Ideas for an effective and painless way? If it comes to that...But whatever you do, make sure you do it the right way!
I have read website and tried masking as much as i can.@Stink have you tried coping strategies like TRT? Also, a lot of people have reported relief with Trobalt. You might give that a shot.
Trobalt I haven't been able to get my hands on yet!
What drugs have you taken? I have taken sleeping meds and also benzos... i think the benzos made me even worse. I dont recommend them to anyoneStink, Since you have had tinnitus this long have you tried any drugs that might help with your tinnitus and your insomnia? The reason I ask is because I have taken a couple of medications that have been a big help for both. The one really helped with my sleep and that really helped with my tinnitus just knowing I was going to get a good nights sleep. I was on disability retirement at one time but on regular retirement now.
thanks for trying the uplifting posts. i lived another day thanks all of ya.