I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

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@Lane Thats great the CBD oil works for you! Brilliant news. Natural and good for your body. Alas I wish it worked for me. Love the idea of it and it makes perfect sense as it seems to do wonders for epilepsy. In theory it should be like a natural Trobalt or at the very least a natural Xanax or Valium, but I've gone on and off it over the months in desperation but it never seems to cut the volume or pitch, just makes me feel a bit disorientated and slightly nauseous. If it cut the volume I would spend all day guzzling it and happily feel all over the shop. But no change at all. ....... I guess this just goes to show once again how hard T is to cure. It's so varied.
@Lane I sleep well too but that's because of my sleep armoury! This lot works better than any drug a doctor ever gave me. Last night I slept 10 hours.....Wild Bill's is optional.

Seriously for anyone interested I take approx 20 drops of each herb with a couple of Valerian tabs. With the sound machines running I'm out in 15mins and rarely wake up......If I do it's usually because the dog is scratching the area where he used to have balls. But because I love him I get back to sleep quickly.


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Hey look I get it, none of signed up for this, all of us want out of the gang. But can I just say to all of you- and the average person will never understand or appreciate this - but every single one of us that gets up today and in the face of almost unthinkable adversity carries on living, whether that be taking the kids to school, going to work, doing the grocery shopping, going through the gym, or just walking the dog, is a tinnitus survivor. And trust me, you are all incredibly brave and resilient people cos this ain't no picnic.


@Bam wow thank you.

Hey look I get it, none of signed up for this, all of us want out of the gang. But can I just say to all of you- and the average person will never understand or appreciate this - but every single one of us that gets up today and in the face of almost unthinkable adversity carries on living, whether that be taking the kids to school, going to work, doing the grocery shopping, going through the gym, or just walking the dog, is a tinnitus survivor. And trust me, you are all incredibly brave and resilient people cos this ain't no picnic.

It isn't easy and I remember my days locked away in our dark closet just to escape everything. I don't talk about it often. But I so understand the severity of severe onset tinnitus on the most unsuspecting person. And I remember my first attempt at normal by going to the market for food. It was a big milestone for me.
@TracyJS @Starthrower

I've done the same and it isn't easy for sure. I have just tried something someone suggested- apple cider vinegar, just last night when T was so bad, I wouldn't have minded if I dropped dead. Also, I tried a few other things, remedies for another situation. Today, I woke up to find some relief. I've posted what I did in another category of this forum and based upon this seemingly nonsense cure working, very helpful comments by others on the site who have long recommended ACV and their insight and some other seemingly unrelated changes I've made, I think I have a hypothesis at least as to why the ACV etc has helped. I will try to write an article with references for anyone interested in the near future.

In any event, the ACV tastes like sh.. going down, but it did something even while I was sipping it--my inner ear tickled. This morning, as I said the shrill and extremely loud awfulness has stopped. I still hear it but so much relief. If it was for sure the ACV --I think, take it before you lay down to sleep, when digestion is at a standstill and the residue will linger on the tissues of the mouth/nasal/esophogas etc, changing the PH.

Besides what I mentioned in another post, B12 deficiency will cause heating sensation and tinnitus.
I referenced in one of my earlier posts, that I felt I was just at the beginning of exploring various options that might help my tinnitus. Just ran across the following article, which falls into that category. Lots of good stuff in the article as well as the comments following it:

Tinnitus: How an Alternative Remedy Became the Only Weapon Against the Ringing

Some selected snippets from the article:

I have tinnitus. I have had it for 14 years. When my ears started ringing, I ran around to various doctors seeking a cure, until one of them took pity on me and explained that there was no cure. I would have to get used to it.

I discovered the Chinese approach to understanding and dealing with tinnitus by wandering into Acumedic's clinic on Camden High Street in north London last year out of curiosity. Not expecting that they could offer any help with a condition that leaves Western medicine baffled, I didn't mention that I had tinnitus. The female doctor told me to stick out my tongue – tongue analysis is a basic diagnostic tool in this system – and after examining it, she asked, "Do you have ringing in your ears?" ......

An imbalance between your organs affects the harmony between blood circulation and qi, and this in turn translates into an imbalance of yin and yang." By closely inspecting one's tongue and taking one's pulse, they obtain an accurate idea of the state of one's internal organs. They then proceed to treatment. ......

