Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

I'm not.

With all the crazy, yours is the voice of reason.
Neither am I @Ed209 - I don't know how you have the stomach to keep responding to such insulting posts, but I very much respect that you do. Your posts are heartfelt, informative and brilliant.

If others like myself aren't contributing, it's not because we agree with the conspiracy theorists; we just know that there's no point.
How many times do we need to tell you that nobody thinks that COVID-19 doesn't exist?!
COVID-19 is indeed a hoax.

In case you're unsure what hoax means:


A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie, for example that there is a bomb somewhere when there is not, or that a picture is genuine when it is not.

A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth.
If others like myself aren't contributing, it's not because we agree with the conspiracy theorists; we just know that there's no point.
You're right, there is no point. Their minds have already been made up and nothing will change that now. I was going to say that if they worked a day in my local hospital they would soon change their minds, but you know what, they probably wouldn't as their beliefs are so deep-rooted now. I find it ironic that PeteJ calls people sheep when it's actually those who believe the nonsense posts on social media that are being manipulated, but they just can't see it. One only has to fact-check some of the things they are posting here to realise that.

PeteJ thinks it's funny - and proof that COVID-19 is fraudulent - because a PCR test picked up coronavirus particles on a can of Pepsi and fruit. If this doesn't show that he doesn't understand anything about what's happening out there then nothing will. A polymerase chain reaction is a way of replicating DNA or RNA and is often used in forensics to convict people. It is also used to identify infectious agents.

I've said this before, but I'm staggered at how easy it is to fool people on Twitter and Facebook. A simple meme with complete nonsense written all over it is enough to convince many people that they are reading a statement of truth or a fact of some kind. The picture must hypnotise them or something. A scientist would look at those posts and laugh, but some actually instinctively believe a picture represents the truth. It's kind of embarrassing really.

I agree with Bob Dylan.

No, the problem is with you. You imagine that he thinks that COVID-19 doesn't actually exist, despite him telling you otherwise multiple times.

I can't exactly see what he said to @Ed209 because of the ignore filter I have on my account, but whatever you say mate.

I'm just going based on other threads like in the General Chat sub-forum where he repeatedly describes COVID-19 as a "hoax" and "scam" with not much context behind them. I have him blocked so I haven't had a chance to see him elaborate on his mumbo jumbo and cracko whacko after he puts down the meth pipe.

Then you see stuff like this by him which is a conspiracy theory popular with actual neo-nazis thinking the Jews are using immigration and race mixing to control countries with white people. It's like the things the known school shooters used to indulge themselves in.

This conspiracy theory makes no sense saying the European "elites" (he should be more specific on that) want "chaos", even though the European Union needs stability as they weren't thrilled about losing the UK lol.

You read things like this then face palm and move on, or put him on ignore which I did.

Thank you for listening to my speech.
Neither am I @Ed209 - I don't know how you have the stomach to keep responding to such insulting posts, but I very much respect that you do. Your posts are heartfelt, informative and brilliant.

If others like myself aren't contributing, it's not because we agree with the conspiracy theorists; we just know that there's no point.
Same here, we appreciate you @Ed209. I'm just here to destroy my faith in humanity by reading some of the COVID-19 scientists' posts here.
To many of us it is extremely important to not be part of mass hysteria.

It was the other way around, right? Initially they didn't know that this virus is unusually mild for the vast majority of people resulting in them having no symptoms or mild symptoms. As a result of that they had underestimated the number infected people (so overestimated the fatality rate). I am old enough to remember them saying that 20% of those who catch it needing to be hospitalized and 5% needing intensive car. Of course if the "experts" where to be unbiased, they would preface all of their statements that included numbers about the virus by saying how uncertain those numbers are.

No, once that happens, the patients will be rerouted to a hospital that has empty capacity.

To quote Biden: "C'mon Man?!!?!" You should be ashamed - repeating the nonsense from MARCH that has proven to have NO basis to it. I am extremely embarrassed to have taken the bait hook line and sinker back in March and April. But to Still believe this fairy tale in January?! Or were you joking when you wrote that?

No, this isn't what a balance looks like.

To confront you on this feels like attempting to prevent Pacific Ocean's tide from coming in, while being armed with only a bucket: You are too far gone. Sorry, I don't have the energy to do this.
I have said what I had to say, Bill. You're entitled to your beliefs.
I do encourage you to get from behind your screen and talk to some people working in healthcare out in the real world.
You're right, there is no point. Their minds have already been made up and nothing will change that now. I was going to say that if they worked a day in my local hospital they would soon change their minds, but you know what, they probably wouldn't as their beliefs are so deep-rooted now. I find it ironic that PeteJ calls people sheep when it's actually those who believe the nonsense posts on social media that are being manipulated, but they just can't see it. One only has to fact-check some of the things they are posting here to realise that.

