Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

The latest trial was further inspired by the results of a Duke University retrospective analysis of 30 patients treated with cord blood transplants to treat sensorineural hearing loss as a result of mucopolysaccharidosis.[vii] (Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of metabolic disorders.) The results of the transplants on hearing loss was measured in terms of ABR. ABR is a measure of the number of functioning hair cells. ABR improvement suggests an increase in the number of functioning hair cells.

"There was a pretty significant improvement," says Baumgartner, in particular if the stem cell transplant was done before 25 months of age." The Duke analysis suggests that this treatment did replace hair cells.

So it already works... It makes me want to go to the stem cell clinic in Thailand :)

I'll seriously consider a trip too. A intra-tympanic injection of stem cells would not compromise the possibility for new treatments in our ears later, right ?
@Mentos agree that curing hearing loss would probably make no difference to T even if it was the initial trigger. One person on this site who had temporary hearing loss, which subsequently improved, still has T.

I have good hearing, but have hearing might have temporarily impaired hence T, but it is now good.
I get the hidden hearing loss argument but most people who have normal hearing loss have no T, yet for some the hearing loss can be imperceptible and they acquire T? The theory only makes sense if the brain is involved. The brain-ear relationship could not be helped by stem cells, correct?

I'm hoping for a pharmaceutical treatment, but hey am easy...if stem cells can do the job bring them on!

On their website they say that they don't do intra-tympanic unless you have significant hearing loss because they found some side-effect (Temporary though)

Also according to one guy on this forum (don't remember his nickname), Rivolta in Sheffield will try stem cell (embryonic) on a patient with Meniere in H1 next year so we will have more (or less) proof that it works.
I tell you one thing, when the hearing loss cure does come, and it has been proven and is spreading to the market, I am going to see if I can get congress or whatever to pass a law that limits how loud entertainment sound devices can be. I don't think that normal people have any business having earbuds that go beyond 80 dB, and considering the lifespan of such devices, I don't think it would harm the market at all.

Having some distant connections to politicians has to be put to good use SOMEHOW.
@Mentos agree that curing hearing loss would probably make no difference to T even if it was the initial trigger. One person on this site who had temporary hearing loss, which subsequently improved, still has T.

I have good hearing, but have hearing might have temporarily impaired hence T, but it is now good.
I get the hidden hearing loss argument but most people who have normal hearing loss have no T, yet for some the hearing loss can be imperceptible and they acquire T? The theory only makes sense if the brain is involved. The brain-ear relationship could not be helped by stem cells, correct?

I'm hoping for a pharmaceutical treatment, but hey am easy...if stem cells can do the job bring them on!
Brain is indeed involved. we get phantom noise (tinnitus) basically because there is no feedback from dead haircells. its like pinched nerve or when you cut your finger. it will hurt untill it heals. therfore we will have T untill we will heal/restore cells.

Sure you can supress pain with pain killers but thats easy. its hard to "numb" audotory system.

Basically - my opinion that regeneration is the only way to really cure, not just get rid of symptom.

I strongly beleive that is why people that had stem cells delivered in to cochlea got some results and all reported that T is much better. Stem cells take time to repair and regrow what has been damaged. result is not instant, it is gradual. even with knee shots of stems - you gotta give your knee rest for a few weeks and then statt "working it up".

On their website they say that they don't do intra-tympanic unless you have significant hearing loss because they found some side-effect (Temporary though)

Also according to one guy on this forum (don't remember his nickname), Rivolta in Sheffield will try stem cell (embryonic) on a patient with Meniere in H1 next year so we will have more (or less) proof that it works.
Ok thanks.

And the simple fact to receive stem cells into the cochlea, is that a problem for futur treatments ? I mean, if a gene therapy works one day, are the doctors going to tell you : "ok, your cochlea has been repaired by stem cells, it's not "natural" anymore, we can't treat you". We don't know that yet I guess, but I'm afraid of such things.

Because I'm ready for stem cells in a year or so, if it can make my T just a little softer...
Ok thanks.

And the simple fact to receive stem cells into the cochlea, is that a problem for futur treatments ? I mean, if a gene therapy works one day, are the doctors going to tell you : "ok, your cochlea has been repaired by stem cells, it's not "natural" anymore, we can't treat you". We don't know that yet I guess, but I'm afraid of such things.

Because I'm ready for stem cells in a year or so, if it can make my T just a little softer...

