Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

Is diet scamming so popular because it's so easy?

It seems there's a diet-based cure for every incurable ailment in the world.
...There are so many YouTubers preying on people with diet related cures for anything... I myself have an incurable disease and some diet scammers will be happy to tell me they can help me cure it if I pay them for coaching :p. Fact is no one has ever cured it in the 100 years it's been known to science. I've already tried everything and let's be honest I'm probably not going to be the first one to cure it when no one with it or any specialist doctor of scientist ever has... A big part of recovery is accepting the fact some things are incurable. Tinnitus is not _always_ but for many it is that way also.
Hey guys, Liam here!

I see you guys have some opinions. Maybe you have some questions for me, too?

I made a video nearly a year ago about this thread offering free advice via my email but never got a message.

No worries! Thought I'd come here!

Feel free to comment and ask about tinnitus, my methods, me, my pricing etc.

Go for it! ☺️

Looking forward to hearing from you guys,
Liam Boehm
Last year you were asking $47 for Triumph Over Tinnitus 2.0.

This year for Triumph Over Tinnitus 3.0 you are asking for $297.

Last year you were asking $47 for Triumph Over Tinnitus 2.0.

This year for Triumph Over Tinnitus 3.0 you are asking for $297.


Is diet scamming so popular because it's so easy?

It seems there's a diet-based cure for every incurable ailment in the world.
Yes imo. Unfortunately.

The average person thinks nutrition has been more worked out and is much simpler than it actually is.

This is how little we actually know about nutrition: we can feed lab animals a controlled diet from birth to death in a completely controlled environment and there are *still* a lot up for debate on what constitutes an ideal diet. In the case of cows, they can even fistulate them and extract digesta at various points along the tract for further analysis and there is still so much to learn there, too.

Not to say there aren't some things that are known (certain diets have been clinically shown to benefit certain conditions--eg. Low salt in Meniere's, low carb in Diabetes) but anyone who usually says they have the definite answers in nutrition is in all likelihood completely full of shit. Genes, concurrent illness, your immune system and your microbiome all interact. It's way too complex. That doesn't sell books, though.
@Liam Boehm

What now? I know you're too much of a coward to face me down. BTW you suck at drums and biology.
Yeah, check out his credentials, makes me laugh :LOL:
Here is a snippet of the crap he writes,
"Since the age of 15, I realised what I wanted to do, and so, sought out private drum lessons from the best drum teachers available in Australia, to become the best drummer I could be."

Obviously this did not happen o_O

It should read:

I knew I was never going to make it in the music world from a young age so I decided to be a scammer and take advantage of vulnerable people who are suffering from ill health.

Scamming people with tinnitus was the obvious choice because their is no cure for this, and people are really desperate to get relief from this horrid condition and therefore will pay big bucks to hear me bullshit on about how I can cure them. Then of course I can live a privileged lifestyle at their expense all while they continue to suffer.

I found this on the internet. Some info about Liam Boehm's method:
LOL what a bunch of bullshit. There's zero scientific publications or evidence that dry fasting regrows cochlear hair cells. It doesn't make any fucking sense to any rational human being, but it seems hope inducing and reasonable to someone that doesn't do a lot of research and he sells this snake oil method that anybody can try for free for these suicidal hopeless people.

It's a scam of the worst kind and it's sad that such a piece of shit human being like him who makes money from the suffering and desperation of others exists.
I joined Liam's email list just to see what he sends out to people, and in my opinion, he uses pressure tactics that shouldn't really be used on people suffering from a chronic health condition. I read a book on the psychology of sales a few years back (a friend lent it to me) and a lot of what Liam does is specifically worded and designed to make people buy his product by manipulating their emotions.

I read one of the earlier versions that someone here posted (priced at $50 I believe) and couldn't believe how badly written it was. It was full of typos and appeared like it hadn't even been proof-read. That's not a great start for something costing $50, especially when the information within it can be accessed online for nothing.

Now that V3.0 is here, he wants $300!

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with writing a book to spread information that may be useful to people. However, a book usually costs around $15, and that should be for something that's well researched and contains citations where scientific explanations are used (to verify that what's being said has solid scientific foundations). It should also be proof-read and not appear to look like a first draft.