PeteJ thinks it's funny - and proof that COVID-19 is fraudulent - because a PCR test picked up coronavirus particles on a can of Pepsi and fruit. If this doesn't show that he doesn't understand anything about what's happening out there then nothing will. A polymerase chain reaction is a way of replicating DNA or RNA and is often used in forensics to convict people. It is also used to identify infectious agents.

I've said this before, but I'm staggered at how easy it is to fool people on Twitter and Facebook. A simple meme with complete nonsense written all over it is enough to convince many people that they are reading a statement of truth or a fact of some kind. The picture must hypnotise them or something. A scientist would look at those posts and laugh, but some actually instinctively believe a picture represents the truth. It's kind of embarrassing really.

I agree with Bob Dylan.

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Your bottom picture reminds me of the time when Nelson Mandela died and people on my Facebook kept sharing pictures of Morgan Freeman unknowingly like this:


Don't forget about people posting fake Albert Einstein quotes like the famous "insanity is doing the exact same thing" quote where that actually came from a psychopath character from the video game Far Cry 3. People still keep quoting it though. This too is also a fake quote:


^^^Bottom picture underneath Einstein are the researchers trying to prove COVID-19 is a hoax and how vaccines cause autism.


^^^ This not only applies to fake quotes, but also to conspiracy theories about how Bill Gates created the coronavirus so he can sell his vaccines to turn the whole population autistic and make them build more 5G towers to spread more coronavirus so he can create the New World Order because apparently he's part of the illuminati.


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This not only applies to fake quotes, but also to conspiracy theories about how Bill Gates created the coronavirus so he can sell his vaccines to turn the whole population autistic and make them build more 5G towers to spread more coronavirus so he can create the New World Order because apparently he's part of the illuminati.
Tell me about it. They all get a bit carried away on social media. Bless 'em.
Tell me about it. They all get a bit carried away on social media. Bless 'em.
Why do I keep hearing about these weird conspiracy theories of Bill Gates as this boogeyman that's behind all evil in the world (especially if it's related to vaccines where the conspiracy theories about him got more intense recently), but they worship Elon Musk saying he is saving the world? That's a pattern I notice a lot with them.

Is there something I don't know about Elon Musk? Is he a anti-vaxxer too? Are their political beliefs that different? They're both billionaires who are looking at their profits first, so I'm confused on how Elon Musk is good but Bill Gates is bad? Not me defending Bill Gates and bashing on Elon Musk, I'm just curious that's all.
Why do I keep hearing about these weird conspiracy theories of Bill Gates as this boogeyman that's behind all evil in the world (especially if it's related to vaccines where the conspiracy theories about him got more intense recently), but they worship Elon Musk saying he is saving the world? That's a pattern I notice a lot with them.

Is there something I don't know about Elon Musk? Is he a anti-vaxxer too? Are their political beliefs that different? They're both billionaires who are looking at their profits first, so I'm confused on how Elon Musk is good but Bill Gates is bad? Not me defending Bill Gates and bashing on Elon Musk, I'm just curious that's all.
This....god they can't meme


A familiar person in this thread actually used the term "COVID-1984" before too and you might have already spoken to him.

As an aside to all the conspiracy stuff, if they use smaller than a 15 gauge needle, they can't implant a microchip in your arm.

That part is immediately disprovable, and yet...
As an aside to all the conspiracy stuff, if they use smaller than a 15 gauge needle, they can't implant a microchip in your arm.

That part is immediately disprovable, and yet...
I personally spoke to someone not so long ago who brought up conspiracy theories relating to COVID-19. He then talks about how they're going to put microchips in the new Coronavirus vaccines so they can track us all down. I thought he was joking at first, but he was fully 100% serious.

Not even that, but it also makes no sense to fund so much money into inventing an injectable microchip in a vaccine to track all of us down. There's already computers and phones which the majority of us won't stop using for 5 minutes which does the job for cheaper.

I swear the pandemic and lockdowns has pushed some people off the edge a little. When you saw people last year having fist fights over toilet paper, then it kinda makes sense.
As an aside to all the conspiracy stuff, if they use smaller than a 15 gauge needle, they can't implant a microchip in your arm.

That part is immediately disprovable, and yet...
I take it you're not familiar with reports that Bill Gates has licensed Wonka Vision to shrink the microchips as part of his diabolical plan.

I personally spoke to someone not so long ago who brought up conspiracy theories relating to COVID-19. He then talks about how they're going to put microchips in the new Coronavirus vaccines so they can track us all down. I thought he was joking at first, but he was fully 100% serious.