Sorry but I an't help you on that... Personaly I'd say this will have no impact for other treamtments...
Gene therapy or stem cell have the same goal : regrow hair cells.
But if I was you ill try to get it done with Rivolta.
If the fact that he'll try for a patient with Meniere is true maybe he can try with someone with other type of hearing loss.
Ok thanks.

And the simple fact to receive stem cells into the cochlea, is that a problem for futur treatments ? I mean, if a gene therapy works one day, are the doctors going to tell you : "ok, your cochlea has been repaired by stem cells, it's not "natural" anymore, we can't treat you". We don't know that yet I guess, but I'm afraid of such things.

Because I'm ready for stem cells in a year or so, if it can make my T just a little softer...

Well as i see the trick with stem cells is actlually that it is "natural". you dont just drop chemicals in to cochela and force on cells to become another ones.

Based on all research i have read - stem cells become these lost ceels and repair/replace them by also ptomoting supported hair cells to grow. i.e. you not loosing any type of cells in your cochlea, only gaining. Since all research documents state that - i dont see how stem cell injections can cause any sort of problem with future treatments.
Stem Cell & Gene Therapy are different and work in different ways. Gene Therapy uses a virus, a foreign being modified with animal/mammal genetic codes, to alter targeted areas by changing the genetics of biological objects to be programmed to function in a different way temporarily. This can bring either creation or transformation, from what I understand.

Stem Cells use human/mammal biology to alter or restore biological function, from what I understand. There are different set of rules, yet similar benefits, so they can probably work together.
Ok, that's how I understand it too.

I could definitely use a stem cells treatment now, even if it's not perfect, to make T softer. It will make the waiting for a complete cure less difficult.

But we have so little evidence about the efficiency of such injections for now...

But if I was you ill try to get it done with Rivolta.
If the fact that he'll try for a patient with Meniere is true maybe he can try with someone with other type of hearing loss.
I could try to contact him... Directly or do you know any sort of process to apply ?
I remember some months back stem cell treatments cost 20.000-25.000 $.
Also I remember discussions about how much a future treatment could cost (not necessarily stem cell). Figures of 100.000 $ where mentioned.
I only which we could compare prices between different clinics.
But before that we need prove that it works.
Guy recovered upper body movement from stem cells...that was done in america. People...we're almost there.

Can you tell me how are we almost there, making a neurons reconcest inside a spine, and making new nerver regorow so they would reconnect to non existing hearing cells???

Do you know how it look like. People regrew hearing celles 10 years abo but it led to nothing, we had cells but they would not plug themself in nervous system so they been there for decoration until they overgrow coused a tumor and patient dies.

But how can you compare spine with this. And wow many of you will have 20 000 USD for attempt.

I spoke with a friend who is working on reserch field in this and well he said we are far away from there, one should not just give high hopes and then fail to deliver them!

@Silvio Sabo , please comment?


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The spinal cord is much more complicated! So many different connections that control everything from moving your toes to breathing. And some of us do have the money, better start saving ;-)
@Christian78 no one regrew hair cells in measured recovery that long ago. no one enjected stem cells in to cochlea before, now they do. who could expect injection of "default" stem cells to regenerate spinal cord function ?

All of these tests and experimental procedures were involving only sigle injection, never continious and weighted set of injections over perioud of time.

It seems like with stem cells you need to kinda "drop some wood on to fire" in order to get a good result which equals to cure for specfic case. thats the only real reason why south koreans have impressed me more than enyone else so far. They are a)shooting right in/close to affected area to asperate and deliver as much of these stem cells as possible b)state that you have to repeat this process fiew times since cells need time to grow and everyone has different progress.

In regards "case-by-case" progress: it is true with all stem cell treatments available at the moment for variety of disorders/missaligments. Its simply because by nature some of us have "stronger" cells then others (also age seems to play role here, younger - better).

Medical field cannot experiment that much with such treatments because they must deliver solution to public which will be accessible (through insurance or whatever, not everyone can pay $20000 no matter how bad their condition is) b) it should have well documented predictable result. Also, since they will need to keep cost what not real, they will have to know how to controll stem cells for particulair repair to maximize efficiency.

Right now as i see it, we will need to shoot as many times as needed to get problem cured and that might come at relatively high cost. once they will have some sort of gene that could get efficiency to the point where its all prefictable ftom billing standpoint - everyone will be able to get that done.
@Christian78 no one regrew hair cells in measured recovery that long ago. no one enjected stem cells in to cochlea before, now they do. who could expect injection of "default" stem cells to regenerate spinal cord function ?

All of these tests and experimental procedures were involving only sigle injection, never continious and weighted set of injections over perioud of time.