I had no good reason to suppose it would have any effect, and for two or three weeks the ringing continued as normal. But then, as I continued to slurp my daily potion, I realised with surprise that things had begun to improve. I woke in the morning resigned to the usual relentless racket – and it was different: first it lost its ringing quality, so all that remained was a sustained shushing; then the shushing itself reduced, to the extent that sometimes I was able to forget about it for hours at a time.

Dr Lily had explained that the ringing in my ears was caused by an internal imbalance, which the tea she prescribed was intended to correct; now, lo and behold, it was taking effect and my baffling condition was getting appreciably better. Eventually, I would ask myself: am I still suffering from tinnitus? It would take a conscious check to confirm that, yes, there was still this fuzziness clouding my hearing. But for many hours and days I would be all but unaware of it.​
I made the following post on another forum recently, but I think it's highly relevant to this forum as well. It explains a bit on how I approach various options for dealing with tinnitus, and why I tend toward various alternative orientations...
I ran across a very interesting article on the "Flexner Report" that was published in 1910, and had a huge influence on how modern medicine developed in the 20th century. I'd never heard of the report before, but the content of the article fell in line with things I'd long believed about conventional medicine.

I fully realize modern medicine has brought us many wonders, but I've long been aghast at some of its barbaric practices and inhumanity. Most of us are aware that pwME/CFS have long been "out of favor" with conventional medicine because we don't fit within the narrow confines of its training and practice. I think this article goes a long way in explaining how it came to be that we've had to confront so many untenable situations in our search for better health.

Below is part of the introduction. --- BTW, I think the Cancer Tutor website has a lot of great information for anybody trying to discover more about natural ways to treat cancer.

How the Flexner Report Hijacked Natural Medicine - Cancer Tutor

If you've ever wondered how modern-day medicine got to where it is today, you should begin by learning about Abraham Flexner. He's probably one of the most influential men no one has ever heard of.

In 1910 he published the book-length report Medical Education in the United States and Canada which is now known as the Flexner Report. And, the rest, as they say, is history.

Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but this school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky, has had a more significant impact on modern medicine than just about anyone else.

Though institutions such as Johns Hopkins were already implementing "modern principles" into their work, most medical schools had yet to subscribe to these paradigms.

So what Flexner did was to attempt to align medical education under a set of norms that emphasized laboratory research and the patenting of medicine — both of which would serve to further enrich the estates of the entrepreneurs who funded Flexner's 1910 report: John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and others.

Sounds like a win-win, right? … Well, not exactly.

In fact, chances are that if Flexner had not submitted his report that audited medical schools in the United States and Canada, we would not have a society heavily biased in favor of many inhumane and unnatural medical practices that we have today.​
Hi Star. I found myself going into my dark closet this morning. I had a rough night and now a rough morning. It's such a struggle.

I know.....@TracyJS what is the worst the loudness of the noise in your head? That was my issue and as time went on it got worse until I finally decided to take a step out and calm my anxiety with the help of my doctor.
We are all here for you.

In any event, the ACV tastes like sh.. going down, but it did something even while I was sipping it--my inner ear tickled. This morning, as I said the shrill and extremely loud awfulness has stopped. I still hear it but so much relief.

Wow. I live by AVC. Bragg Organic Unfiltered brand. I think it helps dry up congestion and inflamation in the inner ear. When I told people about this they boo whooed me with technical blah blah of why it was false. I am not saying it cured anything tinnitus related but it did help me when I had clogged ear syndrome.

I use it every day. One teaspoon in a half glass of warm water and a teeny drop of Blackstrap Molasses. It helps me with another issue. Helps detox the liver.

It sort of blends into @Lane thoughts on this:

An imbalance between your organs affects the harmony between blood circulation and qi, and this in turn translates into an imbalance of yin and yang." By closely inspecting one's tongue and taking one's pulse, they obtain an accurate idea of the state of one's internal organs. They then proceed to treatment. ......
It is going to be okay @TracyJS. The anxiety makes everything seem so much worse and impossible to see light at times. This is the time to find medical help to either stay on the medication for a while or taper off with help. I don't think you took it for very long? About a month? On and off?

You have been through a lot with your past therapist. Just keep fighting.
I took medication on and off a few weeks and then continuously for a week. I've been tapering now longer than I took the medication.

I know I need to find medical help. I'm finding it so very overwhelming.
Sometimes giving helps others and in turn makes you feel....like it matters.

Hi @Starthrower,

I recalled your comment here after I just now ran across a "contemplation seed" that contained the same (or similar) sentiment. -- Best...

