That test was Electrocochleography, you can search on the forum, it was a recent topic about this. Maybe Dr. Ioana Vodă already did this test?
I have had these 2 tests, the ENTs told me they are the same, but I see nowhere the word Electrocochleography (or Ro equivalent

I've seen tons of neurologists for my headaches and ear aches. Finally they told me that it's a vestibular migraine.
TBH I don't have many hopes from neurologists, but I want to check this on my list also, so I can live in peace that I tried everything. I noticed that neurologists like to put the "migraine" word on everything, so they can dispose of you and get the next patient.
I think that my problem is multifactorial: vestibular migraine, sound exposure, ototoxic drugs, sinus problems and deviated septum, stress and anxiety, genetic predisposition (both of my parents and my aunt have hearing problems).
I think exactly the same and I noticed that people with tinnitus or/and hyperacusis have other problems also. My problems are TMJ, cervical pain (from posture at the computer), stress and anxiety (I almost never could relax, this is my character) and the most important of all, noise exposure. I had some drums lessons (with Loreadan's teacher) and from the first drum beat I felt the pain in my ears, he did not give me protection. I told him that I had pain and he said "you will be fine". And the nightmare began.
I have other chronic problems (severe dry eye, stomach pain) and I saw at least 20 doctors for each of them in 10 years and I learned some lessons:
- listen to your body, no doctor cured me of these problems, but I learned what triggers them (some foods, watching too much TV, reading books, etc) and I try to avoid them. I still have eye/stomach pain, but not as severe as 5 years ago.
- try to get as much information as you can from the doctors. I learned tiny bits of info from each of them. For example dr Voda prescribed me Clonazepam, which does miracles for pain and LDL. I use it only when I am in great pain.
- 90% of the doctors only know what they learned and they are not willing to go extra mile to help us. Why bother, when they have tons of patients? They tell us to do many tests (so they can get the % money) and then get to the next patient. It's very hard to find an empathic doctor these days, I found that the younger ones are more empathic.