Actually I still want to try it more, but I'm moving to Hong Kong in two weeks and it's banned there. That's the main reason I haven't bought more.I guess you won't be taking it again?
Because the two conditions are not related. To me tinnitus is like nerve pain and phantom limb syndrome.Why would it not work for tinnitus if it works for epilepsy?
However, the one BIG thing this little diversion lead to was identifying that it is well known by the scientific community that it affects as in induces production of the cytochrome enzyme CYP3A4. This specific enzyme is the one that grapefruit inhibits which is why grapefruit is great for cancer. And, it is because of this enzyme certain medications stress not to eat grapefruit. This enzyme, CYP3A4 is also responsible for reducing testosterone and involved in prostate cancer. It is elevated in breast cancer. The fetus does not have this enzyme until after several months of life and exposure to it is not good. CYP3A4 is targeted to increase in chemical castration drugs used on heinous criminals and can lead to sterility by increasing the enzyme.
But, considering, I personally would not want to put this in my body, not in my ears and not for tinnitus unless I was absolutely positive I was at my bitter end and could accept the consequences. It is a slyly marketed drug that will in the future show its ugly head.
If the dosage of cannabidiol is low enough, it will have no noticeable effect on CYP activity, but CBD may still exert other effects.
I use it but really does nothing for my tinnitus no matter the dose/brand. There is not much in terms of scientific proof or trials that show CBD should be used for tinnitus. It's all anecdotal reports.Ok, so I recently got some CBD oil. I have heard from people on here that it has helped them, but looking online, it seems that there is only evidence suggesting it can exacerbate tinnitus.
I got some three days ago, and have had my fourth drop today but, I can already sense my tinnitus getting worse. I had an ear infection that I'm not sure is gone but my tinnitus in the last 24 hours has gotten a tiny bit worse, I think.
Anyone else had any experience with this oil?
Well I did find something online that said it was tested on rats (with tinnitus, how that was determined I don't want to know) and those given CBD oil developed signs that their tinnitus was getting worse.I use it but really does nothing for my tinnitus no matter the dose/brand. There is not much in terms of scientific proof or trials that show CBD should be used for tinnitus. It's all anecdotal reports.
All you can do is try and see if it does anything for you...
Well I did find something online that said it was tested on rats (with tinnitus, how that was determined I don't want to know) and those given CBD oil developed signs that their tinnitus was getting worse.
Not an equal comparison, granted, but, if it helps my anxiety (brought on by tinnitus) and makes the tinnitus worse, things could get interesting.
I wanted to weigh in on the CBD Oil. It has become legal in Maine and is all the rage being sold in many luring forms. In my research of it, it has been tested as an anticonvulsive and for psychotic behavior. Other than that, no.
There's some reports on cannabis receptors that were named according to the neurons and g proteins it affects that were mostly studied in response to cannabis use as an anti-vomiting agent for chemo therapy. Oddly, too much cannabis use can cause vomiting and research shows that capsaicin will as a neurotoxin to the responsible Substance P, help cure the problem.
CBD Oil won't exactly lead to this problem although it is not because the oil lacks THC.
However, the one BIG thing this little diversion lead to was identifying that it is well known by the scientific community that it affects as in induces production of the cytochrome enzyme CYP3A4. This specific enzyme is the one that grapefruit inhibits which is why grapefruit is great for cancer. And, it is because of this enzyme certain medications stress not to eat grapefruit. This enzyme, CYP3A4 is also responsible for reducing testosterone and involved in prostate cancer. It is elevated in breast cancer. The fetus does not have this enzyme until after several months of life and exposure to it is not good. CYP3A4 is targeted to increase in chemical castration drugs used on heinous criminals and can lead to sterility by increasing the enzyme.
I encourage all the CBD Oil enthusiasts to research this. You can read about CYP3A4 on Wikipedia - there's a page and about half way down there's a chart that shows drugs that induce or inhibit and drugs that induce the enzyme.There's articles you can access on PubMed (one is An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies Kerstin Iffland, and Franjo Grotenhermen) that doesn't condemn CBD Oil nor specify that it increases CYP3A4 enzymes. But, because CYP3A4 is part of a group of cytochromes of the collective family P450, this statement has particular implications: "Studies in mice have shown that CBD inactivates cytochrome P450 isozymes in the short term, but can induce them after repeated administration." This could be interpreted that at first, you might notice benefits but long term use is going to increase this family of enzymes that includes CYP3A4 that causes breast cancer, decreases testosterone, plays a key role in prostate cancer and is purposely targeted to increase in drugs that are designed to cause chemical castration.
