Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

Except there was an animal model study which showed that increased serotonin agonized the hyperactivity of the DCN, thereby worsening tinnnitus. I would amp up dopamine and completely ignore serotonin. Despite its popularity in pop psychology it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Josef Rauschecker's "gate-keeper" model has been used to claim that commonly prescribed antidepressants could treat tinnitus by restoring the gate keeping function of the SSRI and treat depression too. However, study after study has failed to yield significant reductions in tinnitus symptoms (NOT perception, that's an emotional reaction and has nothing to do with tinnitus itself).

Amitriptyline has been somewhat effective at reducing tinnitus, but commonly prescribed SSRIs should be avoided, snd serotonin should not be increased. If your doctor or psychiatrist prescribes such mood enchanting drugs, you should throw them away in place of something else.
This is super fascinating to me because as a youngin when I was 14 back in 2008 I was put on fluvoxamine for my tinnitus and it legit lowered the volume to a point where at times it was literally gone. But in saying that I dont doubt what this research says as Ive heard some really horrible stories of tinnitus ramping up, especially after SNRI use. I just wonder why it worked for me.
I have had severe tinnitus for 5 months and just went on Prozac 11 days ago. It's been such a roller coaster with my T and I'm now becoming paranoid that the Prozac is making the T worse? I'm so anxious from these last 5 months that I'm not sure if it's in my head. Could this just be me getting used to the med and if so could it level out in a couple weeks? I'd like to stay on it for the benefits of lifting some anxiety and depression but could switch to another AD if absolutely necessary....thanks for any input.
I have had severe tinnitus for 5 months and just went on Prozac 11 days ago. It's been such a roller coaster with my T and I'm now becoming paranoid that the Prozac is making the T worse? I'm so anxious from these last 5 months that I'm not sure if it's in my head. Could this just be me getting used to the med and if so could it level out in a couple weeks? I'd like to stay on it for the benefits of lifting some anxiety and depression but could switch to another AD if absolutely necessary....thanks for any input.
An article last year analyzing brain slices in rats indicated that serotonin worsens the burst firing in the DCN, the likely source of the tinnitus signal.

If you must continue to use the poisons that are antidepressants, I would advice using one that completely ignores serotonin and focuses on dopamine instead. The only one that comes to mind is bupropion, an NDRI. If it has to be antidepressants, amitriptyline is probably the only drug I've seen that actually treats tinnitus rather than the underlying depression, which should be ignored in favor of treating the tinnitus. A patient is better off with the problem being treating rather than an individual symptom.
What to expect from antidepressants?
I think we have to look for something that can help us to cope better with tinnitus than wasting time looking for cure , it's really complicated thing and until that time they find cure we have to live our life as normal ppl
I have had severe tinnitus for 5 months and just went on Prozac 11 days ago. It's been such a roller coaster with my T and I'm now becoming paranoid that the Prozac is making the T worse? I'm so anxious from these last 5 months that I'm not sure if it's in my head. Could this just be me getting used to the med and if so could it level out in a couple weeks? I'd like to stay on it for the benefits of lifting some anxiety and depression but could switch to another AD if absolutely necessary....thanks for any input.

Yes, antidepressants can take time to be effective in your system and yes, they can have more side effects early on. 11 days is really early.
What to expect from antidepressants?
I think we have to look for something that can help us to cope better with tinnitus than wasting time looking for cure , it's really complicated thing and until that time they find cure we have to live our life as normal ppl
Well if your attitude is "cope rather then search for cure" we will never have one.
If anyone is considering coming off psychiatric drugs I found this guide helpful: "Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs".

Please, see attached.


  • ComingOffPsychDrugsHarmReductGuide2Edonline.pdf
    6.7 MB · Views: 100
to have it back att my "normal" level. 9 days of increase for me now.
Hello, @Sven

So, how long did your spike last? You were able to return to the previous usual level ?! Did the antidepressant help you?

What caused the spike, stress, loud sound or something else?
What about escitalopram?
Does someone have a successful experience of using it?
I stopped taking it after 4 days. I didn't like the side effects. It also seemed to slightly elevate my tinnitus, but that may have been a placebo.

Those who stick with it like it, but I will always prefer anything that isn't an antidepressant
Escitalopram(SSRI) can help with habituation, but also can destroy REM and NREM sleep cycles. After discontinuation you can get REM rebound that can continue one year.
Hello, @Sven

So, how long did your spike last? You were able to return to the previous usual level ?! Did the antidepressant help you?

