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Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Still...Trobalt proves the KV7 channels have importance in regards to tinnitus. The KV7 channels decrease after the noise exposure. Therefore wouldn't a KV7+KV3 drug make more sense?
I suppose. If only Dr. Large would come to this forum and lay it out for us. Do you think it would be possible to get anything out of him? Maybe through Dr. Nagler or something? Guess Im grasping for straws here:)

Guess we have to wait for any official reports. But Im dying to get some substansial hope over here!
I suppose. If only Dr. Large would come to this forum and lay it out for us. Do you think it would be possible to get anything out of him? Maybe through Dr. Nagler or something? Guess Im grasping for straws here:)

Guess we have to wait for any official reports. But Im dying to get some substansial hope over here!

I don't think we will. Still, it's just the waiting game now.
It does exist it's in trials. Doctor Charles Large created trobalt and I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He's been doing this for a long time.

Universities doesn't impact on someone's intelligence. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, he created Microsoft and he never went to university. Same goes for Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson.

The 12 largest pharmaceutical companies are based in the US/UK/Europe...Here's list and no Chinese company is mentioned in terms of the largest.

Who says you need a big pharmaceutical company to find a cure or a treatment that actually works?? Most medicine on the market now produced by those over bloated pharmas are junk. I should know, I had to take some medicine long-term and had all kinds of side affects that were as bad as the disease. These companies are in it for the money...not for patient wellness.

In fact, many supplements and natural therapies can work much better (no side affects and huge costs). Especially in the beginning of the disease or to prevent it. Both Japan and India have made great strides in stem cells (through universities and government grants) and they are not on your link of big companies.

Bill Gates (Zuckerberg...etc) are not smart enough to lead to a better society....In fact, I had so many bugs with Windows....I went to Linux (open source):). Facebook is a useless piece of shit that does nothing for anyone but billions go to that Website instead of finding a cure for disease. University and years of hard work researching disease is needed to get to a cure. Look at Steve Jobs...he died of cancer.....he didn't give a dime to research and the irony is that he died of a disease with no cure. Maybe if he donated more of his vast wealth to research..he could have lived. But that is what you get from some "entrepreneur" that eschews a better society and fills their pockets with obscene amounts of $$$$.

I would not hold my breath that an EU or US pharma will give us cures (maybe a few but).....they are too profit driven to give a shit. But Japan, China, India, have governments that want cures ,,,,they have most of the world's population between them (out of 7 billion) so they have an incentive.
Sorry but confused danny as yours was through an ear infection and many others have other causes for their T so what has it only got to do with noise exposure.......kv7 and kv3 worked on you and you had an ear infection...

It doesn't matter. If you damage your hair cells it's the same thing. Anyway, don't you have mild tinnitus now?
I suppose. If only Dr. Large would come to this forum and lay it out for us. Do you think it would be possible to get anything out of him? Maybe through Dr. Nagler or something? Guess Im grasping for straws here:)

Guess we have to wait for any official reports. But Im dying to get some substansial hope over here!

There is a Q&A section directed at Autifony here


Post your questions before June 10th and someone from Autifony will hopefully answer them
Totally agree with you, and if Autifony can come up with a way to reduce tinnitus with up to 75% as mentioned before that would be such a relief...

For most people, it would fundamentally alter their lives for the better...Although people like Dr. Nagler won't like this haha.
yes, she did have hearing loss but didn't say how much. she didn't know she had any until tinnitus started. so that would qualify her to go into the trial..
hi Geo,i did ask her to join, she is a very nice lady. I also have to inform that I told wrong information as I talked to her more... she got tinnitus from someone kissing her left ear, she heard a loud pop. She only has it in left ear too. IT WASNT THROUGH SUCTION, BUT A KISS TO HER EAR... SORRY I MISINFORMED ALL OF YOU.
hi Geo,i did ask her to join, she is a very nice lady. I also have to inform that I told wrong information as I talked to her more... she got tinnitus from someone kissing her left ear, she heard a loud pop. She only has it in left ear too. IT WASNT THROUGH SUCTION, BUT A KISS TO HER EAR... SORRY I MISINFORMED ALL OF YOU.

