It's November Ruse, if Lenire was efficient as Neuromod claims, we'd see similar results in the general population (by now, I was willing to wait post 12 weeks).I see the tinfoil hat brigade are back out in force.
Almost a copy and paste job every other week.
And for good reason... people shouldn't be buying this unfinished crap when better ones from Michigan and Minnesota are underway.I see the tinfoil hat brigade are back out in force.
Almost a copy and paste job every other week.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I'm certainly not arguing with you. I'm not saying Lenire is snake oil or it's a scam. I just don't think it's "been in the oven" as long as it should have been. Let's remember it was Neuromod that outsourced Hubert Lim to get pointers from Minnesota.Guys seriously... TWO people on here have finished the 12 week treatment (who could still benefit in the coming weeks) and we have seen @Redknight with a definite reduction in volume and heard of another Lenire user reporting a 10 dB reduction.
That's a 50/50 split so far albeit with a very unreliable sample size.
If we get to 10-15 reviews on this forum and the majority have had no effect, then maybe that would be time to stop and consider but until then I really don't see how people can be forming any conclusions.
This is the last I'm going to be debating this point until we have more reviews as I don't think the constant arm chair critiquing is helping anyone.
Doesn't it seem a little alarming that multiple users see a worsening with Lenire use? Even if it is minor or temporary. Lenire even advises at the consult that a worsening is common occurrence and nothing to be worried about.I see the tinfoil hat brigade are back out in force.
Almost a copy and paste job every other week.
Couldn't have put it better myself Glenn. I agree 100%.@Heinrich_S7 is being reasonable here. When the user reports were not responding at 6 weeks, people were saying just wait until they've gone the full 12 weeks. Now that most of the first batch are nearing or have reached the end and results aren't really improving, now people are saying just let them keep using it in the hopes it just takes longer. And sure, that could happen, but it doesn't inspire confidence and it doesn't match what Hubert Lim said in the Vimeo video. Lim said that the majority of the effect of Lenire manifests within the first six weeks and then plateaus (hence the reprogramming). The hearsay that Neuromod are now telling people that it routinely takes over 12 weeks contradicts this. It sounds more like an excuse, frankly.
Sure, it could just be that the nature of the tinnitus of those here who have been volunteering their user reports just happens to be the less responsive type. But you can see how the longer this goes on and the more people reporting ho hum results at best the harder it is to rationalize.
But really, 12 weeks of using this thing twice a day 30 minutes a pop is a lot of biohacking. It seems reasonable to believe that if it's going to help at all, you're going to start feeling the effect within the first 12 weeks.
So if you come to the conclusion that those who are in overtime mode praying for a miracle are never going to improve, then you've got to also conclude that the reports in the field do not match the hype. (And I'm not even mentioning those who have had their tinnitus actually worsen.)
Now sure, we can just stop talking about this and resume the discussion in another, let's say, 3 or 6 months, but what do you think the odds are that the reports we're hearing will dramatically improve? I'd say low, but I'll be more than happy to eat my words.
This is not being negative for the sake of being negative. It's trying to separate out hope and see things for how it is.
If this is what it is and Neuromod knows it then I would hope they continue to use the early adopter data to tweak the settings. Then over a wider time-horizon, like a year, we may see better responses.
What's electrical stimulation? Can you share a link to places that offer it?Hi there,
Here in Paris, I've tried electrical stimulation two times. First time it did significantly reduce my tinnitus, but it ultimately came back a few weeks later. I've tried other treatments, without success. Then I went back to electrical stimulation but noticed no positive results that time.
All in all, electrical stimulation is the only treatment that actually reduced my tinnitus.
I will certainly follow up on Lenire...
What's your source for this?Dr. Shore and Minnesota's devices begin to get results in 1-3 days
Link below. But the electrical stimulation program is not mentioned here:What's electrical stimulation? Can you share a link to places that offer it?
They all pretty much are the same technology, essentially one part of the device stimulates the brain via the nerves with electrical stimulation and another part stimulates the brain with sound, both of these signals specifically timed. Though it is done differently among the three.After the night I just had I hope ANY device works, I'll buy 3 of each.
Could someone sum up the three different approaches to these devices? They all seem similar to me.
@GlennS You two guys can do what you want, wait to get, never get it, it's fine and YOUR choice. You guys make some points and we have heard you out but regurgitating the same stuff over and over again on here is very selfish of you two. It's like you guys want to push me to change MY choice.Couldn't have put it better myself Glenn. I agree 100%.
I'm going to come back to this thread in early January, we will be "far beyond" 12 weeks at that point. I swear they are still going to keep giving Neuromod a free pass even if there isn't anything big or substantial then.
Dr. Shore and Minnesota's devices begin to get results in 1-3 days, if Lenire takes 2-3 months of spikes just to get a minuscule reduction in volume, then I think something is seriously wrong with Lenire's design. Something isn't right (I'm not saying it's the Bluetooth specifically either, but it would be funny if that's what was skewing results). There is something seriously flawed under the hood.
It's a prototype, plain and simple. The first of it's kind. Like the Oculus DK1/DK2.
I'm for optimism, I consider myself an optimist. But there is a difference in being optimistic and outright naive.
Why didn't you complete the full program if one session gave you a noteworthy reduction?Link below. But the electrical stimulation program is not mentioned here:
(it's in French of course)
The "electro acoustic" treatment is mentioned here, bottom of the page, use Google Translate:
Anyway, this program was consisted of one 30 minute session every 5-6 days, 6 times in total. That's it.
Neuromod seems a lot more intense and modern to me.
