So far I've played
Fire Red,
Emerald and (most recently)
I'd say the
Pokémon games are pretty much the best game series ever invented for handheld consoles, but really, my continued patronage boils down to the fact I am no longer able to enjoy
non-TBS games (for various reasons linked to tinnitus, anxiety and time constraints), and I carry a lot of grievances with the series in general, being that all the games seem to have their own glaring flaws.
For example, with
Fire Red and
Emerald, I seem to recall that gaining experience was arduous and became overly repetitive. One of my worst experiences was being stuck in Cerulean City for days, having to play endless battles with Weedles and Caterpies so I could beat Gary and move on in the game.
Sword, what frustrated me were the Dynamax battles; the fact that you couldn't skip the battle animations and (as I was playing it in
single player mode) how you'd be teamed up with the sh*ttest AI team imaginable, that would literally try to sabotage you every time.
I was also seriously underwhelmed by the Battle Tower "reward" at the end, and feel like the opening up of EVs and IVs to players has overcomplicated the game. Playing Pokémon prior to knowing of EV and IV reminds me of the difference between watching the films
Cube (1997) and
Cube 2: Hypercube (2003); no one wants a damn
hypercube jumping around 4 dimensions, a
cube with a million chambers shifting around infinitely is enough to be thinking about on it's own.
Anyway, this entire rant makes me sound like I hate the series or something... which I don't. But there is a lot I'd change about it if I could.
That said, I've just bought
Pokémon: Let's go Eevee! so yeah. (*TーT)b