Having never tried CBD oil myself, I became suspicious that suddenly we were allowed to have it. Or maybe it was the bright candy gummy bear forms being sold like on the store counters. CBD oil was legalized and also cannabis here. The latter was by referendum. The state also just legalized right to "death with dignity" if you have been deemed to have 6 months or less to live by a doctor - they will prescribe drugs so the person can commit suicide. The State expanded legalized abortion by allowing all doctors, nurses, physician's assistants and the like in any medical office to perform them, which will likely reduce birthrates. And, vaccination was made mandatory for all, as they decided to include certain religious and conscientious objections that few knew about. The population in my state is the oldest in the nation and the birth rate the lowest. Despite this, with all kinds of vacated homes from the elderly dying off and going to assisted living, there is the worst housing shortage in the history of the state because outside investors, and I do mean outsiders as in foreigner are buying the property and sitting on it.
None of these things alone seem a huge issue but together -- and with the legalization of a drug - CBD oil that will cause cancer likely to be used by childbearing and middle age folks having pain... and tinnitus, you gotta wonder what is going on.
Why on earth would the FDA allow CBD oil on the market? Recently there were comments that it was approved without testing it properly and needs to undergo further study but it was not pulled like certain vitamins and herbs have been. FDA had stated CBD was GRAS - generally recognized as safe. But, if you understand the biology of how it works... I think you'd be better off chewing on poppies. I am sure if a person has chronic untreated pain it is a better alternative to prescription pain killers or street drugs.
But, considering, I personally would not want to put this in my body, not in my ears and not for tinnitus unless I was absolutely positive I was at my bitter end and could accept the consequences. It is a slyly marketed drug that will in the future show its ugly head.
OK here is my story, this works for me and I'm a bit perplexed.
In other threads I wrote I'm a Cannabist for 25 years now but last week my tinnitus got a lot worse especially after vaporising/smoking Cannabis. In my opinion due to the high THC strain I vap.
I'm a big supporter of the Cannabis plant because I truly believe it can solve any modern day problem our world is faced with today.
A month ago I bought 2 small bottles of CBD oil, which is mainly the essential oil of the Hemp plant. Hemp is a little brother of the Cannabis plant without the THC component (the component that makes you high).
I bought it for my mum since she suffers insomnia and on this oil she finally sleeps 8 hours a day. After my T got louder last week and changed in pitch around 8.5 kHz I stop taking any Cannabis and I didn't dare to use any CBD oil thinking it could make my tinnitus worse. I did a lot of searching on the Net on tinnitus and CBD oil and not a lot came up.
However I came across some user experiences that claimed CBD oil did some good things for tinnitus. So this morning I decided to take a gamble. I took 2 drops of 4% CBD oil and within 5 minutes, SILENCE! My high pitch noise was gone! What I was left with was kind of a feeling of stepping outside a loud bar into an quit street where you can often experience a foggy feeling in your ears standing too long in a loud area. However I have a mild hearing loss so that could explain the foggy feeling in my ears.
But yeah for the first time since 2012 complete silence. You can imagine my surprise and joy! I really didn't expect that to happen. Now 6 hours later (after consuming coffee, tobacco which would normally spike my tinnitus) still nothing! I do have a slight soft hiss in the background still but that is peanuts compared to what it used to be. For me that is Silence.
Now I know every tinnitus is different so I'm not claiming it will work for every one but what I do know is that CBD will calm you down, makes you very relax and makes you sleep well.
So if you can get hold of the stuff give it a try. I would be very interested what it would do for you.
I started with the 4% of CBD oil called Cibdol which can be purchased (at least in the Netherlands and the UK) from the web and will cost you around 29 euro's for 200+ drops.
I will try the 11% one as well and will also use the drops in my ears.
I'll keep you posted.
In my experience so far, CBD oil spikes my Tinnitus, which is a shame as it's very beneficial in dealing with other conditions i have. Around a month ago i stopped using CBD oil, i used to use it daily but noticed my Tinnitus levels dropping and dropping, to around a 2/10, after stopping altogether. I then tried some drops a couple of weeks later to ease the pain i have and it went back up to around a 5/10.I don't imagine this will be the same for everyone, i reckon it all depends on the cause of your Tinnitus. So again lastnight i used the CBD and same outcome, so for me i will be using only when i really need to from now on.Ok, so I recently got some CBD oil. I have heard from people on here that it has helped them, but looking online, it seems that there is only evidence suggesting it can exacerbate tinnitus.
I got some three days ago, and have had my fourth drop today but, I can already sense my tinnitus getting worse. I had an ear infection that I'm not sure is gone but my tinnitus in the last 24 hours has gotten a tiny bit worse, I think.
Anyone else had any experience with this oil?
