Hi Everyone


Dec 31, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Benzo Withdrawal
My name is Tina, I developed this non stop high pitched sound in my ears this past week-I'm doing a Benzo taper and this is one of the most troubling symptoms! Looking forward to getting to know others and maybe finding a tiny bit of hope
Hi @TinaT , and welcome to this forum, and I am sorry you had to seek us out.

The best place to start would be this post written by @Michael Leigh.

I would also highly recommend searching posts written by him to learn more. He has written a lot of great posts that I have found very helpful.

Our experience here is that for most people, tinnitus will clear up on its own within a year or so, which I know sounds like a terribly long time, but I have had this my entire life, so it could be worse.

@Bill Bauer wrote the following post discussing studies that show a fairly high recovery rate from tinnitus ( https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/spontaneous-recovery-stats-over-70-recover-3-studies.21441/ )

One more thing I would like to leave you with is the thought that maintaining a positive attitude is important. Stress and anxiety can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms. Many here have posted how positivity helps them cope.

@billie48 wrote his success story demonstrating how positivity helped him habituate.

Michael Leigh wrote the following, excellent post on the importance of positivity: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/is-positivity-important.23150/ and the following on negativity and tinnitus

I wish you luck and hope you find the answers you are looking for. Please feel free to PM me if I can be of any help and also please keep us updated on your progress.
My name is Tina, I developed this non stop high pitched sound in my ears this past week-I'm doing a Benzo taper and this is one of the most troubling symptoms! Looking forward to getting to know others and maybe finding a tiny bit of hope

Hi Tina,

welcome to the forum :)

I tapered off a high amount of benzos myself and do understand just how difficult it can be. Keep up the good work and continue with your taper. The side effects/withdrawals I had from the benzos was pure hell. I still remember them like it was yesterday. It was so worth it for me to get off the benzos and it was the toughest challenge for me.

This is a great community and people want to help others :)
Thank you Fishbone! It is a nightmare, the symptoms just became unbearable the past week or so. They say the lower doses are the hardest and they weren't kidding. Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate it very much :)
Hi Tina,

welcome to the forum :)

I tapered off a high amount of benzos myself and do understand just how difficult it can be. Keep up the good work and continue with your taper. The side effects/withdrawals I had from the benzos was pure hell. I still remember them like it was yesterday. It was so worth it for me to get off the benzos and it was the toughest challenge for me.

This is a great community and people want to help others :)

And congratulations on your own Benzo withdrawal

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