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Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

It does exist it's in trials. Doctor Charles Large created trobalt and I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He's been doing this for a long time.

Universities doesn't impact on someone's intelligence. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, he created Microsoft and he never went to university. Same goes for Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson.

The 12 largest pharmaceutical companies are based in the US/UK/Europe...Here's list and no Chinese company is mentioned in terms of the largest.

i answer and proved both assumptions wrong. you report me and deleted my post... anyway

China is only answer they have best universities + they have humans as test subjects. 120 000 000 subject of tinnitus in China
What's concerning is:
- there has yet to be even 1 peep that it has worked for anyone yet
- The trial execution seems less than legitimate for a company that thinks it has a cash cow on it's hands
- Autofony's future cash income related to research etc. stops once it is known that it doesn't work. Given this, results will be diluted with sloppy procedures and secrecy
- the only animal lab evidence is a white paper on a single experiment. This doesn't line up with the typical evidence needed by venture capitalists.

I would love this drug to bring relief to to so many who are suffering. But, my realistic take on it is that doesn't seem very promising. I hope they prove me wrong.
What's concerning is:
- there has yet to be even 1 peep that it has worked for anyone yet
- The trial execution seems less than legitimate for a company that thinks it has a cash cow on it's hands
- Autofony's future cash income related to research etc. stops once it is known that it doesn't work. Given this, results will be diluted with sloppy procedures and secrecy
- the only animal lab evidence is a white paper on a single experiment. This doesn't line up with the typical evidence needed by venture capitalists.

I would love this drug to bring relief to to so many who are suffering. But, my realistic take on it is that doesn't seem very promising. I hope they prove me wrong.

The results will be out later this year so then will we know for sure.
i think we better hope chinese make something shanghai and hong kong university is on first 3 in world, while EU and usa are far behind...
I do not trust byproducts from Asian countries. Their whole country is so overly-polluted they cannot even breathe their own air. Now they're pushing on the Trans-Pacific Trade issue, which includes shipping unregulated -meat! There's enough livestock/farms in UK & N. America!
We do not need unregulated meat/seafood, drugs transported millions of polluted miles. Keep the jobs here and stop sending all our businesses overseas. This includes our pharmaceutical companies who have mainly Asian investors. Headquarters may be in UK, but production factories are Asian - same with vegetables, seafood and some of our pork. Even dog treats from Asia are often tainted.

The current news? After allowing all the huge conglomerate businesses to move there in the last 15 yrs. to avoid taxes, China is now planning to close off collaborations with USA and redirecting theirs/USA businesses to Russia & India. See the pattern? Monopolizing & attempting to take over. Very bad news.
you are hoping to fast track something that does not exist???
Hey if youre having a bad day its not excuse to kill everyones hopes...some people are living for hope of a treaent and ur telling them to go f*** off...
What's concerning is:
- there has yet to be even 1 peep that it has worked for anyone yet
- The trial execution seems less than legitimate for a company that thinks it has a cash cow on it's hands
- Autofony's future cash income related to research etc. stops once it is known that it doesn't work. Given this, results will be diluted with sloppy procedures and secrecy
- the only animal lab evidence is a white paper on a single experiment. This doesn't line up with the typical evidence needed by venture capitalists.

I would love this drug to bring relief to to so many who are suffering. But, my realistic take on it is that doesn't seem very promising. I hope they prove me wrong.
i dont care about a cure because it looks unrealistic at this time . but if this drug can bring some relief and say reduction it will help people suffering more than the normal mild t person. And thats good enough for me like a safer trobalt..
Hey if youre having a bad day its not excuse to kill everyones hopes...some people are living for hope of a treaent and ur telling them to go f*** off...

i dont care about a cure because it looks unrealistic at this time . but if this drug can bring some relief and say reduction it will help people suffering more than the normal mild t person. And thats good enough for me like a safer trobalt..

