Thank you Nills.
Also I'd like to add that a similar drug we have right now is Trileptal and Tegretol. They have cured/diminshed tinnitus in some patients as well. However they are not effective in many cases and have a bad side effect profile.
As I understand it these drugs act on sodium channels. Since kv3 potassium channels dominate in the auditory pathways, it is a much more likely to succeed....thoughts?
Mechanisms of action of Trileptal
The mechanism of action of action of oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) is similar to that of carbamazepine.
Oxcarbazepine and its active metabolite, monohydroxy derivative (MHD), have effects on sodium channels and possibly potassium and calcium channels. Neither oxcarbazepine nor MHD has an effect at binding sites for GABA or other neurotransmitter receptors.