It seems like with stem cells you need to kinda "drop some wood on to fire" in order to get a good result which equals to cure for specfic case. thats the only real reason why south koreans have impressed me more than enyone else so far. They are a)shooting right in/close to affected area to asperate and deliver as much of these stem cells as possible b)state that you have to repeat this process fiew times since cells need time to grow and everyone has different progress.

In regards "case-by-case" progress: it is true with all stem cell treatments available at the moment for variety of disorders/missaligments. Its simply because by nature some of us have "stronger" cells then others (also age seems to play role here, younger - better).

Medical field cannot experiment that much with such treatments because they must deliver solution to public which will be accessible (through insurance or whatever, not everyone can pay $20000 no matter how bad their condition is) b) it should have well documented predictable result. Also, since they will need to keep cost what not real, they will have to know how to controll stem cells for particulair repair to maximize efficiency.

Right now as i see it, we will need to shoot as many times as needed to get problem cured and that might come at relatively high cost. once they will have some sort of gene that could get efficiency to the point where its all prefictable ftom billing standpoint - everyone will be able to get that done.

That just sounds far too easy a solution, and sounds like it has consequences. I don't know about the Korean medical politics, so I have concern, even if that medical clinic was legitimate.
I just gave a call to this NY stem cell clinic, they had 2/3 years ago 2 or 3 patients treated for a different conditions(don't know what they were treated for exactly) who reported Tinnitus Improvement as a side effect of the main treatment.


This is very interesting. I have been wondering, with thousands (?) of people every year doing stem cell therapy for conditions related to joints and dermatology (to mention two very common ones) I would think many have tinnitus. And that at least some of them would receive a positive side effect with tinntius since once the stem cells are in the body they might go anywhere. And maybe in some cases help the ears. But until your post, I had never read any anecdotes of this happening.

I plan to get stem cell therapy soon for a joint problem with my foot. I have no serious expectations that this stem cell therapy will do anything for my tinnitus and Hyperacusis, but I will hold out just a bit of hope.
It looks like they follow the same path as Stanford does.
Quote: "In this collaboration, we will first identify the role of multiple signaling pathways, including Shh, Hippo, and Foxg1, in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of hair cell progenitors. Next we aim to develop a strategy for co-regulating multiple signaling pathways to induce the hair cell progenitors to regenerate functional hair cells."
I am glad to read 5-10 years more often now. And not 10 years. (-;
In an ideal world all the different researchers would collaborate.
@Christian78 no one regrew hair cells in measured recovery that long ago. no one enjected stem cells in to cochlea before, now they do. who could expect injection of "default" stem cells to regenerate spinal cord function ?

All of these tests and experimental procedures were involving only sigle injection, never continious and weighted set of injections over perioud of time.

It seems like with stem cells you need to kinda "drop some wood on to fire" in order to get a good result which equals to cure for specfic case. thats the only real reason why south koreans have impressed me more than enyone else so far. They are a)shooting right in/close to affected area to asperate and deliver as much of these stem cells as possible b)state that you have to repeat this process fiew times since cells need time to grow and everyone has different progress.

In regards "case-by-case" progress: it is true with all stem cell treatments available at the moment for variety of disorders/missaligments. Its simply because by nature some of us have "stronger" cells then others (also age seems to play role here, younger - better).

Medical field cannot experiment that much with such treatments because they must deliver solution to public which will be accessible (through insurance or whatever, not everyone can pay $20000 no matter how bad their condition is) b) it should have well documented predictable result. Also, since they will need to keep cost what not real, they will have to know how to controll stem cells for particulair repair to maximize efficiency.

Right now as i see it, we will need to shoot as many times as needed to get problem cured and that might come at relatively high cost. once they will have some sort of gene that could get efficiency to the point where its all prefictable ftom billing standpoint - everyone will be able to get that done.

I wish that i true and that may help as i am going to end my life next year. I told my parents, and i said it to myself. I have psikogenic tinnitus but it get worse as lose hearing. I am in peace with myself that it will end, and i live every day to maximum. I had some money saved so i spending it. It just like that. My tinnitus raised its level to immaginable levels. I been to belgium to tinnitus clinick, i been to switceland to dr. janmonod. t is in the forntal center of brain and it is spending itself. 2 weeks ago it went to new 30th level. Anaversary. I take meds antioxidans for hearing. I bought tinnitus hearing aids for 40 00kr = 4540 Euro or 6451 $... it did nto help.

right now i use good headphones

Bose's QuietComfort 35

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