Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

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Yes we posted that at the same time emailing them now to ask about delivery rates and choices if there is a cheaper rate? thank you for all your help... please may I ask, has it helped you with sleep and it is still down the noise using this oil? thanks for your replies...

It should help you sleep, my mom suffers from insomnia and sleeps 8 hours straight on CBD oil. Didn't help me much though last night since I was to excited to sleep as you can imagine. I haven't taken any drops today as of yet and my T level is still the same as yesterday barely noticable. I did coffee and nicotine that normally spikes my T but it hasn't now.

I will try a beer and a high THC strain white widow later on to see if I can get my T to spike and if so I will apply 2 drops to see if I can bring it down again. For now it's still to early in the day over here. First things first a nice walk outside and lunch!

See you later.
It should help you sleep, my mom suffers from insomnia and sleeps 8 hours straight on CBD oil. Didn't help me much though last night since I was to excited to sleep as you can imagine. I haven't taken any drops today as of yet and my T level is still the same as yesterday barely noticable. I did coffee and nicotine that normally spikes my T but it hasn't now.

I will try a beer and a high THC strain white widow later on to see if I can get my T to spike and if so I will apply 2 drops to see if I can bring it down again. For now it's still to early in the day over here. First things first a nice walk outside and lunch!

See you later.
Thanks for your update. Thing is I never had a problem to sleep but do now and have had since this thing started which just gets worse and sadly with a moron of a drunken man who i cant get rid of......he is drunk again and hey ho i feel totally stressed out again....trying hard to be strong and keep it together....anyhow i have emailed the company and wait to hear from them and will buy the same as you suggested that you use.
Fact is that I dont get spikes from noise or smoking mj or even drinking the occasional beer (maybe 2 in a year) or coffee etc...but when I smoke I do feel better and after smoking it goes down a bit and helps with sleep too.
I believe this stuff can calm down the hyper brain neurons....maybe by feeling better and calmer it raises the seretonin levels etc...
Sad to hear that those things spike your T and dont know why it doesnt spike mine.....but have read lots online whereby people smoking and have T have found it to be therapeutic....
Yes please do inform as to how it is continuing to work for you....please feel free to pm me as well as I am really interested in this stuff and trying it as I believe it can help too....even if it is placebo then at least I will feel that I am doing something to help myself with this and maybe that is half the battle? ok till hear from you again - be well...
One last thing - is your T the same level as it was before or is it lower than before? Do you think by taking the oil while it was low, it kept the sound low and / or made it low and kept it there?
Okee I saw the question how come CBD oil is not known in this community.

Let me explain. First of all I've been studying Cannabis/cannabis oil (CBD oil with THC) for over 10 years now.
Cannabis oil is still illegal and you can't buy it so the only way to obtain it is to make it yourself. So it is a very selective group of people that has experience with cannabis oil.

Hemp/CBD oil has only been here on the market maybe less than a year. Don't forget I'm still amazed at my current result. CBD oil is only getting much attention at this moment that's why it has exploded in sales and populairity among the population. Ask yourself how many of you had heard of CBD oil prior to this topic?

The second reason is that the medical establishment especially the Pharmaceutical industry will try everything to discredit CBD oil because it will eventually kill their bussiness (and rightly so!)

So we are really in a trial and error state at this moment.
Thanks for your update. Thing is I never had a problem to sleep but do now and have had since this thing started which just gets worse and sadly with a moron of a drunken man who i cant get rid of......he is drunk again and hey ho i feel totally stressed out again....trying hard to be strong and keep it together....anyhow i have emailed the company and wait to hear from them and will buy the same as you suggested that you use.
Fact is that I dont get spikes from noise or smoking mj or even drinking the occasional beer (maybe 2 in a year) or coffee etc...but when I smoke I do feel better and after smoking it goes down a bit and helps with sleep too.
I believe this stuff can calm down the hyper brain neurons....maybe by feeling better and calmer it raises the seretonin levels etc...
Sad to hear that those things spike your T and dont know why it doesnt spike mine.....but have read lots online whereby people smoking and have T have found it to be therapeutic....
Yes please do inform as to how it is continuing to work for you....please feel free to pm me as well as I am really interested in this stuff and trying it as I believe it can help too....even if it is placebo then at least I will feel that I am doing something to help myself with this and maybe that is half the battle? ok till hear from you again - be well...
One last thing - is your T the same level as it was before or is it lower than before? Do you think by taking the oil while it was low, it kept the sound low and / or made it low and kept it there?