That's ok and what a strange way to get it.
Perhaps the solution is, not only one, but two or more methods... Maybe a pill or ear injection in combination with Vagus Nerve Stimulation or TRT or something else. Where the first is used to cure or heal the cochlea and the other to reprogram the brain.

Now we are talking, TRT, CBT, will help reinforce the state of lessened T through neuroplasticity. Furthermore, the brain is functionally integrated, which means that tinnitus is NOT limited to one specific area of the brain. AUT may work on one area, but psychotherapy will help distribute that affect more or less to the other regions of the brain responsible for T. At least that is my hypothesis based on my knowledge of neuropsych.
Now we are talking, TRT, CBT, will help reinforce the state of lessened T through neuroplasticity. Furthermore, the brain is functionally integrated, which means that tinnitus is NOT limited to one specific area of the brain. AUT may work on one area, but psychotherapy will help distribute that affect more or less to the other regions of the brain responsible for T. At least that is my hypothesis based on my knowledge of neuropsych.

Maybe that's why trobalt works? It bombs your brain haha.
It's called "the kiss of deaf". It's probably unusal but it is a form of acoustic trauma.

Oh, believe me it happens!
I used to get that a lot years before, my grandmother used to do it and I think my mother does it too. I had temporary fullness and T but it always went away. It sounded like an explosion inside your ear. Never left me any permanent problems. The sad part is it used to be the ear I now have tinnitus. Perhaps this ear was more sensitive due to other reasons. I cannot seem to pop it properly anymore. I don't know if it is a bone problem... like the Perilymph Fistula syndrome if I remember correctly this is what they call it.

Oh, wait: Perhaps if we go visit a doctor they should tell us what is happening! :ROFL: Why didn't I think of that?
I know this isnt relevant to this tread, but I have become obsessed now with this drug they are gonne administer to T. patients in France this fall. Couldnt find a tread for this.

Just wondered if anybody knew what kind of drug this is?
I know this isnt relevant to this tread, but I have become obsessed now with this drug they are gonne administer to T. patients in France this fall. Couldnt find a tread for this.

Just wondered if anybody knew what kind of drug this is?

I assume you mean this : http://www.parismatch.com/Actu/Sante/Une-nouvelle-prise-en-charge-acouphenes-688480

It is an anti-epileptic med. We will know more in october 2015, where the results will be presented at this conference.

I wouldn't hold my breath on this. From the article:

Il s'agit d'un système dont le Pr Pierre Elbaz (Fondation Rothschild) et le Pr Georges Lamas (hôpital de La Pitié) sont les conseillers scientifiques, et qui regroupe une équipe pluridisciplinaire coordonnée par un médecin ORL. Sa particularité est qu'il repose sur trois traitements choisis, seuls ou en association, selon la gêne du patient, l'intensité des acouphènes et la présence ou non d'une surdité. 1. Un traitement médical avec notamment un antiépileptique administré à très petites doses (raison pour laquelle les effets secondaires sont minimes). Il va agir comme un antalgique au niveau cérébral. Des études européennes publiées en 2011 et 2012 ont démontré environ 20 % de bons résultats avec ces médicaments. 2. Le port d'un nouveau type de prothèse auditive, seule ou associée à un logiciel capable de produire un bruit personnalisé en fonction de l'audition et des caractéristiques de l'acouphène (appelé bruit coloré, en analogie avec les couleurs). Il agit comme un coupe-circuit en maîtrisant l'acouphène. 3. Le traitement de l'"émotionnel" qui est assuré par un psychologue, un sophrologue, un orthophoniste, un psychiatre ou un neurologue. C'est ici encore l'ORL qui décide du choix du spécialiste.
Rougly translated, their new treatment consists of:

1) Administration of anti-epileptic med (name unknown)
2) Wearable pink/white noise generator maskers or hearing aids if needed
3) Psychological counseling

They aim to make this treatment approach as the new national standard of France instead of the usual ''learn to live with it'' method that ENT routinely use. A big step really but still, nothing new. Basically an habituation approach with brain pills.
You said trials would be held in France this automnne?
I'm very interessed :)
Not trials. I think doctors can prescibe a antiepileptic drug for you maybe together with some soundgenerators to support it.
I see now that Nucleo has posted it. Thank you!

So specifically what kind of drug it is seems still to be classified!

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