It's Me, emmalee

"You never really lose until you quit trying" - Mike Ditka
I had some changes in my tones over the last week and it's been giving me some hope. When I woke up today it was as loud and annoying as ever. I'm a little down. Not sure if it's the T or the cloudy weather and need to go to work later that has me down. It's one of those days I feel like my body is made out of wet sand. It's probably only half T and half life in general today so that's probably progress. I'm getting back to my baseline level of life.

This too shall pass.

How 'bout you?
I had some changes in my tones over the last week and it's been giving me some hope. When I woke up today it was as loud and annoying as ever. I'm a little down. Not sure if it's the T or the cloudy weather and need to go to work later that has me down. It's one of those days I feel like my body is made out of wet sand. It's probably only half T and half life in general today so that's probably progress. I'm getting back to my baseline level of life.

This too shall pass.

How 'bout you?
@New Guy if the changes in tones are giving you hope, hang on to that hope. Believe me, I get being down as you know from my posts, yesterday. You are spot on when you mention the weather, heck, gloomy non-springlike days can have a negative effect on our moods, T or not. How are you once you get to work, are you able to go about your business and pay less attention to the T? There are days when I know I need to change my environment. I literally have had to force myself to put on my shoes and get out, both physically and out of my own head. Once I do get out I am glad I made the effort.

Your baseline level of life is a good thing. This will indeed pass. I am doing better than yesterday, thanks for asking. :huganimation:

I will send you positive thoughts today, New Guy.

Hi Emmalee,

My name is Tracy. I've been reading your posts of positivity, and I just wanted to thank you. You seem like a thoughtful and sensitive person.

I myself am not in such a positive place, but it is helpful to come here.

Thank you.
Hi Emmalee,

My name is Tracy. I've been reading your posts of positivity, and I just wanted to thank you. You seem like a thoughtful and sensitive person.

I myself am not in such a positive place, but it is helpful to come here.

Thank you.
Hi, @TracyJS.

I am completely flattered, thank you Tracy. It is true that I have chosen to stay as positive as I can when dealing with my T, the opposite would surely be detrimental. I am not in a positive place every day, this is the truth. My mantra after yesterday's let down is to take it one day at a time, or even one moment at a time. Coming here truly is helpful, I am glad that you are here. We can help each other out on the less than positive days.:huganimation:

Thank you so much for such a kind and warm welcome and greeting. Yes, we can help each other on less than positive days.

As I said, I am not in such a positive place right now as things are very challenging, but your kind and thoughtful posts are very meaningful and helpful.

I'm very glad that you are here, too


Thank you so much for such a kind and warm welcome and greeting. Yes, we can help each other on less than positive days.

As I said, I am not in such a positive place right now as things are very challenging, but your kind and thoughtful posts are very meaningful and helpful.

I'm very glad that you are here, too

@TracyJS, may I ask what is challenging you the most?
I have had "T" for about two months. It started out more gradual, mild to moderate, and has seemed to worsen.

It has impacted so much of my life, and I'm struggling to manage moment to moment.

I appreciate your determination to be brave and positive in spite of the challenges.
I have had "T" for about two months. It started out more gradual, mild to moderate, and has seemed to worsen.

It has impacted so much of my life, and I'm struggling to manage moment to moment.

I appreciate your determination to be brave and positive in spite of the challenges.
No wonder you are struggling @TracyJS. To have it start out mild and then gradually escalate must be very disheartening. We have both been going through this for a relatively short time, at least from what I have read here. Because we are both new to T it means that the chance of it getting better or even going away altogether is possible. This is why I am able to fight through the darker days. I have to keep the hope that this is not forever. If not for hope what would I/we have?

Moment by moment is by far the best approach, in my very humble opinion.
Yes, it's disheartening to have it worsen, although I have read similar things saying that it's only been a short amount of time, and that it's not unusual for it to vary quite a bit early on.

I also struggled with considerable anxiety prior to tinnitus, so my anxiety has been quite a challenge during this time. That may be a factor in the worsening.

Yes, if we don't have hope, what do we have? Keep using that hope to help you in the darker days. There is every reason to hope that it will get better.

I'm doing my best to hold on to hope.
I'm doing my best to take it moment to moment.
~Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today~

Thich Nhat Hanh ~
@TracyJS @Contrast @Autumnly @nicole m @JessB4537 @PortalNaut

Contrast and I were discussing getting a good nights sleep earlier today and that got me to thinking. I want to share the video that I use each night, since T found me. It helps me relax before bed. One does not have to be a yoga guru to do the stretches. All you need is a pillow and a quiet spot.

I invite the guys to give it a try also, no discrimination here, lol!

"I lied and said I was busy. I was busy, but not in a way most people understand.

I was busy taking deeper breaths.

I was busy silencing irrational thoughts.

I was busy calming a racing heart.

I was busy telling myself I am okay.