Is your T a phantom sound or can it be heard by the ENT using as stetiscope? When it's phantom I believe CBD has the biggest change to succeed. CBD is a powefull muscle relaxer an takes away anxienty so even if it doesn't do anything for your T as sound and volume you still benefit from the relaxation.

It's hard for me to determine wether my T is back at the same level, I would say yes and maybe beyond, I habiteated over the years and I haven't used CBD many times prior because there was no need for me.

I happen to bought 2 bottles 1 for my mom and one extra for myself in case i would ever need it.

So yesterday was really the first time for T. I did use it on a toothachecouple of months ago (takes away any pain).
Is your T a phantom sound or can it be heard by the ENT using as stetiscope? When it's phantom I believe CBD has the biggest change to succeed. CBD is a powefull muscle relaxer an takes away anxienty so even if it doesn't do anything for your T as sound and volume you still benefit from the relaxation.
It is phantom that seems to scream with the incredible for example, when the moron of a man here is drunk and starts mouthing off his stupidities (of which you would not believe! - one person heard about one minute of it coudnt believe it and another heard it recorded on my phone and after one minute begged me to turn it off!) then when he is screaming his verbal vomit filth the noise starts to scream more than ever.
So it is phantom and i am hoping that the cbd oil will help. Will definitely try it - it is high pitched hiss and only one sound and only goes down sometimes occasionally....otherwise just the one same noise....phantom yes....but no doc has ever tried to hear it - they are so backwards here...better in holland i think,,,i am off for a walk in the warm sun before it goes down but will be on here later so pls dont think i am ignoring posts...i shall reply soon as back internet outside here...
Is your T a phantom sound or can it be heard by the ENT using as stetiscope? When it's phantom I believe CBD has the biggest change to succeed. CBD is a powefull muscle relaxer an takes away anxienty so even if it doesn't do anything for your T as sound and volume you still benefit from the relaxation.

It's hard for me to determine wether my T is back at the same level, I would say yes and maybe beyond, I habiteated over the years and I haven't used CBD many times prior because there was no need for me.

I happen to bought 2 bottles 1 for my mom and one extra for myself in case i would ever need it.

So yesterday was really the first time for T. I did use it on a toothachecouple of months ago (takes away any pain).
Would a drug test (urine test) pick up any thc from the Cbd oil?
I used to grow weed , loved it as a hobby. I had an elaborate system with hydrophonics, cooled lamps , the works.
Then I stopped smoking it , turns out it makes me anxious. I would not mind growing weed for the oil if it would help.
I would love an excuse for starting another grow, very Zen activity. :p
I used to grow weed , loved it as a hobby. I had an elaborate system with hydrophonics, cooled lamps , the works.
Then I stopped smoking it , turns out it makes me anxious. I would not mind growing weed for the oil if it would help.
I would love an excuse for starting another grow, very Zen activity. :p
Like I said on another thread (when some younger members decided it was funny and arrogantly assumed that I didnt know anything about the subject so I didnt bother to reply any more - emd pf gripe!) one can get the seeds for medicinal mj and then grow it - either inside or outside. Holland sells and sends very good seeds but there will be places in USA too or other countries. The only thing I read in those other posts is that it is illegal to receive mj seeds through the post in Canada although I find this hard to believe. The seeds would be legal I think through the post. They are legal in Europe (and Iceland tto?). Expensive to begin with but good to grow even outside.
On web tells you exactly how to grow these plants for med purposes and then how to make the oil from it which involves the whole plant and not just the buds.
By the way, I smoke it and it doesnt make me anxious. It calms me down - how odd of me?
This is the one (or similar) that I use :

This is their shipment info:

We ship worldwide. This means we have no restrictions on any country in the world. CBD oil is legal product.