What caused the spike, stress, loud sound or something else?

Hi. No, it's still higher than before, but I'm not very bothered by it most of the time. I can't say for sure it was the SSRI or not, I'm afraid. I'm just happy I don't feel like shit anymore.
Has anyone used Amitriptyline?

I've been taking Amitriptyline since the spring of 1993, when it was prescribed for Fibromyalgia. I didn't develop the constant tinnitus 24/7 until March of 2004, though my hearing loss predated that by quite a few years.

I've also been taking NSAIDs for many years, and pretty consistently since 1989 when I began a nasty bout with plantar fasciitis. The only time I didn't take NSAIDs was from two weeks before major back surgery in January 2012 for the next 2 years or so while my long spinal fusion progressed. Dropping the NSAIDs during those 2 years made no difference whatsoever for the tinnitus. I also had to drop the Amitriptyline briefly before and after the surgery, and that made no difference in the tinnitus either.

For the most part, I can ignore the tinnitus because I stay so busy doing other things. The only time it really bothers me is when the pitch of one of the sounds suddenly changes, when I'm trying to sleep but can't, or when my attention is called to it by reading or hearing a related item (such as right now on this forum).
While this is true, there are several factors when it comes to ototoxicity. Certain medications are known to cause permanent damage to the hearing system in some people and there are very few of these. The rest are considered to be "possible" ototoxic including anti-depressants.

Other factors are dosage, frequency and how many meds you are taken at the same time which are ototoxic (combined increased dosage). If you are taken high doses for longer periods of time, you may experience certain ototoxic effects. Many ototoxic drugs which cause hearing issues are considered to be reversible including nsaids, aspirin and anti-depressants, however the chance is minor that you will experience adverse effects in the first place. Most only 1-2%. Just because a med may potentially be ototoxic doesn't mean it will be for you.

Symptoms of ototoxicty are tinnitus or worsening of existing tinnitus, balance problems, dizziness and vertigo. In most case, just stopping a med will cause these symptoms to improve or go away within a few days, weeks or sometimes months.

I went on Amitryptiline in Jan of 2017 to help heal my LSN (Laryngeal Sensory Neuropathy) About a month later my left ear started to ring. The bad part was that the drug was healing my throat. Fast forward to today, about 18 months later and my throat is so much better. I just recently quit the Amitryptiline and am hoping that after said amount of time, it will be normal again.
I'm off Sertraline now since about two weeks. I never had a large dose, but took 50 mg for about 4.5 months. Three weeks ago I cut it to 25 and now to zero. I feel heavy headed and have trouble sleeping, but I hope it will pass. Tinnitus not worse, but the heavy feeling in my head makes the tinnitus "feel" weird as well. Hard to explain... sort of like the head's dizzy while I'm not.
...actually, today I AM experiencing my T as louder. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to kick the meds or if it's the lack of sleep that's making me tired and thus causing the T to appear louder. Or, maybe sertraline actually has an effect on my T (and/or general wellbeing).
I have had to take antidepressants for a long time. More than a year.

I tried to stop taking them, but then I started to have a strong concern about the noise, and it becomes very intrusive.

So far I have to take SSRIs.

It helps me to get distracted from tinnitus and not to despair.

Because I did not accept tinnitus. It should not have happened to me.

The day when tinnitus disappears will be the second birth for all of us.
You can go crazy reading all these comments, one needs to sleep another is afraid of side effects.
So did you guys found out what antidepressant is best for Tinnitus? Maybe make a top 10 or something?
You can go crazy reading all these comments, one needs to sleep another is afraid of side effects.
So did you guys found out what antidepressant is best for Tinnitus? Maybe make a top 10 or something?

Mirtazapine and Amitriptyline are generally thought to be the safest for T.
...actually, today I AM experiencing my T as louder. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to kick the meds or if it's the lack of sleep that's making me tired and thus causing the T to appear louder. Or, maybe sertraline actually has an effect on my T (and/or general wellbeing).

What was your experience like going on and off SSRIs for tinnitus?
It helped me get over my anxiety, but it was a little annoying trying to quit because of a "heavy" sensation in the head. However, I gradually lowered the dose and now I'm off it.

Fantastic! And it has no effect on your tinnitus coming on or off?

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