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Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

I'm as skeptical as the next guy, but some of the people in this thread need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. The amount of vitriol in this thread is ridiculous.

Go check out all the testimonials on the website. Legit videos from people doing MUCH better. Or do you prefer to believe they're all paid actors? Please. There's way easier ways to make money. And sure, $300 isn't something to be sniffed at, but at least it's not 4 times that amount that Joey from the Rocksteady program charges (which I think is a very high amount, with a much less obvious science factor or testimonials).

In any case. This guy has put something together that can help people. It's taken him a long time and he makes his living through it. Again, there are WAY easier ways to make money. Do the math, you guys: 230 people times $300 is $70k. Assuming all of them paid $200, which they didn't. And over how many years?

If this were a scam, it's a really shitty one.

So y'all need to chill the f out. If he made tons on it, different story. He isn't. This is also why I didn't try the Rocksteady program, because that one supposedly had thousands of members at, what, $1250 a pop? Now that's legit money and that makes me far more skeptical.

As for some of the claims Liam makes, I've seen fasting and diet come around in too many places to believe they're not hugely underestimated factors. Just look up Jordan Peterson and how his health radically changed from going full carnivore. His daughter, with massive joint problems, had them virtually go away from the diet.

There's something there, and science hasn't caught on yet.

As for me, I'm still working with my chiropractor on my tinnitus (the tinnitus which, after two prednison treatments, really seems to be a muscle issue - even if a hammer drill was the initial onset. NO hearing damage and no consistent tone, just a scrambly noise that varies greatly in intensity, frequency and presence). I intend to give Liam's program a whirl after that, especially since he offers money back in 90 days (how scammy!).

That actually reminds me of the uproar around Calmers. I tried those, they didn't work, and guess what? I got my money back, as promised. Very scammy, again.

But back to my point - you can be skeptical, you can and should question everything. But what I've seen in this thread is a bunch of really salty people crying wolf, and the subject of their anger responding to comments in a very contained and respectful manner.

This forum helped me a lot initially, but now I wonder how many of you hang around here just to wallow in your own negativity. Get a life, you guys, and instead of criticizing everything, go ahead and actually try some stuff. You might be a better person for it.

As for me, whenever I do get around to Liam's program (and there's still a chance I won't, just saying) I will check back in and tell you guys how it went.
Why doesn't Liam Boehm subject his tinnitus cure to peer review? Why don't we use this thread to encourage him to go towards Academia and put his claims to the test. Non of these charlatans are up for the test.

We should use this thread to tell Liam to put his money where his mouth is.
Why doesn't Liam Boehm subject his tinnitus cure to peer review? Why don't we use this thread to encourage him to go towards Academia and put his claims to the test. Non of these charlatans are up for the test.

We should use this thread to tell Liam to put his money where his mouth is.
They won't ever put it up for peer review because it is going to rid them of their earner. Essentially it is no different in a number of ways to Neuromod's little non peer reviewed article on the effect and benefit of Lenire. The thing that will be interesting is how these people act when we hopefully get indications that something like OTO-413 or FX-322 has an actual benefit on tinnitus and that the anecdotal accounts about FX-322 assisting tinnitus are actually backed up further. I think that the real reason we won't see them subject their claims to peer review is because as we already know their treatments and products are garbage. I have got a fair idea that we will see these types mysteriously disappear when the real medicine treatment appears and actually means that their garbage is worthless like garbage is.
Let's get real, what better choice do we have? Not starting a fight or anything, I hate fights. But I'd rather be trying to act on ending my tinnitus than letting it get to me. I've personally habituated and live a normal life now (to some extent), but I'd give it a shot.

What other choice do we have?
I'd have heaps more hope that the treatment(s) of a medicine kind such as FX-322 or OTO-413 or inflammation drugs are going to work with much more effect than any of these guys' thoughts will.
Yeah, it's different for everyone.

I have tinnitus for eight years. I had anorexia for 5 years. My tinnitus didn't go away by fasting and taking cold shower.

Now, I have my mom saying to me that driking milk is the reason, that it make some mucus and all.
I've stopped, my tinnitus stayed.

Maybe, for some people, it had helped, but not everyone is the same. Now, this guy try to scam people and tell them that they have tinnitus because they are skinny? Wow.
How long did you do fasting?
Liam's online course.

So cheap!

And he has a 90-day money back guarantee! If you don't like the course, he will pay your money back AND give you an extra $100!

Or would he give the extra? I don't recommend anyone tries their luck!

Liam's online course.

So cheap!

And he has a 90-day money back guarantee! If you don't like the course, he will pay your money back AND give you an extra $100!

Or would he give the extra? I don't recommend anyone tries their luck!

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Maybe we can pay off the US national debt if everyone in the country just buys his course and then returns it.
Has anyone actually tried 48-72 hour fasting? The mechanism of action to stimulate neurogenesis in the thalamus is logical... it's obviously not going to fix the cochlea but we know tinnitus can fade, where presumably the brain is phasing out the errant signal. Fasting would facilitate this.

It's weird to me how many people here are "pro-research" but don't even take the time to understand why this could be beneficial in a real physiological sense...

Liam could be a total douche but it doesn't mean fasting can't have an impact.

See link:

Yeah, this Liam Boehm guy is a scam. I tried his so-called tinnitus program. Of course it doesn't work. It's a lot of nonsense and it cost me to have high blood pressure.

When I tried to ask for the money back, I got an email saying that I'm out of my 90-day guarantee which he never discussed when I signed up.

