Who's CharlieCharlie is going to give my cochlea's a second chance!

Also, does is anyone aware of whether is Decibel actually currently trialing anything specific, or do they at least have some specific project that we know of?
Who's CharlieCharlie is going to give my cochlea's a second chance!
I was being silly, he is the Founder of Decibel Therapeutics a bio tech trying to tackle hearing loss and a range of other oto-neurological disorders that plague the inner ear.Who's Charlie?
Also, does is anyone aware of whether is Decibel actually currently trialing anything specific, or do they at least have some specific project that we know of?
This isn't hair cell regeneration, it's repairing damage by turning off a bad gene.Some new findings in inner ear regeneration:
Part I & II of the Novartis hearing regeneration trial seem to be finished, now they are recruiting for part III for highest dose defined as safe.
At least they are still working on it probably with encouraging results.
That's why science is freaking awesome and things like TRT, CBT and The levo system are rotten garbageEncouraging stuff...
I just realized that I'm sticking around at the forum even though I don't need the daily support anymore.
I'm sticking around to read about all the groundbreaking and nobel-prize-worthy work reported here... Without getting T I never even would have known the efforts being done to find a cure. I figured hearing aids were the only way for deaf people.
If a cure for deafness is born in the next five years, I feel so privileged to having witnessed its' conception... and its' birth!
Keep posting the news guys!
Part I & II of the Novartis hearing regeneration trial seem to be finished, now they are recruiting for part III for highest dose defined as safe.
At least they are still working on it probably with encouraging results.
"the drug will be initially administered to the inner ear using a surgical procedure."
So it is initially. They are thinking about other ways?
Perhaps less invasive like FT is proposing?
Also interesting to see if Novartis will be the first.
I guess this trial is more like a proof of concept trial and won't be mainstream treatment.
If they can show hearing threshold enhancement it would be exciting that hair cell regeneration
might be possible in some degree. I guess, this trial was initiated with the knowledge achieved in 2013,
so there has been many more other findings since then which would be anyway better.
Also the delivery looks little too complex with drilling a hole...there are probably better ways inbetween.
I read about the Action on Hearing Loss Summit, where a speaker from Novartis talked about their
trial, unfortunately I can't find what he discussed... someone knows?
Imagine if Frequency and Novartis openly shared there ideas with as many scientist as possible on how to regenerate hearing and navigate the cochlea to weigh in on other opinions and have the best ideas possible. Instead of business men buying scientist to compete with each other for the exact same goal that humanity needs.
Capitalism works very well when it comes to food, clothing, cars, technology but it doesn't fair to well when it comes to science and healthcare.
These companies also do not operate in a vacuum. If resources are required from the competition to achieve the end goal (profit), a coordinated effort will ensue.
In that case Frequency could pay Novartis to make use of their delivery method.What if it turns out Frequency has a more efficient drug, but Novartis has a better way to navigate the cochlea, will both trials fail or succeed with mediocrity all because they are not allowed to change initial ideas?
Why isn't hearing loss science open source like Linux and certain computer software?
@threefirefour needs to weigh in on this issue and how capitalism and science aren't compatible and science should work like open source computing.
Frequency could already proof delivery of FX-322 and it's bioavailability in Phase I.In that case Frequency could pay Novartis to make use of their delivery method.
but wouldn't both trials fail, since the FDA probably doesn't allow even slight modification for any trial.In that case Frequency could pay Novartis to make use of their delivery method.
If you know they have a treatment and you just have to wait, the wait will be much different.Do clinical trials become treatments within 5-10 years, or is it just a trial and error process that takes a better part of a century? If so even waiting till 2030 makes me want to off myself.
Frequency divides the supporting cells before differentiation!Does the Novartis treatment work off of supporting cells? How is it different than the Frequency Therapeutic treatment?
When a medical breakthrough becomes a corporate secret that cannot be openly shared with other scientist theres a problem.