Not even that, but it also makes no sense to fund so much money into inventing an injectable microchip in a vaccine to track all of us down. There's already computers and phones which the majority of us won't stop using for 5 minutes which does the job for cheaper.

I swear the pandemic and lockdowns has pushed some people off the edge a little. When you saw people last year having fist fights over toilet paper, then it kinda makes sense.
I posted this on a previous page.

PeteJ thinks it's funny - and proof that COVID-19 is fraudulent
I can hardly believe there's even a single person on this forum who hasn't put this guy on their ignore list.
I'm staggered at how easy it is to fool people on Twitter and Facebook
I'm no longer staggered as much as I used to, but I'm still not immune. -- The ultimate conman Trump isn't staggered (anymore) either. He realized a long time ago how easy it is to fool people--just appeal to their worst instincts. And from what I've read, he has nothing but disdain for those he so easily cons.
@Bill Bauer, hey Bill, are you aware that families are bringing their kids to "COVID-19 Testing/Assessment Centres?" Lol!

I read that they are typically around 3 years old with one as young as SEVEN MONTHS OLD. Unbelievable. I guess they are required for daycares and pre-school?

Even the parents concede the nose swab is "hard on them" (one parent's exact words) and the kid has to be restrained. Unbelievable.

BTW, some families are waiting between a half hour and 2 hours for this.
Watch the video below, @Bill Bauer, it will verify that what I told you is true. Critical care capacity is being extended across the country, and surgical units are having to be converted to house coronavirus patients. As I said, the dip on your chart is a clear indication of this.

I was told all of this independently, but this footage has people saying the same things on camera.

They talk about patient occupancy at 1:20 but watch the whole thing. Listen to the nurse at 5 minutes and the Dr at around 6 minutes in; this is the reality away from your computer screen. These people see it 24/7, and you don't. If this doesn't make you question your previous opinions then you are a lost cause.

Also, yesterday was the busiest day on record for our ambulance service. 15 ambulances were stuck waiting outside our local hospital, and handover times were so long that it was the equivalent of taking 63 ambulances off the road.
Watch the video below, @Bill Bauer, it will verify that what I told you is true. Critical care capacity is being extended across the country, and surgical units are having to be converted to house coronavirus patients. As I said, the dip on your chart is a clear indication of this.

I was told all of this independently, but this footage has people saying the same things on camera.

They talk about patient occupancy at 1:20, but watch the whole thing. If this doesn't make you question your previous opinion then you are a lost cause.

Also, yesterday was the busiest day on record for our ambulance service. 15 ambulances were stuck waiting outside our local hospital, and handover times were so long that it was the equivalent of taking 63 ambulances off the road.
Don't waste your breath. They have already made up their minds that COVID-19 is a hoax.

Until a close family member gets it and dies or they catch COVID-19 themselves and suffer the effects from it they won't understand.

Those that think COVID-19 is a hoax will continue to show a lack of empathy on those who have lost family members to COVID-19 or have suffered side effects from it.
Don't waste your breath. They have already made up their minds that COVID-19 is a hoax.

Until a close family member gets it and dies or they catch COVID-19 themselves and suffer the effects from it they won't understand.

Those that think COVID-19 is a hoax will continue to show a lack of empathy on those who have lost family members to COVID-19 or have suffered side effects from it.
What makes no sense to me is that Bill is what I would consider to be an extremely cautious person. You could argue it's an obsession for him as he checks traffic data for fatalities before taking a trip somewhere, and he also advocates extreme protection - when it comes to tinnitus - because he views every sound as being dangerous.

This makes his views on COVID-19 an inconsistent anomaly.

You are right, though. I am clearly wasting my time.
I visited an audiology clinic focused on (among other things) tinnitus today. They said they've had many cases of people getting tinnitus from COVID-19, and that other viral causes of tinnitus are uncommon.

My 2 new tones are showing no signs of improvement. I sure wish this was a hoax.

I think it's quite likely that the truth of the whole situation is found somewhere in between the two extremes...
I'm in the process of providing free cannabis to someone local who has neurological problems following a COVID-19 infection in August. (The state lets me do this legally provided certain criteria are met in terms of people's age).

Otherwise healthy mid-30s adults, their partner got over it like they would a bad influenza, but they seem to have some kind of (vascular?) brain damage they are getting all kinds of medical interest in but not much actual help with so far.
COVID-19 is a raging global pandemic...
But it doesn't have to be a raging global pandemic. There are numerous commonsense things people can do to help prevent becoming infected, or to help quickly recovering if they do. It's really as simple as that. Yet people steeped in conventional medicine for some reason refuse to accept this reality.
No, it's not.