A Seed for Contemplation
Learn to give, without ever thinking of a reward. That's how to find the treasures of heaven.​
I took medication on and off a few weeks and then continuously for a week. I've been tapering now longer than I took the medication.

I know I need to find medical help. I'm finding it so very overwhelming.

@TracyJS you did not take the medication long enough to worry about addiction or withdrawal. I think reading the stories scared you and increased your anxiety. I am not down playing some people's experiences. But, in fact those experiences are not all experiences. I stayed on my medication for several years under my doctor's care and never increasing the dosage or having tolerance issues. I did what I had to do to survive and live.

I think if you do not need the medication that is okay. But if you do than you have decisions to make with your doctor. I think @glynis mentioned looking into different ADs? Talk with doctors about this but listen to your own inner instincts.

There are other ways like hypnosis or meditation. Those were my second steps to get my life back.

It seems right now you are stuck in a holding pattern.
@TracyJS you did not take the medication long enough to worry about addiction or withdrawal. I think reading the stories scared you and increased your anxiety. I am not down playing some people's experiences. But, in fact those experiences are not all experiences. I stayed on my medication for several years under my doctor's care and never increasing the dosage or having tolerance issues. I did what I had to do to survive and live.

I think if you do not need the medication that is okay. But if you do than you have decisions to make with your doctor. I think @glynis mentioned looking into different ADs? Talk with doctors about this but listen to your own inner instincts.

There are other ways like hypnosis or meditation. Those were my second steps to get my life back.

It seems right now you are stuck in a holding pattern.
Hi Star,

You are right: I am stuck in a holding pattern. My fear of medication is holding me back, I know, from getting relief. I wish I hadn't read so many stories of people's tinnitus getting worse due to medication. And yet, I know my anxiety which is actually increasing, is making it much worse. I'm not living this way and sometimes I don't know if I will survive.
I feel so trapped. Meanwhile, I'm starting to have panic attacks and sleeping only 2-3 hours at night. And a friend who has been supportive is going out of town for a few weeks which is really freaking me out.
I wish I could be less afraid.
I know this answer is "boring" to some and full of bullshit and a cliché, but you need to give it time. Time can actually heal you by either habituating to it, the T slowly becoming less loud and EVEN disappear. You are one year in, and I always mention to people that there are people who got rid of their T or had it but got their life back after 2-6 years.

It is very, very important that you give it time. 5 months to a year is a very short time when it comes to T, even if it feels as a life time.
@TracyJS ,
I think a plan of action is what you need so this is just a guide.

continue to come off your benzo till off it.

For sleep and anxiety long term like General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
go on to a low AD for sleep and help anxiety well below therapeutic dose for depression.

Start working on building up your confidence and self worth and mixing with people at your own pace.

Find a new intrest and we can help give you simple ideas for that.
love glynis x
wish I hadn't read so many stories of people's tinnitus getting worse due to medication. And yet, I know my anxiety which is actually increasing, is making it much worse.

Yes. Even I get freaked out reading some of the posts on medications and the horror stories. The problem is those of us who were not in the same situation rarely speak out. I remember years ago back in 2002 when I joined one of the "message" boards it was the exact same thing as now.

Weird after over a decade not much has changed.

And a friend who has been supportive is going out of town for a few weeks which is really freaking me out.

Oh so sorry. Can you two keep in touch via text or emails?
@Starthrower @glynis
I just went for an acupuncture treatment and the whole thing was traumatic. The needles actually hurt, particularly the ones placed by my ears. I winced in pain. The woman, who was not very warm or comforting, kept saying I was low energy and needle sensitive. I have pain and soreness and my tinnitus is much worse now than when I got there.
I already had considerable anxiety and thought this might help with that.
It just feels like whatever help I seek, it is a disappointment or hurtful.:(
@Starthrower @glynis
I just went for an acupuncture treatment and the whole thing was traumatic. The needles actually hurt, particularly the ones placed by my ears. I winced in pain. The woman, who was not very warm or comforting, kept saying I was low energy and needle sensitive. I have pain and soreness and my tinnitus is much worse now than when I got there.
I already had considerable anxiety and thought this might help with that.
It just feels like whatever help I seek, it is a disappointment or hurtful.:(

