I totally get where you're coming from lequack, I'm the same as well but I was a lot worse a few months back.
If someone or something goes bang nearby my instinct is to check on my ears, but you know what? I've decided that doing this all the time is just as bad for my sanity! Once the loud noise has happened there is nothing we can do about it, it's in the past. If you feel its warrantied and the bangs are dangerous, then get yourself some impulse ear plugs.
Other than that life has to go on, we can't all quit our jobs and stay at home all day. Try not to let these issues get you down.
It's just how were wired up, we can't help who we are. We can however change our thought processes if we repeat behaviours enough. Similar to how CBT works. Anytime you find yourself reacting in a way that doesn't benefit you, stop yourself and refocus on something else. If you drill this process in enough you can retrain your thought process from: "I've now damaged my ears and it's my fault; why did I have to stand there. My day is ruined", into: "Another loud bang, oh well who could have expected that. I think ill make some plans for the weekend later and find something fun to do."
I'll restate that if you feel your ears are genuinely being damaged then buy some impulse ear plugs for further peace of mind.
Quick impulsive sounds are usually not dangerous until they get into the high decibels though. The only time I'd get worried nowadays is if someone let a firecracker off near me, or fired a gun etc.
How do you tell if my ears are being damaged though? I mean I didn't feel any instant ear pain or sudden ringing/muffled hearing after the noise exposure. But I don't know that I can rely just on that fact.
I was hoping the recent noises wouldn't have any effect but it seems my right ear now has worsened because I hear a slight hissing now and for the past two days I've been getting random sharp electrical pain in that ear, it's weird like it just comes out of the blue and lasts for a second and then it's normal again.
Well today I stupidly dropped my phone while on the toilet at work, and it's an enclosed space and tiled floors so it made a great loud noise when it landed. Luckily it didn't break at least, but it made me worry again because of the noise.
You dropped a piece of plastic on the floor from what 2 feet high? It couldn't possible have been more than 70 db.
As many others have pointed our, tinnitus is likely not the main problem here.
still unlikely to be more than about 70 db.It was a glass Galaxy S6, if it was plastic it probably really wouldnt make a lot of noise.
still unlikely to be more than about 70 db.
You need to stop obsessing and worrying over every little sound; if you can't find a way to do that, you're going to keep revving yourself up forever.
You have a few different problems, LeQuack. You have an unpleasant and unfortunate condition with your ears, which you may or may not ever be able to really medically address. But this is all caught up with a bunch of aberrant, self-reinforcing feedback loops of anxiety and primal fear, which do not have to have a long-term connection to the ear problems themselves. Breaking those links is likely to be difficult, but I am optimistic that it's possible to do so.
You're going to be fineIt sure is difficult. But on the other hand yesterday I went cycling for an hour and didn't wear any ear plugs and was not bothered by outside noise or wind. I am more allergic to sudden loud noises, or even afraid of them. And today's sudden noise was more in a 90-100 dB range I think, which is why I worry. Well hopefully I can live through it somehow.
HiSorry to burden you guys with my problems again but I just have to vent. I was doing pretty okay this week, no loud incidents, that is, until today.
I was sitting and having a cup of coffee with my friend when nearby some guy emptied a whole bin of glass into a trash can, also full of glass. It was so loud I almost jumped out of the chair.Even my friend commented on the loud noise, even though he doesn't have T. And now my day is ruined again. I wasn't expecting something like that at all, and even though I lately try to protect my ears, it's hard to sit and talk to people with earplugs because my voice sounds so weird and loud and it's hard to tell how loud you're talking. Screw this world.
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I think it is really hard to wear earplugs and chat to people and probably isnt necessary unless you are having coffee on a firing range. But sounds like you're doing pretty well in meeting up with friends and working and so forth. Hope you get a better week nexk week.
No offense man, but why do you keep posting the same thing over and over? At this stage, what is the point to the posts? Are you hoping that someone comes up with a better answer than the last 20 times that you heard a noise and posted about it?
Have you seen a psychiatrist?Just venting I guess. Don't have anyone in real life I can complain to about my troubles unfortunately.