I came across a study published in June 2021 showing a benefit of molecular hydrogen on preventing NIHL in guinea pigs. Has anyone tried hydrogen therapy for tinnitus or hyperacusis?
Inhalation of Molecular Hydrogen, a Rescue Treatment for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
One-hour H2 inhalation protected guinea pigs' ears from noise-related damage immediately after exposure to continuous noise for 2 h. There was a significant reduction of electrophysiological hearing thresholds and OHC loss 2 weeks after noise exposure. H2 also preserved synaptophysin immunostaining. Immune reactions induced by noise activated macrophage/microglia cells and H2 intensified these effects.
One-hour H2 inhalation protected guinea pigs' ears from noise-related damage immediately after exposure to continuous noise for 2 h. There was a significant reduction of electrophysiological hearing thresholds and OHC loss 2 weeks after noise exposure. H2 also preserved synaptophysin immunostaining. Immune reactions induced by noise activated macrophage/microglia cells and H2 intensified these effects.