@Liam Boehm, if you are serious about spreading this information then why don't you go to a publisher and just release a book? What you have to say really isn't worth the price tag you're putting upon it and some of your science doesn't make any sense.
Y'all I just discovered Liam's instagram account and I am crying. Every single post he makes basically rails against vegans and says that the only way to "cure" tinnitus is through the carnivore diet. He also made a post about how hair dye will also cause tinnitus.

I have been dying my hair for 7 years.
I have been vegan for 4 years.

I am Liam's worst nightmare. And frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
This is Liam's method:

1 Dry fasting
2 Eat beef, some fruits, and uncooked vegetables, drink Evian water
3 Do not eat tap water, chicken, coffee, alcohol, soda, any meat except beef, rice, bread, pasta, sugar
4 Take cold showers

Can anybody live on beef and some fruit?
Only Liam I think in his sleep.
Another scam, lovely. :)

He probably means well but he claims that tinnitus is "reversable (his way of spelling not mine) no matter how severe your tinnitus is" which is simply wrong.

Just another person whose tinnitus went away and who now thinks he has all the answers.

Which is not to say that a healthy diet, reducing stress and so on can't help! But saying that a vegan diet or fasting will cure everyone is a lie.

Edit: There's just a difference between saying 'Hey, you could try this for your tinnitus, I think it helped me!" and saying "I have no medical background (and probably not read one study on tinnitus) but let me explain to you that it's all just due to inflammation within your body that you can easily cure". I feel like inflammation is the new word for scammers as well as fasting, detox and vegan diet.
Tinnitus - A Beginner's Guide by Liam Boehm.


  • Tinnitus-A Beginner's guide by Liam Boehm.pdf
    325.9 KB · Views: 648
I know I'm a bit late on this, but what better ideas do we have? Liam is a guy who understands how we are suffering or have suffered and in my opinion generally wants to help us. Also what he says in the emails makes me feel better about myself and see some light in all this mess. Give the guy a chance, I mean why else would he go through all of this just to scam. What freak who has had tinnitus would play with our emotions to get money.
I know I'm a bit late on this, but what better ideas do we have? Liam is a guy who understands how we are suffering or have suffered and in my opinion generally wants to help us. Also what he says in the emails makes me feel better about myself and see some light in all this mess. Give the guy a chance, I mean why else would he go through all of this just to scam. What freak who has had tinnitus would play with our emotions to get money.
The fact that he claims tinnitus is curable and he just happens to know how to cure it makes him a scumbag.

If he REALLY had the solution to tinnitus, he'd be world renown.
Warning uncensored definitely not lady like language about to take place.
Glad you are open to anything Liam, because I say this with my Aussie accent . "How can you claim to cure tinnitus and want to charge people for it?", "Oh that's right, you have to eat."

You also have to live with the fact you are the worst kind of parasite around, preying on vulnerable people, where you think telling them year 7 biology will help them and then charge for it. If you were serious about any of this and had any decency you would depart with any information to help people for free.

It's not like you are performing any treatment for people, all you have to do is tell them what you know, that is if it was a genuine treatment.

Ketosis does have health benefits but people can Google this for free.

People's health matter Liam, people are suicidal on this site, some people only barely survive from day to day because they can no longer work because of this condition.

Obviously your Golgi apparatus is working too much, because you're full of dribble,
Omg couldn't agree more!! Well said! I feel exactly the same!
So agreed with you guys!

I have personally commented on Liam's YouTube videos questioning some of his claims and telling him that he can't advice people to eat raw meat, organs etc. He was very rude and called me insane when I told him that drinking pig blood can't be recommended to people! Also, he mentioned that he had food poisoning twice within 6 months and nearly died (he was dead for 1 minute according to him) . After I told him that I am not surprised he had that based on his diet, he tried to tell me it could have been from plants! I provided him with research and info about how we actually getting the protein from meat (cow eats those very plants to give you the protein) but he laughed at me.

What a jerk.
The fact that he claims tinnitus is curable and he just happens to know how to cure it makes him a scumbag.

If he REALLY had the solution to tinnitus, he'd be world renown.
Let's get real, what better choice do we have? Not starting a fight or anything, I hate fights. But I'd rather be trying to act on ending my tinnitus than letting it get to me. I've personally habituated and live a normal life now (to some extent), but I'd give it a shot.

What other choice do we have?

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