A safer trobalt would be good enough for me.
Results of this trial were supposed to be out around this time of the year.
Now we're talking end of the year.
The question is if they've even started the f.....g trial properly or still thinking about selection criteria:dohanimation:

I'm trying to be optimistic but this doesn't look promising!
Dr. Large created Trobalt, which is effective against epileptic seizures. I trust he knows what he's doing in the development and testing of 063. If someone would've come forward by now saying it worked them, I'd be more skeptical of that than the extremely limited news we've heard to date. Dosage protocols take a long time to ascertain. It's hard to be patient with our condition, but that's just we need, not frustrated speculation that it's a failure.
Dr. Large created Trobalt, which is effective against epileptic seizures. I trust he knows what he's doing in the development and testing of 063. If someone would've come forward by now saying it worked them, I'd be more skeptical of that than the extremely limited news we've heard to date. Dosage protocols take a long time to ascertain. It's hard to be patient with our condition, but that's just we need, not frustrated speculation that it's a failure.
By succesfully work do u mean someone cured? Or improvement from t? Because if his trobalt lowers t while on it i find it hard to believe he couldnt do the same for 063... I cant believe it is a total failure.. If it is then it was a scam from the beggining ...
What's concerning is:
- there has yet to be even 1 peep that it has worked for anyone yet
- The trial execution seems less than legitimate for a company that thinks it has a cash cow on it's hands
- Autofony's future cash income related to research etc. stops once it is known that it doesn't work. Given this, results will be diluted with sloppy procedures and secrecy
- the only animal lab evidence is a white paper on a single experiment. This doesn't line up with the typical evidence needed by venture capitalists.

I would love this drug to bring relief to to so many who are suffering. But, my realistic take on it is that doesn't seem very promising. I hope they prove me wrong.

I dont understand why they dont tell us if it works or not. They said it was well tolerated in the few that took it. Well???? Thats nice but does it work??? Why wouldnt they say if it works or not?
It has been a while since I visited this forum, because personally, constantly lamenting over this whole ordeal was not conducive to habituation. With that said, I am still very much concerned with these research and studies conducted by members of this forum and by pharma. It seems like we collectively know as much as we did many months ago when this trial was first publicized in this forum. The fact is, this is the nature of study trials, and as others have mentioned we will have the results relatively soon.

I believe that even if AUT is not succesful in these initial trials, its not the end of the line. There is undoubtedly some efficacy in these voltage gated ion channel modulators; both anecdotally and empirically speaking. Perhaps AUT, Trobalt, and etc., are not completely refined drugs, but there is work being done with something that is "tangible" - am I the only person here that finds security in this? It is conceptually decades ahead of what is currently available (e.g. TRT). However, the more I learn about tinnitus and neuropsychology, the more convinced I am that AUT type drugs will perhaps be the most effective if supplemented by TRT type therapies.

that is so absurd I don't even know where to begin correcting you, probably should not even try.
By succesfully work do u mean someone cured? Or improvement from t? Because if his trobalt lowers t while on it i find it hard to believe he couldnt do the same for 063... I cant believe it is a total failure.. If it is then it was a scam from the beggining ...

Dr. Large didn't cure epilepsy, but he created a drug to control it. I don't know that T will be "cured", but as long as it can be kept quiet with a treatment, that's ok with me. My point is that Dr. Large has vast knowledge and experience in the field of potassium channel modulation, so I'm confident he's on the right track. He's not a flash in the pan scientist with no solid track record. Nor is Autifony just a front to line someone's pockets with research funds. Here on TT, we've only had 2 or 3 people who were accepted into the PII trial. Just because none were "cured" from AUT means nothing. They could've received a placebo or low dosage, or perhaps the timeframe of treatment is too short. All of this will be sorted out in time.
Dr. Large didn't cure epilepsy, but he created a drug to control it. I don't know that T will be "cured", but as long as it can be kept quiet with a treatment, that's ok with me. My point is that Dr. Large has vast knowledge and experience in the field of potassium channel modulation, so I'm confident he's on the right track. He's not a flash in the pan scientist with no solid track record. Nor is Autifony just a front to line someone's pockets with research funds. Here on TT, we've only had 2 or 3 people who were accepted into the PII trial. Just because none were "cured" from AUT means nothing. They could've received a placebo or low dosage, or perhaps the timeframe of treatment is too short. All of this will be sorted out in time.

