Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

I think the future of this will be more targeted / personalised treatment as Dr. Ross mentions in the first Q&A video.

Hang in there Cojackb! Disappointing that you've had no improvement though I suspect a fair few will get some relief with different settings after the 12 weeks.
It has to be personalized and targeted to each individual... One size cannot fit all. That's why trained smart audiologists are crucial... Self-evident, to me at least.
It has to be personalized and targeted to each individual... One size cannot fit all. That's why trained smart audiologists are crucial... Self-evident, to me at least.
It will also be interesting to know whether the audiologist does matter. On the flip side there is also the possibility that the framework provided for the programming of the device by third party audiologists is very strict to ensure consistency.

I am genuinely interested as well as to how much of this is just trial and error and how much is targeted for specific sub types.
It will also be interesting to know whether the audiologist does matter. On the flip side there is also the possibility that the framework provided for the programming of the device by third party audiologists is very strict to ensure consistency.

I am genuinely interested as well as to how much of this is just trial and error and how much is targeted for specific sub types.
We should know how many stimulation programs there are available for Lenire, in order to understand after how many failed attempts is someone deemed a non-responder.
Interesting news. Germany is somewhat closer to me than Ireland, although I'd still have to fly as it's a 11 hour car/train trip...
As I previously said this is really good news. German reputation when it comes to medicine and therapies is a solid one. That is also going to help Neuromod to dispatch appointments more fluently. Anyway, I think there's a consensus on whether in a worst case scenario of Lenire working for just, let's say, 30% of the patients, it's still worth the shot to see if one belongs to that lucky club. Just my opinion.
We should know how many stimulation programs there are available for Lenire, in order to understand after how many failed attempts is someone deemed a non-responder.
I know people are in a more conciliatory mode but I take all this as another sign they should have done TENT-A3 and that early adopters are de-facto TENT-A3.
Dearest Tinnitus Talk members and visitors,

We've made good progress with the audio editing of our podcast episode with Neuromod; @Markku has spent two full nights working on this, what a trooper! We have now sent it off to our wonderful volunteer @Liz Windsor for transcription. Then we'll create a list of topics and time stamps (enabling people to jump to their topic of interest), which @Autumnly is helping out with. Then we need to write marketing blurbs and encode the episode for upload to various platforms. So we're not there yet, but getting close :)

In the meantime, my call from last week led to us getting over a dozen new Patreon supporters! We value support of any size of course — particularly knowing that some of those who have donated are not well off at all! — but I do want to give special mention to @zhiyuan, who is supporting us with a very generous amount and thus became a "Super Patron" of the Tinnitus Talk Podcast.


We hope to reach our goal of 20 new supporters before publishing the Neuromod episode.

Read more about how to support us here.

Because we strongly value accessibility to information for tinnitus patients, we have decided to make the entire episode freely available to everyone.

But our Patreon supporters will get advance access to the podcast episode before the others.


As a little aside from Neuromod/Lenire, one of our next Tinnitus Talk Podcast guests will be Prof. Thanos Tzounopoulos.

He is a researcher who focusses on developing a drug that alters the transport of potassium ions through channels in the nerve cell membrane to treat tinnitus. He was awarded a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop his treatment.

We have a dedicated thread on him where you can read more.

We should know how many stimulation programs there are available for Lenire, in order to understand after how many failed attempts is someone deemed a non-responder.
The document posted to their website for TENT-A2 shows the different stimulation settings they used for that trial.


I find it interesting that none of their settings appear to follow the Dr. Shore's published data on effective timings. (Not saying their settings are ineffective but seems interesting.)
@Hazel, thank you for reminding everyone to become a Patreon if they can.

A small $2-5 per month times so many of us can make a big difference and help you guys in the incredible job you do on a daily basis.

I've only been here 6 months and I find tremendous value in what you do.