Dear Clearance,Same process as at first assessment. They checked the levels at which my tinnitus can be matched and had me fill in a more detailed questionnaire. Then I was shown how to use it, and left on my own for 15 minutes to do it myself. I did my first session earlier, so it's a mix of music and static noise together, can't really say anything else, it's only day 1.
The full program was 6 sessions. I did complete it.Why didn't you complete the full program if one session gave you a noteworthy reduction?
Hello Eric, I'm French too.The full program was 6 sessions. I did complete it.
I just did the program twice, a second time when my tinnitus came back weeks later. No reduction in my tinnitus after the second try.
I did the exact same treatment at Falguiere in Paris 5 years ago but there was no benefit for me.The full program was 6 sessions. I did complete it.
I just did the program twice, a second time when my tinnitus came back weeks later. No reduction in my tinnitus after the second try.
Yep. Assuming no changes, we'll be in this phase over the next six months or so:I'm going to come back to this thread in early January, we will be "far beyond" 12 weeks at that point. I swear they are still going to keep giving Neuromod a free pass even if there isn't anything big or substantial then.
How do you think my tinnitus is? When I had liquid put into my left ear to clean it out my tinnitus felt excruciatingly loud. And how is this relevant, exactly? Are we really gonna go down the "My tinnitus is worse than your tinnitus" road? (Speaking of which, we haven't heard from Allan lately. His already terrible tinnitus was made worse by Lenire. I hope he's doing better.)You're talking to some of the severest of the severe.
None of which go beyond placebo, IMHO.Many of us on here are probably thinking the same thing and are more than willing to pay and take the risks for some of the improvements we've seen here.
Chris, I understand that you're suffering 100%. Tinnitus is a living hell of a condition that people who don't have will never be able to comprehend. And it's a shame that with all our science and technology we can't get a sound out of our head. But I believe in the 2020s we will get fixed up one way or another. I am optimistic about the near future.@GlennS You two guys can do what you want, wait to get, never get it, it's fine and YOUR choice. You guys make some points and we have heard you out but regurgitating the same stuff over and over again on here is very selfish of you two. It's like you guys want to push me to change MY choice.
Well I'm telling you I'm sick of wasting MY time reading YOUR same garbage over and over again, and I'm sure a lot of people on here feel the same way.
You're talking to some of the severest of the severe. I'm one of them now, my got tinnitus much worse 3 months ago and hasn't improved much.
I've measured the MML. It's not much more to cover up with white noise with headphones, but it's made the difference between me hearing it mostly only at home and now everywhere I go. That tiny difference, is all I would need.
Many of us on here are probably thinking the same thing and are more than willing to pay and take the risks for some of the improvements we've seen here.
Be considerate. If you don't like it, fine but we're not giving out any awards for that. I don't want to have to block you two, but you guys are like robot dialers at this point. If you have something new to say I gladly welcome it, but you guys have been broken records for weeks now.
Do you have an update on this please?I wanted to chime in here since I heard about Redknight's update via Reddit. I'm slightly over 7 weeks since I got the Lenire device and I've heard a noticeable reduction in the tone amplitude of tinnitus.
I have missed about 4/5 days worth of treatment over the 7 weeks because my life schedule is what many would class as irregular, it's quite a commitment to use the device for an hour a day in total, especially since the music pattern repeats in the exact same way which can be quite tedious because I have to drop everything that I'm doing until it's finished. Some of you will balk at the previous sentence but you don't know my situation.
Some days my tinnitus is mostly gone and then surprisingly it comes back to its previous level. After a night's sleep it will reduce to a lower level again, and in totality my tinnitus is mostly improved. The relief that this brings actually makes you "recharged" enough to put up with tinnitus when it goes back to its previous level. Hope that makes sense.
Check my post history for previous Q&As about the product. I'll answer any questions you have if I can.
Hi Alice,Hello Eric, I'm French too.
Is it the same thing as TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)?
I think Lenire has nothing to do with this program you talk about.
Lenire is based on bimodal neuromodulation to calm the over-excited auditory system.
Hi Pochito,I did the exact same treatment at Falguiere in Paris 5 years ago but there was no benefit for me.
Hello Eric,Hi Alice,
As described on the Falguière Center's website, it's electro acoustic:
"stimulations électro-acoustiques, par thérapie d'habituation".
I don't know if it has something to do with TMS. I had two electrodes placed above and under the left ear (the side where I have tinnitus), the electrical stimulation was provoking a slight trembling of the upper lips, which was the sign the the stimulation was correctly transmitted to the area to be treated.
The other obvious difference to me is the intensity of the program: it was one session of 30 minutes per week, six weeks in a row. Lenire protocol seems much more intensive.
When you say that Lenire has nothing to do with electro stimulation, do you mean that there is no electricity involved in bimodal neuromodulation?
Merci !!
(Good to have fellow French on the Lenire programBonne chance!)
Being objective? Get real with yourself. You got your hopes up way too high from the beginning, then you turned into that little Charlie Brown meme yourself. That's all emotion: Let down. End of story, and your meme only reinforces this.How do you think my tinnitus is? When I had liquid put into my left ear to clean it out my tinnitus felt excruciatingly loud. And how is this relevant, exactly? Are we really gonna go down the "My tinnitus is worse than your tinnitus" road? (Speaking of which, we haven't heard from Allan lately. His already terrible tinnitus was made worse by Lenire. I hope he's doing better.)
You think this thread should be about the necessary therapeutic effect of simply waxing nostalgic by pretending Lenire works better than the incoming data suggests?
I think both of us have been very diplomatic in not just throwing Neuromod under the bus or accusing them of being scammers. We're just trying to be objective, which I guess is triggering to the desperate.
None of which go beyond placebo, IMHO.