I think you just run into a bad acupuncturist...I can relate to that.
It took me a while to find a good one but when I did, it was like finding gold.
My acupuncture lady is Chinese and she used to teach it over there...I don't even feel the needles going in and she uses about 30 of them each session.
Didn't help my tinnitus, but I always left there very relaxed despite the ringing in my ears...it's actually been a while since I went there, now that I think of it I should probably make me an appointment.
Just out of curiosity have you tried any CBD oil for your anxiety?
Unlike the prescription meds (which you are understandably hesitant to take), CBD will not harm you in any way and there are no side effects.
Do you know the main frequency of your tinnitus?
Maybe you can try the same trick that is helping me.
@TracyJS ,
When I had them in my ankles I almost passed out and she pulled them out and I had to lie down.
When I had them in my knees I was on my back...
funny now thinking about it....
You will be fine and will settle.
Well done you ! for trying it out...
love glynis x
Is there any chance this has made my tinnitus permanently worse? When she put one of the needles near my left ear, it felt like it hit a nerve or something.
I think you just run into a bad acupuncturist...I can relate to that.
It took me a while to find a good one but when I did, it was like finding gold.
My acupuncture lady is Chinese and she used to teach it over there...I don't even feel the needles going in and she uses about 30 of them each session.
Didn't help my tinnitus, but I always left there very relaxed despite the ringing in my ears...it's actually been a while since I went there, now that I think of it I should probably make me an appointment.
Just out of curiosity have you tried any CBD oil for your anxiety?
Unlike the prescription meds (which you are understandably hesitant to take), CBD will not harm you in any way and there are no side effects.
Do you know the main frequency of your tinnitus?
Maybe you can try the same trick that is helping me.
No, I haven't tried CBD oil. I don't know where I would get it.
No, I haven't tried CBD oil. I don't know where I would get it.

You should be able to get it off internet if you google it..CBD oil should be legal to buy in most places since it has almost no THC and you do not get high from it.
Technically it does have some trace amount of THC, but very, very low.
CBD is great for killing anxiety...look up Dr Axe on CBD.

Also if you find your tinnitus frequency, you can google up any of the numerous free online tone generators and try to play your frequency in about 10 second intervals for about 5 minutes or so.
You can also play it straight with no interruptions, just set the volume either the same as your T or slightly higher.
After that plug your ears and listen for the tinnitus...you should be able to hear silence for a bit (about 30 seconds to a minute), till it comes back.
If you are lucky, you can get longer than that...I even heard of people's T vanishing completely after listening to their frequency for a while, but that is indeed very rare.
If this works, you can improve the effect by doing squats (prefferably with a weight on your back), while listening to it...this stimulates your vagus nerve and makes the brain release a certain chemical, that helps to reset it. (at least that is the theory behind it)
i hope Bam is alright :(

Also @TracyJS hope you start to get some relief soon. The only thing that has saved me is masking it especialy at night. It stops me from having panic attacks and allows me to sleep, without it i would be a mess. Its very much linked into our entire central nervous system so trying to find a good place is so important and yet so difficult. Just being around certain people gets me all worked up inside and it really does make it so much louder. I avoid socialising all together now because it keeps me on an even level and i generally do much better for it. I dont tend to worry as much about it once i feel i'm in control of it. For example I know by masking it and doing x y z im going to be able to get through the day, which in turn means i suffer less for it i feel. Maybe im getting into some habituation or something i dont know, its always there but some days i hear it more than others. Its just very strange.

I always feel like i want to help, but at the same time i just feel so frustrated sometimes.
i hope Bam is alright :(

Also @TracyJS hope you start to get some relief soon. The only thing that has saved me is masking it especialy at night. It stops me from having panic attacks and allows me to sleep, without it i would be a mess. Its very much linked into our entire central nervous system so trying to find a good place is so important and yet so difficult. Just being around certain people gets me all worked up inside and it really does make it so much louder. I avoid socialising all together now because it keeps me on an even level and i generally do much better for it. I dont tend to worry as much about it once i feel i'm in control of it. For example I know by masking it and doing x y z im going to be able to get through the day, which in turn means i suffer less for it i feel. Maybe im getting into some habituation or something i dont know, its always there but some days i hear it more than others. Its just very strange.

I always feel like i want to help, but at the same time i just feel so frustrated sometimes.
Unfortunately, my tinnitus when severe is not maskable. It's loud high pitched piercing hissing/ringing in both ears that I can hear over everything except the shower. I use crickets to mask, but since I have hyperacusis/reactive T it doesn't really work. It competes with it.
If I could mask it, I'd feel so much better.
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