Charles H. Large, PhD
(Chief Executive Officer)


Charles Large received his first degree and PhD from the University of Bristol and has more than 20 years of experience of drug discovery and development in the pharmaceutical industry. Before founding Autifony, he was Director of Molecular and Cellular Biology within the Neuroscience Centre of Excellence for Drug Discovery at GlaxoSmithKline, and has worked on programs focused on schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and major depression. He is an expert on drugs that modulate voltage gated ion channels and their application to neurological and psychiatric disorders. He has built up a reputation in the field of sodium channel blocking drugs, and has collaborated widely with academic groups. He has authored over 50 papers, book chapters and patents relating to ion channel modulators.
Dr. Large didn't cure epilepsy, but he created a drug to control it. I don't know that T will be "cured", but as long as it can be kept quiet with a treatment, that's ok with me. My point is that Dr. Large has vast knowledge and experience in the field of potassium channel modulation, so I'm confident he's on the right track. He's not a flash in the pan scientist with no solid track record. Nor is Autifony just a front to line someone's pockets with research funds. Here on TT, we've only had 2 or 3 people who were accepted into the PII trial. Just because none were "cured" from AUT means nothing. They could've received a placebo or low dosage, or perhaps the timeframe of treatment is too short. All of this will be sorted out in time.

Dosage and timeframe/duration of treatment should've already be fairly known at the time of the phase II trial. Dosage is of course related to efficacy as awell as safety concerns. If this trial fails to show good results, I doubt they'll do another one with the same compound.
how could they know if phase I is only to check about side effects with healthy people, and phase II is the first time they try with Tinnitus people? how coulded they adjusted time and dosage before that?
@sakrt Btw: that is so absurd I don't even know where to begin correcting you, probably should not even try.
@ CathodeRaySound: Try a little reading or perhaps listen to World News: Economics, Forbes, NY Times, to name a few who disclosed this in the last few weeks, which is not FROM ME, but from top CIA advisors/ economists, such as James Rickards, Ann Pettifor, director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics and Hedge Fund legend George Soros, who announced it at the Bretton Woods Committee Annual Meeting at the World Bank.
To keep on topic pertaining drug-trials and drugs manufactured overseas, just because it's "cheaper".
A BAD decision on Nixon's part to permit offshoring American's top businesses, which will eventually be monopolized and controlled...they cannot return. Asian investors are now quietly buying up farms/spring water/real estate in USA, UK, Australia & Canada.
E.g. "Smithfield" Foods in Virginia sold to Chinese investors.

http://www.theguardian.com/vital-si...ing-white-rhino-south-africa-texas-rhinoceros (for medicinal purposes? - Logical). Not including ALL other endangered species they are wiping out.

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all to help your country.

I value in keeping our cultural traditions, economy, news transparency and keeping products SAFE.
Businesses should stay within the countries they originated, only allow internal legal citizens to maintain their businesses for local economic job growth that's regulated, and not bought out by International investors.
Need to RESTRICT corporate conglomerate control over people = Citizens United.
Why? For Consumer SAFETY, ECONOMIC and Privacy reasons, including all our medicinal drugs.
how could they know if phase I is only to check about side effects with healthy people, and phase II is the first time they try with Tinnitus people? how coulded they adjusted time and dosage before that?
They use these trials to find out.

People please hang in there ... don`t expect much from the first trial. They will probably use very low dosages to see how much effect it has on T ... even if it does n`t have any effect at least they know it does n`t kill anyone ... than they will move up in the next phases. that is why they have a and b phases and in phase three even more.

on the record they know as much as us at this point.

