimes....can you help me (and possibly others on this forum from europe) where I or we can purchase it?
Many thanks....
Well are you sure this is legal? I live in France and as it seems not so expensive, maybe i'll try, but i'm hesitating.
I for sure want to get some of this oil so please can you tell me where you found it in france as i am in france also......thanks a lot...I believe this can work yes....
I know it's legal in a number of EU countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the UK. I'm not sure about France.
Why are you hesitating?
I am not hesitant to try this at all. Please can you tell me from where I can order it - if not France then any other EU country (euro to euro payment) from a reputable supplier or failing that then from the UK but easier if it is from another EU country for payment purposes. Waiting to hear.. please and thank you.
I understand your concern, at the other hand what have you got to loose.
Please can you tell me where I can get it in Europe - please as want to order it monday morning....I have no fear whatsoever of using this stuff and do believe it can do a lot of good. Please PM me if you prefer. Thanks...or anyone else who knows where can get the right stuff in europe please?
yes I do believe it is legal in France. There is a link in this thread from a seller that ships world wide, give it a try.
Have replied also in the chat message but please can you tell me which product specifically to purchase. There are several options of like 10 grammes but that is very expensive and then 2 other options that are around 30 euro mark. Please can you identify for me (and others) which exact bottle to go for. For example there is Raw CBD oil 1 gramme @32.90 euros or PHYTO - CBD Hemp oil 3% @29.90 euros....which one is the right one to buy? By the way - one bottle of the oil will last approx how long? I understand the dosage is 2 drops under tongue twice a day? Maybe need more if it is more severe T? Please advise if you can....asap...thank you so much - by the way, where are you based? In europe or USA or elsewhere? thank you so much. I do also believe this can work very much so.....will also give good sleep....which is something that eludes me and others with this problem. The only time I get good sleep is after having smoked mj (unless the dog decides to wake me up early in morning LOL like today!).
As for natural stuff - didnt the north american indians use this mj / oil for all sorts of stuff with great success. True that it cannot be controlled as it is a free growing plant and the pharmas make for example most of their money from anti cancer chemical drugs so why would they want to promote anything that would drastically reduce their profits...also using fig milk gets rid of friend could get no help for warts from UK whatsoever - went on holiday to Turkey and was advised to use fig milk by a local farmer there - he did use the fig milk and his warts went and never returned ever...after years of no help chemical or otherwise from medical people in the UK...just as an aside to show that natural things do work often....
@Drecul Also have been on their website and cannot see how to contact them. I have clicked on their contact details but all it says is contact sunshine trading and when i made a search for that it showed them as chinese company but sunshine trading is supposed to be in you have email contact for them as i am looking to see if they have cheaper mailing options as opposed to their proposal of 14.65 euros delivery for one small bottle of the stuff from the netherlands to france....seems a lot tho.....50 per cent of the cost of the bottle - please can you advise which bottle to purchase....thanks....
Have replied also in the chat message but please can you tell me which product specifically to purchase. There are several options of like 10 grammes but that is very expensive and then 2 other options that are around 30 euro mark. Please can you identify for me (and others) which exact bottle to go for. For example there is Raw CBD oil 1 gramme @32.90 euros or PHYTO - CBD Hemp oil 3% @29.90 euros....which one is the right one to buy? By the way - one bottle of the oil will last approx how long? I understand the dosage is 2 drops under tongue twice a day? Maybe need more if it is more severe T? Please advise if you can....asap...thank you so much - by the way, where are you based? In europe or USA or elsewhere? thank you so much. I do also believe this can work very much so.....will also give good sleep....which is something that eludes me and others with this problem. The only time I get good sleep is after having smoked mj (unless the dog decides to wake me up early in morning LOL like today!).
As for natural stuff - didnt the north american indians use this mj / oil for all sorts of stuff with great success. True that it cannot be controlled as it is a free growing plant and the pharmas make for example most of their money from anti cancer chemical drugs so why would they want to promote anything that would drastically reduce their profits...also using fig milk gets rid of friend could get no help for warts from UK whatsoever - went on holiday to Turkey and was advised to use fig milk by a local farmer there - he did use the fig milk and his warts went and never returned ever...after years of no help chemical or otherwise from medical people in the UK...just as an aside to show that natural things do work often....

This is the one (or similar) that I use :

This is their shipment info:

We ship worldwide. This means we have no restrictions on any country in the world. CBD oil is legal product.

Just place an order I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm based in the Netherlands and here they start to sell it in the healthstores since last week.

there are 200+ drops in a bottle of 10ml so with 2 drops 3 times a day it should last you 1 month.

It won't be more expensive than a bottle of muti-vitamines or Ginko.

Yes Cannabis has been used in medicine for centuries in fact almost all medicine between 1850 and 1937 contained Cannabis/hemp oil.
This is the one (or similar) that I use :

This is their shipment info:

We ship worldwide. This means we have no restrictions on any country in the world. CBD oil is legal product.

Just place an order I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm based in the Netherlands and here they start to sell it in the healthstores since last week.

there are 200+ drops in a bottle of 10ml so with 2 drops 3 times a day it should last you 1 month.

It won't be more expensive than a bottle of muti-vitamines or Ginko.

Yes Cannabis has been used in medicine for centuries in fact almost all medicine between 1850 and 1937 contained Cannabis/hemp oil.
Thank you ever so much for your reply.
By the way if any use for anyone I just found the contact details for email, phone or normal letter mail....

hope that helps anyone...wanting to contact them...they promise to reply to emails within 24 to 36 hours....monday to friday...

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