I'm taking high dose Betaserc now (manufactured by Mylan, formerly Abbott).
3x 24mg a day.
It has to be Betaserc A-brand my new ENT said. Betahistine of a B-brand does NOT work, it's a bad product he said.
These high doses of 24mg are not available in the Netherlands so I get them from Belgium costing 18,25 euro per box of 100 pills. In the Netherlands you are only able to get 16mg and not always A-brand.
I was diagnosed with cochlear hydrops (pre-meniere, stage 0) The low frequency hearing is reduced a lot
BUT Betaserc seems to help me for my vertigo issues and a bit with tinnitus (not super spectacular yet).
Betaserc works one hour after intake the pharmacy said. Every six hours a pill is advised by the pharmacy.
What is really strange is that I feel very deep in my ear it is an oil barrel which is poked into.
It feels like there is a lot of pressure.
The vertigo issues are from my inner ear that is over pressured the ENT said. The pressure needs to lower otherwise your hearing is gone forever. The tinnitus also comes from the inner ear being under such pressure.
From what I have read the endolympathic pressure is not good. Let's hope for better results.
If it indeed improves further everyone should know to get Betaserc.