Which is nothing ...

How are you so ethnocentric and ignorant? You can post all the sources you want but you are completely distorting the information to fit your nefarious world view that Asians are somehow inherently untrustworthy and detrimental to mankind. Which is extremely ironic coming from a Brit or American. Aside from the crap reply you just made, your original post was fundamentally flawed on so many levels and you're just building on top of literal crap; a pretty crappy foundation to start scaffolding upon; therfore, I will address your original comment.

First of all, Asia is a huge continent, not a country. Of these Asian countries, I personally have relationships with two of which exceeds USA and UK in all facets of education (math, science, and english) and some areas of living standards, and certain aspects of medical research. Second of all, the trans pacific trade agreement you mentioned is headed by the US and it is being pushed on pacific countries (e.g. Australia, Chile, Japan, etc...) and it gives US corporations the power to sue entire countries in their own arbitrary corporate court. So basically you got it the other way around. It's a ruse to give US corporations unparalleled power over other countries. Thought you should know that before you embarass yourself further. I agree that we have enough livestock and food; we don't need to import more from other countries, but it is not any different from Japan being forced to buy US rice, and they have so much surplus US rice they have football fields of this stuff just laying around untouched. Thirdly, many Asian countries and their scientists are pioneers of modern medicine and technology. Why do you think we esentially import so many foreigners, especially Asians to our tech and medical sectors? You seem to be on some kind of ethnocentric, xenophobic, superiority trip.

However, let me tell you something. This disease, disorder, or whatever you prefer to call tinnitus extends beyond cultural and racial boundaries and it is a collective effort for mankind. I am assuming you will not be a hypocrite and you will NOT consume a tinnitus cure because Asian pharmas and Asian scientists were in on it and it isn't the sole product of USA or UK right? Get over yourself and educate yourself rather than nitpicking through select information to back your agenda. It makes you look extrmely pathetic to educated people living in the real world. It seems like you are the only asshat concerned about which race delivers your tinnitus cure.

I won't even touch your most recent reply due to the afformentioned reasons.
Again-redundant. I am not the journalist of the news provided. I'm incapable to "distort the information" announced just 2 days ago regarding the problematic issues of "Chinese leaders resorting to foreign conflict to keep themselves in power and prevent the country from falling apart."

It's easier for you to retort through derogatory remarks and assumptions of my character.
Is all information transparent? NO.
I provide some valid facts and you impulsively reacted, labelling me ignorant for disclosing because the issues relate to specific asian countries. I'm not going to apologise for information withheld from the public. Realistically, most unnecessary junk in our highly materialistic society comes from polluted Asian countries.
Concurrently, people have the RIGHT to be educated for their safety and to help others, especially when it pertains to desperate people wanting questionable, unregulated concoctions manufactured overseas for T & H. I commend those who make the effort to put a stop to it & I'm not "embarrassed" to say so.

I vote for citizens united to keep conglomerate USA corporations from monopolizing and to keep our products/jobs internally. I advocate for independent businesses/news/thinkers and transparency of where our products comes from, which are currently ambiguously mislabeled. It's even killing our domestic pets.
I disagree with businesses being sent offshore, depleting employment. That is my right and there's nothing racist of it. I refuse to be oppressed. Society needs to work together in providing transparency of all products we're exposed to, because nat'l/foreign corporations will not provide full disclosure. $$$
I find your comment extremely ironic, hypocritical, and lacking any sense of critical thought and substance. You even said I called you a racist? When in fact I said you are clearly ethnocentric and xenophobic. Seems like you are projecting. If you do not see why, that is your loss. You just sound like one of those extreme nationalist with a touch of Alex Jones. Thinks they have some secret knowledge of enlightenment so you spew that crap with excitement, but you are only fooling yourself. I can clearly see your knowledge is quite limited concerning the world. And to show you why, I would have to bust out second grade history textbooks and start you from there. This world is becoming globalized like it or not, and you will eat that tinnitus cure if it came from Chairman Mao's anus itself, I guarantee it. While you are isolating yourself from reality, the rest of the world is moving on; with or without you. Albeit you will be leeching off of the very system you hate. Afterall you're sitting there with chips and hardware from Asia which allows you to post in the first place.

