Hi TT,
It's Fish and I want to write a post and as usual share a part of my life that, can be helpful to those that have lost hope in life at times. I have had a bad couple of months and it led to depression (really bad) and that depression manifested itself into anxiety and it was a horrible feeling almost daily. I have had a stressful life, losing both parents, dealing with fibromyalgia/arthritis. Dealing with the madness that this intrusive tinnitus has brought into my life.
My eating habits have been very poor for the past 6 months, and I am usually a very fit person. Everything tied together landed me in the hospital for almost 1 week. My blood pressure was very high and very scary. I was given to either take BP meds or to not survive. It was one of the most HELLish times in my life. Everything was scary and even I at times was scared and lost hope.
I got out of the hospital and was forced to take a pill so i can live a longer life. I was taking the pill for 5 days and was not able to move off my couch. I was losing who i was as a person. Everything was changing, I was losing hope very fast. My tinnitus was ringing louder than ever. I saw no future, I saw nothing.
I really wanted to change my life and my situation (I have been kicked down many times in my life and I have always changed it). The pills were changing me as a person and I saw no future at all. I had lots of plans in my life but my affliction had a plan of it's own.
I went to my Dr and she was telling me that I am stuck in this situation for the rest of my life. I was like, no....I cannot live like this, I have plans and things I need to accomplish in my life. I still have lots to live for. She was like, well....I'm sorry but that's how things are going to be.
So I took another pill and I saw my life going further into a downward spiral. I knew that I had to change my life and take immediate action. I totally revamped my diet, I threw all the junk foods in my freezer out. I started to eat healthy from breakfast to dinner. I stopped eating any vitamin/food that were bad for my body and mind.
I have started to take more control of my stress and not allow unnecessary stress come into my life, this is crucial for those that suffer with tinnitus.
I took action and started to exercise more, and just start being healthier. Folks I did something else that I have not been able to do in almost 2+ years. Last night for the first time in almost 2+ years, I did not take a sleeping pill.
I share this post, not because I want to toot my horn. I share this because I want you to find hope. Even when you feel that life is going downward/backward. Even when you feel that the future is scary. DON'T EVER LOSE HOPE!
Always believe, yes.....believe. Everything is possible in the 1 life we have to live. I was admitted into the hospital for a VERY high blood pressure. 15 minutes ago I had a reading of 121/75 and a pulse of 65. I am off the BP med and will never take it again...
Folks this was never achievable for me, those numbers were never achievable for me . Everyone doubted me and said that I need to be on BP pills and my life would depend on it. I always believed in myself and wanted to live a better life and TOOK ACTION!
Beating the blood pressure issue and stopping my sleeping pill after almost 2+ years for me is kinda like a miracle but IF WE ARE DRIVEN, nothing can stop our desires.
My life has forever been changed since i came out that hospital. Folks life is hard, but we can slowly change it and make it better.
I hope my post inspired one person