Hey, Jcb.
I am doing okay, a bit of a spike happening for the last two nights. My sleep is off and when this happens the tinnitus seems to protest. Hopefully I will get a good night's sleep in tonight.
I agree, A Star is Born definitely could have done better when it came to getting the message of the severity of tinnitus out there. SO many people have watched the movie, it should have done a better job, as you say. An opportunity missed, for sure.
All that said, I did enjoy it and I did cry. The soundtrack was great, too. Same with Bohemian Rhapsody, the music was awesome. Of course I may be biased some, Queen was one of my all time favorite bands.I always admired Freddie Mercury, in spite of his flaws. We all have flaws, he was no different.
I'm sorry Emma, nothing worse than that. Sleep is so important for the mind and body. Hopefully you'll pass out tonight and wake up with the spike subsided. Maybe drink a glass of wine (or bottle or 2) and see if that helps.
Yeah I'm a big fan of Queen as well, love their music. Really like the music in a star is born as well.
We all have our flaws, I know I have many but we are a work in progress and if we are lucky we won't stop growing and learning until our time is up.