@JazzerHi Ema
Every morning, in my bath, I have 20/30 minutes
I use a perfectly simple little breathing technique which puts me out in about 20 seconds.
I then gently repeat (silently) my auto suggestion.
"Auto-suggestion is a form of self-induced suggestion in which individuals guide their own thoughts, feelings, or behavior.
The technique is often used in self-hypnosis."
The suggestion can also be reinforced consciously whenever "T" intrudes.
"Easy Dave - Hiss is Normal"
Breath Out........."Easy
Breath In.............Dave
Breath Out...........Hiss is
Breath In..............Normal"
Best wishes
Dave xx
Hi, Dave.
Thanks for your meditation suggestion, I will definitely give it a try. I woke up feeling better this morning and then I log in and find that there are, indeed, people who understand and actually want to help me. Now I feel even better yet.