Hello Valeri,
Yes I am still collecting the data and we are going strong! Six week appointments are just starting. If you have signed up for the experience group, please remember to do your 6 week report when it falls due as this will provide information on how Tinnitus has changed from baseline. You can use the original link that was sent to you and the survey will start from where you left off. If you have purchases a device, please signup using the banner at the top of the page if you wish to participate.
We are collecting a wealth of information about Tinnitus already during the survey, and that includes information on how long the person has had Tinnitus, the severity of hyperacusis and also the types of tones they hear! In fact, the pre-treatment information we are getting is of interest in its own right I think!
Here is some information on TFI (a measure of the severity of Tinnitus) against Pitch, using information collected to date. In general, the higher the frequency, the higher the TFI,
View attachment 31735
1 = Very High, 2 - High, 3 - Medium, 4 = Low.
And here is some information on TFI versus intermittency:
View attachment 31736
1 - I do not hear it, 2 = I hear it occasionally, 3 = I hear it about 50% of the time,, 4 = I hear it most of the time, 5 = I hear it all the time.
And TFI versus hyperacusis:
View attachment 31737
1 = None, 2 = Mild, 3 = Moderate, 4 = Severe.
We should be accumulating information on post-treatment soon and we should be able to see if the effect seen in the trials is replicated here. Our sample size should be reasonable, if we all remember to do our surveys!
As more information becomes available, we will publish this information here on Tinnitus Talk/Tinnitus Hub for all to see.