The side that understands COVID-19 is a raging global pandemic is right, and the side that believes it's a hoax is wrong.
You're not smart enough to see that opportunistic people and institutions use the pandemic in nefarious ways because they can, and that there are widespread lies and confusion about the situation from every side?

You have a very simple understanding of the world.
Yes, you can still get infected with COVID-19 after being vaccinated. Here's why

Lol. It's baffling how people still believe in this COVID-19 hoax. With all the many examples of how absurd it all is...

Oh well.
This is well-known, PeteJ, we partly discussed this in the other thread. I'm going to be blunt here (no offence intended), but you clearly lack the intelligence to understand the basic scientific concepts of the various scenarios that you bring up in your arguments. This is why we don't have unqualified members of the general public doing jobs that require specific training and skills.

Did you actually read the article you provided, or did you just read the headline? It explains everything in basic terms, but there is nothing new in there. I presumed most people knew all this.

The dumbing down of society is happening at such an unprecedented rate that I find it terrifying. I honestly believe that if an asteroid was heading for Earth - and was clearly visible in the sky - there would still be people on Facebook and Twitter calling it a hoax. I can imagine them all arguing with the experts at NASA saying they're a fake organisation, etc, etc.

You can't fix stupid, unfortunately, but we have to live with these people, and they can affect the health of others when it comes to infectious agents. This is when it becomes selfish.
This is well-known, PeteJ, we partly discussed this in the other thread. I'm going to be blunt here (no offence intended), but you clearly lack the intelligence to understand the basic scientific concepts of the various scenarios that you bring up in your arguments. This is why we don't have unqualified members of the general public doing jobs that require specific training and skills.

Did you actually read the article you provided, or did you just read the headline? It explains everything in basic terms, but there is nothing new in there. I presumed most people knew all this.

The dumbing down of society is happening at such an unprecedented rate that I find it terrifying. I honestly believe that if an asteroid was heading for Earth - and was clearly visible in the sky - there would still be people on Facebook and Twitter calling it a hoax. I can imagine them all arguing with the experts at NASA saying they're a fake organisation, etc, etc.
PeteJ could be one of those people and you will be polite trying your best to tell him it's not a hoax, but he would still act hostile and aggressive to you calling you brainwashed lmaooo.

Now you know what Lane was on about when he/she brought up everyone putting him on ignore. Before I ignored him, he would constantly post stuff and then when no one replied, he would make another post saying "why has no one replied to my posts?"

The reason being is because most of them blocked you and can't deal with your hostile behaviour where you're frothing in the mouth about conspiracy theories relating to jews forcing white people to race mix lol. If he had got a rid of his rabies-like aggression then maybe people wouldn't have ignored him and would actually listen to him. That's my 2 cent anyways. If you want people to not listen, then that's how you do it. Have a good day.
@PeteJ are you disputing the existence of SARS-CoV-2 or are you disputing the reporting of it; numbers and whatnot?
Hello, UKBloke, nice to see someone who doesn't have me on ignore and who doesn't insult and mock me while claiming to have me on ignore, ask me a question.

I honestly think it's bizarre that there's still confusion surrounding my perspective by now but if you haven't followed my posts, I guess I can understand.

I am disputing the official narrative and I have posted various examples sporadically in this thread. One problem is some readers have taken it upon themselves to mock, insult and ridicule me instead of really considering my perspective. This personal attack has also manifested itself in attacks based on posts on other topics which is totally irrelevant or should be. You can read their posts here and decide for yourself.

But, I digress. If you research, with an open mind, it should be inevitable that you recognize a major problem with the official narrative. The censorship of questioning the official narrative, notwithstanding, it just doesn't make sense and there's been way too many contradictions and lies. In addition to that, there are increasing numbers of health professionals disputing the official narrative. These include doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, nurses and others, who have presented contradictory data and facts that call into question what we are told.

On top of that, our freedoms are being infringed upon justified by the repetitive excuse, "it's for our safety." It's being drilled into people's brains that if you question what's going on, you are a horrible person, you lack empathy and you are a 'conspiracy theorist." People are being conditioned to blindly follow the government, to sacrifice their freedoms and don't question anything, don't challenge anything because the public health departments and hospitals are 'verifying' everything. Yet, these institutions we rely on and trust have been caught in lies repeatedly.

Something is fishy and not right.

I encourage you to research for yourself and to do that, you have to go outside your comfort zone. You need to access other sources other than MSM and immediate Google hits. Those sources are not just biased but they are subjective and present an angle that omits the info you will find elsewhere. This is a red flag and the fact it's global is even more eye-opening. COVID-1984 is, so far, the best way, the best "slogan" if you will, to describe it. Although, "Plandemic" is pretty good, too.

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