What I meant is that, say someone who doesn't have tinnitus and hyperacusis can still be around loud fireworks without any issues, whereas for us if FX-322 did work we will be mostly recovered but loud sounds will still cause us issues compared to normal people.
We would be fine with normal volume sounds but once we reach higher sound levels those without tinnitus or hyperacusis will be able to handle those sound levels better compared to someone with tinnitus or hyperacusis.
One might argue that a "normal" person around loud fireworks is still experiencing wear-and-tear, they just haven't accumulated enough damage to result in significant loss with tinnitus/hyperacusis as a symptom.
I suspect if FX-322 works for tinnitus, we'll see two divergent populations:
A: Those that lived with tinnitus for years, changed their behaviors re: loud environments/sounds and received some level of relief from FX-322. Maybe enough to go back to "normal." The people on this forum, for example.
B: Those that experienced hearing loss/tinnitus for an acute period of time, but not long enough to truly change their behavior. FX-322 treated their hearing loss/tinnitus and brought them back to "normal."
The restored hair cells for A and B are still subject the natural wear-and-tear that they experienced prior to needing FX-322. Hair-cells continue to wear even if they are regenerated to a "like-new" condition. So, continued hearing loss is going to be a fact of life.
Group A: Will be much more likely to continue habits of hearing protection; and may experience
less than the "normal" wear-and-tear trend they had prior to their chronic hearing loss condition. IE: using hearing protection in particularly loud environments like concerts, movie theaters, loud bars, sporting events, etc.
Group B: Will continue as normal like they did prior; and experience wear-and-tear to their hearing in a similar manner prior to their needing FX-322. IE: not likely using hearing protection when it is warranted.