Men. It was time to clean the heater in the bathroom and I like to be safe and turn off the breaker. So when I asked if it was on the same wiring blah-blah-blah. I was told it was. So when I got electrocuted there was a lot of back slapping and laughing. High fives of a prank well played. I was so pissed. Not only did they lie to me, but it didn't occur to them that it was 240volt.
My arm and elbow is still sending the occasional zings. Though the body spasms have quit. It was almost worth it. My T is still quieter than it has been in almost 3 years.
Though I might just be chipper because if you prank me I get even. View attachment 34894
In this cold weather . . . their cars won't start smelling for weeks. It will be so subtle and hopefully a few months before they realize justice was served.
Wow that's pretty bad, do you have any burns or anything? Keep an eye on the "zings" I think a shock like that can do some serious damage do your body. If they haven't stopped I'd get your heart etc checked just to be safe. Good thing is your T is lower hope it stays like this for you or even better you wake up and it's gone. It'll be interesting to see if your T stays at the current volume after a few weeks??
Nice, was it fish, fish oil.? They will be wondering if it's them that smells for weeks I like it haha that smell will linger for ages even after it's been cleaned haha it'll be burned in their nostrils haha