If I can respectfully ask everyone to make a small $2 donation/month, we can together advance this cause quicker... THANK YOU! MERCI!
As I previously said this is really good news. German reputation when it comes to medicine and therapies is a solid one. That is also going to help Neuromod to dispatch appointments more fluently. Anyway, I think there's a consensus on whether in a worst case scenario of Lenire working for just, let's say, 30% of the patients, it's still worth the shot to see if one belongs to that lucky club. Just my opinion.
Don't a lot of Germans believe homeopathy is effective?
@Redknight, @Liz Windsor, @Cojackb, @jacob21, @TinMan2019, @ruud1boy

I appreciate you are probably rather sick of the useless belly button gazing of this thread, but as I am waiting for my appointment to get scheduled in early 2020 and all the early Neuromod users have gone quiet, I am really interested in how it is going for the first wave of users now that we are getting 3 months-ish in.

If you don't mind me asking, at this point do you think that the treatment made a real difference for you?

I know everyone is different so the details in a lot of ways matter less to me than getting some confirmation one way or the other that this is indeed a viable treatment for at least some people.


Yes, Caroline also measured my minimum masking level.

She also told me that many people have reported their hyperacusis improving after using Lenire.
But it hasn't been officially tested during clinical trials.

She told me that she has worked for Neuromod since the beginning and she really trusts this device (she would have left to do something else if this device was not effective). :)

Attached is my audiogram.


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Don't a lot of Germans believe homeopathy is effective?
That belief is well spread all over the western world. An absolute shame. Boiron, the main homeopathic products producer, is a French company whose main target are European countries, Germany and Spain being at the top in the rank of main buyers. Bayer has been knees deep in shit with some of their releases along the history of pharmaceutical products and that has made the German market a particularly picky one. Besides that I am sure lots of Germans require the services of African witch doctors but we are talking different things here.
I really hope that they are going to be opening their Dublin clinic for more than 2 days a week in 2020 and that they get this long wait to collect the device sorted out...

Lol! I think A New Born Baby can also hear high frequencies :)

Attached is my previous audiogram dated from April... Low frequencies were not so good.

Caroline told me that audiograms can fluctuate a bit according to middle ear at the moment of the test (ear plugged, pressure, cerumen plug...).
When I had my acoustic shock, I had a little hearing loss at 6000 Hz in the right ear. I haven't got it anymore.

How is your audiogram?

Did Caroline tell you that your profile is good for having positive results with Lenire?


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I just ask myself this question.

We all know people who have hearing loss, even important and do NOT have tinnitus.

So, this theory about damaged nerve fibers creating dysfunctions in the auditory system does not apply to everyone?

Lol! I think A New Born Baby can also hear high frequencies :)

Attached is my previous audiogram dated from April... Low frequencies were not so good.

Caroline told me that audiograms can fluctuate a bit according to middle ear at the moment of the test (ear plugged, pressure, cerumen plug...).
When I had my acoustic shock, I had a little hearing loss at 6000 Hz in the right ear. I haven't got it anymore.

How is your audiogram?

Did Caroline tell you that your profile is good for having positive results with Lenire?
What are the red and blue at the bottom (at the 100 dB)?
@Hazel & @Markku,

Just contributed on Patreon, and I see you're only 2 supporters away from your goal! Hopefully others can contribute as well as these podcasts have been very good and it gives some peace of mind that there are really other people out there doing something for this condition. Thank you for all your work!

(I don't have the same username there as I do here, which I hope isn't confusing)


I believe strongly my tinnitus is from nerve damage. Minimal hearing loss (I was told I have "the hearing of an 18 year old," and this is after years of warehouse work and going to concerts). I had pain in my ear associated with the tinnitus, and the pain returns whenever the tinnitus spikes, which I think is the nerve spasming or something of the like. Which is why I am hoping Lenire or Susan Shore's device do relax the nerve or "reduce the excitability."
Just contributed on Patreon, and I see you're only 2 supporters away from your goal! Hopefully others can contribute as well as these podcasts have been very good and it gives some peace of mind that there are really other people out there doing something for this condition. Thank you for all your work!
Awesome, thanks Bob and everyone else who supports us, for setting this positive example!

As a volunteer-based organisation, any donation - big or small - allows us to keep working for you guys, for the tinnitus community. We need your support to keep this forum up-and-running, create the podcast, and more!

Loving the positive spirit and support from you guys!



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