Just place an order I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm based in the Netherlands and here they start to sell it in the healthstores since last week.

there are 200+ drops in a bottle of 10ml so with 2 drops 3 times a day it should last you 1 month.

It won't be more expensive than a bottle of muti-vitamines or Ginko.

Yes Cannabis has been used in medicine for centuries in fact almost all medicine between 1850 and 1937 contained Cannabis/hemp oil.

I have found it on De Tuinen website. And no, I won't buy it yet. A lot of claims on the web / Youtube but so far undocumented claims.
You mean De Tuinen, or what kind of Dutch health stores?
Yes you can buy it at the Tuinen. However their brand is misleading because it says on the box in the store it contains 11% CBD but it is really 11% of 25% raw CBD so in their 10 ml diluted they have 275 mg which is not that much. Look for cibdol 4% it's the same price but stonger. And this one is even cheaper:
I send email to golyolicbdoil about legal status in Canada, Ill wait to see what they say. I think anything above 3% is illegal.
Yes it is.
You are using the one you recommended at 3 per cent at 30 euros (plus 15 euros delivery). Is it possible to buy same elsewhere in Holland and for the shop to send it to france please? Please pm me that info if there is that chance....or pm me anyway please.
How many mls in that bottle of 3per cent please? Do you know? I know you said it lasts a month but how many milles in it? Does it say on the bottle?
Somebody else is buying it at 7 percent at 10 mls in the bottle....costs 70 euros plus postage which i dont know how much it is. Do you think that 7 percent is a bit high and concentrated?
hoping to hear and thank you

Not sure if stronger is better or 3 percent is better.....always used it for recreational before and never medicinal so quite ignorant as far as medicinal is concerned.........
How many mls in that bottle of 3per cent please? Do you know? I know you said it lasts a month but how many milles in it? Does it say on the bottle?
Sorry for the stupid question. I just checked it out and saw it is 10mls....
Also looking at this site....

it is representing the percentages in this site too....but cant find out their delivery charges....maybe they are cheaper.....for anyone else who want to buy it.
Please can you check this site out and let me know what you think of it @Drecul? thank you ever so much. Sorry for all the posts - just real serious about getting this are many others...
Thanks for responding to my request for support in another forum. In your opinion which is the best site for someone in the US to order from? You mentioned your are using the 4% CBD Oil, but I only see the 3% on the sites that have been noted. Does that matter? I definitely want to try this. I appreciate your help.
Hi Frances 4% means there is 400mg CBD in 10ml and 3% 300mg in 10ml bottle. It doesn't really matter 3% means you need to take an extra drop to get the same amount as 2 drops from 4%.

I can't tell you how much to take , that differs perp person and T I guess it is just adviced to take a max of 15 drops a day. But I used about 6 drops yesterday.

I found this site yesterday

But I'm from the Netherlands so to be honest I have know idea which site is the best or cheapest from the States. I guess it's trail and error. Do some google searches and look at reviews to see what others think.
To be honest , I bought the oil and I am willing to try ..however, odds are that it was a spike that subsided at the same time you took the oil. In your case T went lower so "why" does not matter :)
I found this one:

10ml 10% contains: CBD: 194mg, CBDa: 710mg, THC: 0,106%


Do you know what CBDa is? Do you think it's good stuff?

Thanks :)
CBDa is the aminoacid version of CBD. If you would heat CBDa it turns into CBD. Each Cannabenoid has it's own unique beneficial value. I would stay as close to the plants chemical makeup as possible since nature is already perfect. There is also a THCa which will turn into THC if heated. That's why stoners bake their weed in the oven to increase the THC content.

That link looks good pretty potent stuff.

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