@Vincent R , indeed, I might not reside in Sweden although I'm sweet. 
Military operation.. sounds familiar. I took a shower the other day late at night. Huge mistake! T was going through the roof for over 12 hours. So no sleep, no way to think straight, just pure agony at its best. Worse, masking doesn't work anymore.
Point well made, and I totally agree Acoustic Neuromodulation won't have any efficacy. I have the feeling it's the latest T scam. There are plenty of companies lately trying to sell this theory for big money. But neurons are neurons and they do what they do: keep functioning -- no matter what other neurons near by do. Otherwise you could deactivate/inhibit neurons activity (in the auditory cortex) of healthy ears when being exposed to certain repetitive tones. Moreover, what if you have lost several frequencies like me?
I wish I could meditated or relax. But I can't even eat a freakin' cookie without getting a horrific T spike and pain.
It is boring and annoying! I want it to stop! Now!
And you guys really wonder why so many people (as well as physicians), not afflicted with T, do NOT take us serious, there not being a real treatment or a cure yet? In 2015. Honestly, if I was new to this board (which I actually was not long before) and read all the positive threads and success stories, since all the negative stuff (reality: people do suffer greatly!) is shoved down to off topic, I would tell myself, 'Hey, T is really no big deal. It's just a noise in the head and there are plenty of therapies, and people chitchat and having a great time, everybody is happy. So why bother?'
How can we expect to be taken serious if we do not take our malady serious?

Military operation.. sounds familiar. I took a shower the other day late at night. Huge mistake! T was going through the roof for over 12 hours. So no sleep, no way to think straight, just pure agony at its best. Worse, masking doesn't work anymore.

Point well made, and I totally agree Acoustic Neuromodulation won't have any efficacy. I have the feeling it's the latest T scam. There are plenty of companies lately trying to sell this theory for big money. But neurons are neurons and they do what they do: keep functioning -- no matter what other neurons near by do. Otherwise you could deactivate/inhibit neurons activity (in the auditory cortex) of healthy ears when being exposed to certain repetitive tones. Moreover, what if you have lost several frequencies like me?
I wish I could meditated or relax. But I can't even eat a freakin' cookie without getting a horrific T spike and pain.
It is boring and annoying! I want it to stop! Now!
Newer members may find this topic quite fear-provoking, disturbing and depressing due to a lot of uncertainty about their future.
And you guys really wonder why so many people (as well as physicians), not afflicted with T, do NOT take us serious, there not being a real treatment or a cure yet? In 2015. Honestly, if I was new to this board (which I actually was not long before) and read all the positive threads and success stories, since all the negative stuff (reality: people do suffer greatly!) is shoved down to off topic, I would tell myself, 'Hey, T is really no big deal. It's just a noise in the head and there are plenty of therapies, and people chitchat and having a great time, everybody is happy. So why bother?'
How can we expect to be taken serious if we do not take our malady serious?
RCP1 said:So here's some truth for you. There are no treatments that make a dent in T. Nothing you can swallow or listen to or inject that brings any longterm relief - Absolutely nothing.