In my experience so far, CBD oil spikes my Tinnitus, which is a shame as it's very beneficial in dealing with other conditions i have. Around a month ago i stopped using CBD oil, i used to use it daily but noticed my Tinnitus levels dropping and dropping, to around a 2/10, after stopping altogether. I then tried some drops a couple of weeks later to ease the pain i have and it went back up to around a 5/10.I don't imagine this will be the same for everyone, i reckon it all depends on the cause of your Tinnitus. So again lastnight i used the CBD and same outcome, so for me i will be using only when i really need to from now on.
No, the level, the tone started dropping as quick as the next day without taking oil for me.Did it take one month without CBD until you noticed a drop in tinnitus?
Just an update, yesterday was a pretty rough day, levels were a 5-6 throughout the day, probably worst i've experienced since the start.Right now i would say they have dropped to a 2, such a shame if it is CBD causing my spikes, which i believe it is, as it does have some really good health benefits.Did it take one month without CBD until you noticed a drop in tinnitus?
Just an update, yesterday was a pretty rough day, levels were a 5-6 throughout the day, probably worst i've experienced since the start.Right now i would say they have dropped to a 2, such a shame if it is CBD causing my spikes, which i believe it is, as it does have some really good health benefits.
Maybe this is what i should look into, as that is basically the reason i started taking CBD, after awhile the pain will increase for me and it's a decision i'll need make, which is worse, or do i try a high doseIt's a shame yes, many people report that. For me it only gives me mild hyperacusis
I stopped using it for 1 month to see if my tinnitus got better. It did not, and by the end of the month my body felt so inflamed and achey that I started using it again without looking back..
I use extremely high doses though with added up becomes quite a bit of THC too
Maybe this is what i should look into, as that is basically the reason i started taking CBD, after awhile the pain will increase for me and it's a decision i'll need make, which is worse, or do i try a high dose
Hopefully it settled down for you today, like it did for me the next day, i won't be using it nomore like that, it's just not worth itI came to find this board yesterday specifically about CBD and tinnitus. I've been using a CBD balm on my muscles and it has really helped. So yesterday I bought some low dose (5mg-yes 5mg, the lowest I could find) Raw CBD oil softgels and took one to help me sleep better and hopefully help with inflammation long-term. I wasn't even thinking about tinnitus.
Well, tinnitus is worse today and I'm sure it's not a psychosomatic response, because it wasn't even on my radar when deciding to try it. I usually can ignore the tinnitus, but I cannot today. Hopefully, it will subside. I will not be using this internally again. The balm is great.
Hopefully it settled down for you today, like it did for me the next day, i won't be using it nomore like that, it's just not worth it
My levels dropped the next day, not back to normal, that took so many days but from going to a 2 to probably 6 or even more, i don't really know how to scale this, was abit of a shock to the system. I get good and not so good days, although it's slightly off topic, i truely now believe my Tinnitus is down to TMJ, the lower the pain, the lower the levels are, sometimes i have to concentrate so hard to see if it's there. This place can be wonderful, it's like the dictionary of Tinnitus. Keep me informed on how you're doing, it's always good to hear people's success stories, or just help through the bad times.Thank you, Mick. Today is better, but still louder than usual. If it goes down just a bit, it will be back to its old ignorable level. I'm glad that yours did settle down.
I posted here because if anyone researched it before trying, he/she'd have this additional anecdotal information. Even though I only found the board recently, I'm very appreciative of all the sharing.
Can you tell us what the brand and name of the CBD product you're using is?I tried pure CBD oil and basically got permanent new sounds on my right ear. The scientific report regarding rats and other research hints that although cbd acts as a calming agent on the opioid receptors in the brain it specifically excites brain neurons in the auditory region. I would sincerely beg people to stop trying to uses this as some kind of a remedy since it is truly a hit or miss thing.
It is probably related to that since we know that tinnitus is related to multiple areas of the brain. Some will find some relief while some will have the exact opposite.
@MickSmith72 responded to my post. Here is my almost two month update.My levels dropped the next day, not back to normal, that took so many days but from going to a 2 to probably 6 or even more, i don't really know how to scale this, was abit of a shock to the system. I get good and not so good days, although it's slightly off topic, i truely now believe my Tinnitus is down to TMJ, the lower the pain, the lower the levels are, sometimes i have to concentrate so hard to see if it's there. This place can be wonderful, it's like the dictionary of Tinnitus. Keep me informed on how you're doing, it's always good to hear people's success stories, or just help through the bad times.
Hi there,
I'm thinking about trying out CBD oil to try to get on top of my anxiety and also help with my fibromyalgia which was triggered as a result.
Has anyone tried this with positive results and not worsened their tinnitus?
Thanks x![]()