Eh, I mostly avoid this subject now, because it was never my intention to become "the (anti) vax/vaccine guy" here, or in the IRL world.
It was just that virology was one of my favourite branches of science when I was at school.
I for real used to read the sections on viruses and bacteria in my school textbooks for fun while the other boys were playing football (not American, and definitely not "soccer") at breaktimes. So when the
novel coronavirus was announced (2 years ago) it took my (nostalgic) interest, and I couldn't help but weigh in with my opinion.
But it feels like a dead subject now, so I've moved on,
and so should all of you (at least until China, Bill Gates and co, "accidentally" release
another more deadly virus << video can no longer be found on YouTube

But for what it's worth, yes. Two people I know have ended up in hospital between 2020 and 2022.
One was a colleague of my father's, who developed heart arrhythmias a couple days after his second shot.
The other was a family member, who almost died after he became severely ill with pneumonia and sepsis after his third shot.
Both these people were healthy. In fact, the family member in question was a fitness freak.
Lastly, another family member of mine, since having their two shots, now has an obscenely low white blood cell count.
There's nothing to say these aren't all just coincidences and wouldn't have occurred naturally, but I'm sure as f*ck pleased I didn't accept a COVID-19 jab.