- Dec 30, 2020
- 229
- Tinnitus Since
- 1993, increase in 2020, then new in 2021
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Unsure about the first. Too many beers? Music during sleep.
I feel the same. I've tried to talk to people. Gone to several therapists. Even people who are supposed to be specialized in tinnitus. But no one seems to understand. They seem to think tinnitus is in one way and that's it. A sound you can learn to ignore or get used to. Well, it's not that easy. It depends on the severity and/or if there are other symptoms than "just" the sound, like for example hyperacusis or ear pain or this feeling of ear fullness and/or "crawling" in the ear.Believe me, I tried and am still trying. Just came to see my therapist. Nothing is really working. Well, I am still alive, getting out of the bed, and even taking care of some stuff and errands.
The therapists I talked to seem to think it's a sound that "comes to" you and that you can ignore it. No! It's a sound (and a sensation) that is a part of my being. My perception. While in my case I can in some moments and situations be distracted enough to not think about it there is "no place to land" so to speak. It's always there, waiting when coming out of the distraction. And it makes me feel a bit of brain fog all the time.

I wish you all the best in trying to cope and that it will get better or that some of the treatments on the way will help us. Keep fighting! You are not alone even if that is what it feels like when you're there in your head going on with your day and no one around understands nor can relate.