Aside from all your bullshit though (interweaved with little facts here and there), like I mentioned earlier, this fight against tinnitus is a global effort with doctors and scientists from every corner of the world working on this. In related news, thank US and Chinese joint effort for developing the new CRISPR gene editing technique (which I believe will be the fail safe method of curing most conditions with further advacements) yay globalism! Perhaps they can insert some intelligent alleles to your gene while they are at it, I'm kidding.

Anyways, I did not think this would derail into some non-pertinent topics because I called out absurdity when I saw it. I will be only commenting about AUT on AUT thread now. You can just PM me your emotions if you want, but I am done with you on this thread.

Back to the topic: I have hope that AUT is on the right track even if it is relatively far from its destination. But I also believe that it is only part of the treatment or cure. TRT type therapies should be used in combination with these drugs.

Again-redundant. I am not the journalist of the news provided. I'm incapable to "distort the information" announced just 2 days ago regarding the problematic issues of "Chinese leaders resorting to foreign conflict to keep themselves in power and prevent the country from falling apart."

It's easier for you to retort through derogatory remarks and assumptions of my character.
Is all information transparent? NO.
I provide some valid facts and you impulsively reacted, labelling me ignorant for disclosing because the issues relate to specific asian countries. I'm not going to apologise for information withheld from the public. Realistically, most unnecessary junk in our highly materialistic society comes from polluted Asian countries.
Concurrently, people have the RIGHT to be educated for their safety and to help others, especially when it pertains to desperate people wanting questionable, unregulated concoctions manufactured overseas for T & H. I commend those who make the effort to put a stop to it & I'm not "embarrassed" to say so.

I vote for citizens united to keep conglomerate USA corporations from monopolizing and to keep our products/jobs internally. I advocate for independent businesses/news/thinkers and transparency of where our products comes from, which are currently ambiguously mislabeled. It's even killing our domestic pets.
I disagree with businesses being sent offshore, depleting employment. That is my right and there's nothing racist of it. I refuse to be oppressed. Society needs to work together in providing transparency of all products we're exposed to, because nat'l/foreign corporations will not provide full disclosure. $$$
I vote for citizens united to keep conglomerate USA corporations from monopolizing and to keep our products/jobs internally.
This is a tinnitus forum (in case you had forgotten). And this thread is about a drug called AUT00063 and which so far does not have a name (in case you had forgotten).

Lastly, consider re-reading what I wrote to you a few pages back:
Finally, consider cutting down on your use of conspiracy theory material - I think it is having an unfortunate effect on you and your well-being. That would include staying away from websites and material such as:
  1. www.darkgovernment.com/news/area-51/
  2. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Moon_landing_hoax
  3. Mel Gibson's Conspiracy Theory movie (1997)
In addition, I might suggest that you unplug your Internet connection permanently, because... "they" could be watching you...
Haven't visited this thread for a while and I find that their is still a lot of misconceptions and ignorance about these trials and trials in general.

I know this has been thrashed to no end on this thread but it's getting agonizing to read!

The first trial was to see how well this drug is tolerated in the human body, the second, which we are in now, is for efficiency.

At the end of this trial when all the results are in, they might find that it had little to no effect on T, if that's the case it will not be the end of it, they will more than likely adjust the dosage and have another phase of trials which could last another year or more. Or we might get a nice surprise and find that it has worked.

All this worrying about not hearing anything is quite ludicrous to be honest, and really, is not warranted when trials and the protocols that are followed are properly understood!
Can anyone say if AUT has had any +ve results yet on any of the posters on the trial?
I will try to find out a bit more information on this current phase of the trial (via my previous source). I will be contacting the person later today.

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