Sometimes, this is my busy and I will not apologize for it."
Hi @emmalee, I'm only 3 weeks into myself, and I think just yesterday I started to feel like my life wasn't over. My T is bothersome & annoying, but I'm already leaning how to control it, my perception of it anyway. It's actually given me greater focus on whatever task I'm doing because I kinda have to concentrate, and when I'm focused on something else, I can actually hear the volume turn down a bit. Hardest time is at night of course. My favorite thing to listen to is the droning of a jet engine. I believe it's on the "Sleep Pillow" app. Its just like you're taking a trip, first class of course :) And if you want to hear something really weird, I actually sleep better now. I don't know why. In the past I'm up 2 or 3 times a night and always had trouble going to sleep, and the sleep wasn't that good. Now I sleep 6 or 7 hours straight and I only take a couple sleep formula vitamins from Vitamin World (here in the U.S.), pop on my in my earbuds and I'm off to wherever I wanna go. I have valium as a back up in case I need it but, you have to be careful if your doc gives you something like that. If I could do one thing differently, besides not being stupid when I was young, I'd not let myself get freaked out by things I read. Just like @jullen87 said, I don't think we hear so much from those who aren't actively enduring this. I myself am waiting for hearing aids at the moment, I'm told they will help since my T is the result of (mild) hearing loss. But I think it's most important to learn how to control your perception of it yourself than anything. So if nothing else works, and this doesn't go away on it's own, I've got it covered. Oh, and one more thing... I use earbuds at night. I find the ones from apple that don't actually seal your ear canal work better for me. Those still let some background noise in which also helps, I run an air filter beside my bed so I have a couple different things to listen to.

Anyway... good luck to you.

Thank-you so, so much for your post. I have managed, most days, to stay positive and calm, yet yesterday and today the T is taunting me even more than usual. I agree with you about trying not to get upset by what I read, for the most part I like to read the positive posts and the success stories.

Coming here helps a great deal, especially when I log in and find a post like yours. Thanks also for the advice, it is appreciated more than you know.

Best of luck to you :huganimation:

One of the members here told me his T got crazy from month 2-3 before he saw signs of progress. My T has gotten a little better at times and a little louder at times and I'm just before 2 months. I'm hoping to work toward a little better every month. If you read my first thread his name is John Paul.


Work does help me. I monitor the T way too much but like they say staying active helps keep your mind off of things. I'm self employed and I having been asking too much of myself at work. If I can show up and show some progress for the day I'm happy. Usually once I get started I get in the flow of things.

Your post about being busy today struck a chord with me. Sometimes I take a me day and people assume because I'm not working I want to be. It took me a long time to figure out to say I'm off today. I need days to recharge just like you need time to for Yoga. Today was one of those days for me.

I walked around a garden center for a while then took my dog for a nice walk in the woods. I haven't taken time in a while to enjoy nature and it was so nice.

Thank-you so, so much for your post. I have managed, most days, to stay positive and calm, yet yesterday and today the T is taunting me even more than usual. I agree with you about trying not to get upset by what I read, for the most part I like to read the positive posts and the success stories.

Coming here helps a great deal, especially when I log in and find a post like yours. Thanks also for the advice, it is appreciated more than you know.

Best of luck to you :huganimation:

Hi Ema

Every morning, in my bath, I have 20/30 minutes
I use a perfectly simple little breathing technique which puts me out in about 20 seconds.
I then gently repeat (silently) my auto suggestion.

"Auto-suggestion is a form of self-induced suggestion in which individuals guide their own thoughts, feelings, or behavior.
The technique is often used in self-hypnosis."

The suggestion can also be reinforced consciously whenever "T" intrudes.

"Easy Dave - Hiss is Normal"

Breath Out........."Easy
Breath In.............Dave
Breath Out...........Hiss is
Breath In..............Normal"

Best wishes
Dave xx

One of the members here told me his T got crazy from month 2-3 before he saw signs of progress. My T has gotten a little better at times and a little louder at times and I'm just before 2 months. I'm hoping to work toward a little better every month. If you read my first thread his name is John Paul.


Work does help me. I monitor the T way too much but like they say staying active helps keep your mind off of things. I'm self employed and I having been asking too much of myself at work. If I can show up and show some progress for the day I'm happy. Usually once I get started I get in the flow of things.

Your post about being busy today struck a chord with me. Sometimes I take a me day and people assume because I'm not working I want to be. It took me a long time to figure out to say I'm off today. I need days to recharge just like you need time to for Yoga. Today was one of those days for me.

I walked around a garden center for a while then took my dog for a nice walk in the woods. I haven't taken time in a while to enjoy nature and it was so nice.
@New Guy

So happy that you posted this, I was wondering how you were doing. Being self employed is something I understand all too well, I know the demands it can put on someone. Even when life throws a curve ball you still have to show up and perform, so to speak.

Your day off sounds wonderful, more days like this can only do you good!

Today it feels like "actual" spring here, so I will get myself outdoors and do some spring cleaning around the yard.

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