Yup. Traumatic childhood, but mostly teenagehood. And yea, if you are asking this regarding T, well it "could be" related, just another possible cause, as long as childhood and teenagehood traumatic experience are shaping (the wrong way) a developing brain. Lot of research is being done actually about this issue, just have a look on internet about it just for this last year. These early traumas shape your personality, various emotional and neurological disregulations and you are more predisposed to health issues. Just to cite a famous research on foster care children, 68% of them have mental issues, 41% of them have chronic (!) health issues, 25% of them have ptsd (3 times more than vietnam veterans !). And still there is some ignorant (also some researcher) who say "Well maybe they just had an underlying problem and trauma brought it out". Yea, what a coincidence, more than 7 out of 10 children from foster care have or will develop psychological, neurological, emotional or physical problems, how unlucky.