So this guy is a big time scammer that needs to have his ego pampered. So go ahead and scam people, karma is a bitch, it's going to come back and bite him in the ass at the end.

By the way, on his Facebook group he always says he's sick.
Has anyone actually tried 48-72 hour fasting? The mechanism of action to stimulate neurogenesis in the thalamus is logical... it's obviously not going to fix the cochlea but we know tinnitus can fade, where presumably the brain is phasing out the errant signal. Fasting would facilitate this.

It's weird to me how many people here are "pro-research" but don't even take the time to understand why this could be beneficial in a real physiological sense...

Liam could be a total douche but it doesn't mean fasting can't have an impact
Yeah I've heard that too. I'll give fasting a go, though I'm not expecting much.
Please report this guy's account on Instagram for scamming. Let's get this monster off his platforms. Search for Liam Stops Tinnitus.
Yeah I've heard that too. I'll give fasting a go, though I'm not expecting much.
I started yesterday doing a 3 day fast. I'm not expecting much either but I figured I should at least try it before I knock it.

The only thing that's made a reliable difference for me is Kava root, which has benzo like effects supposedly without downregulation of GABA or addiction/withdrawal potential. If you respond to benzos but want something more sustainable I'd give Kava a shot. It's not a cure but it reduces my tinnitus and smooths out the sound to where I feel more like my old self and can get some work done.
I started yesterday doing a 3 day fast. I'm not expecting much either but I figured I should at least try it before I knock it.

The only thing that's made a reliable difference for me is Kava root, which has benzo like effects supposedly without downregulation of GABA or addiction/withdrawal potential. If you respond to benzos but want something more sustainable I'd give Kava a shot. It's not a cure but it reduces my tinnitus and smooths out the sound to where I feel more like my old self and can get some work done.
How do you take it? I have some micronized powder coming from a vendor (Kalm with Kava) on Saturday. Seems like there's some difference in quality, safety, and effects between supplement pills, traditional brewing, and micronized preparations. I'm looking forward to it because of this post in particular:

How do you take it? I have some micronized powder coming from a vendor (Kalm with Kava) on Saturday. Seems like there's some difference in quality, safety, and effects between supplement pills, traditional brewing, and micronized preparations. I'm looking forward to it because of this post in particular:

I have it as an extract in pill form but the kavalactones in my pills are about the same as a drink serving. I intend to switch over to the drink longer term because it should be safer on the liver. When I do switch I'll try micronized for convenience. It definitely works for me albeit not a cure.
I have it as an extract in pill form but the kavalactones in my pills are about the same as a drink serving. I intend to switch over to the drink longer term because it should be safer on the liver. When I do switch I'll try micronized for convenience. It definitely works for me albeit not a cure.
I think the extracts are safe as long as they are made from only the roots of "noble" kava but it's definitely easier to verify that when you make the liquid yourself. The downside is that it tastes terrible, supposedly. I'll write up a post after I try it. Also, did you experience the "reverse tolerance" some people talk about?
I think the extracts are safe as long as they are made from only the roots of "noble" kava but it's definitely easier to verify that when you make the liquid yourself. The downside is that it tastes terrible, supposedly. I'll write up a post after I try it. Also, did you experience the "reverse tolerance" some people talk about?
I agree re noble safety which is what mine is, but also agree it's impossible to verify.

I take the same dose every time since it is a pill, so I can't necessarily see if over time a lesser dose would suffice. I don't think I've gotten a progressively better response on the same dose, just a repeatable response, which is all I care about. My biggest fear is somehow developing tolerance, but in the community that seems to be a rarity.

Second biggest fear is the dry fissurey skin, but so far that has not manifested.
I joined Liam's email list just to see what he sends out to people, and in my opinion, he uses pressure tactics that shouldn't really be used on people suffering from a chronic health condition. I read a book on the psychology of sales a few years back (a friend lent it to me) and a lot of what Liam does is specifically worded and designed to make people buy his product by manipulating their emotions.

I read one of the earlier versions that someone here posted (priced at $50 I believe) and couldn't believe how badly written it was. It was full of typos and appeared like it hadn't even been proof-read. That's not a great start for something costing $50, especially when the information within it can be accessed online for nothing.

Now that V3.0 is here, he wants $300!

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with writing a book to spread information that may be useful to people. However, a book usually costs around $15, and that should be for something that's well researched and contains citations where scientific explanations are used (to verify that what's being said has solid scientific foundations). It should also be proof-read and not appear to look like a first draft.

@Liam Boehm, if you are serious about spreading this information then why don't you go to a publisher and just release a book? What you have to say really isn't worth the price tag you're putting upon it and some of your science doesn't make any sense.
It is hard to say what his intentions are or to tell if he is genuine or just interested in making money. Most of the advice is sound however. Fasting has reversed and or helped with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance is highly associated with tinnitus. Cold showers do create endogenous antioxidants and help relieve perceived stress. I think you guys are being way too harsh without evidence of ill intent. All of his advice is openly discussed in dozens of free YouTube videos.
I think you guys are being way too harsh without evidence of ill intent. All of his advice is openly discussed in dozens of free YouTube videos.
If all of his advice is freely available on YouTube, why does he charge $300 for his course? Why does the buy now button on his shopping cart say "Silence My Tinnitus!"? You don't think these two things alone mean he's a scumbag?

If he promises silence through any kind of dietary plan, he's a scammer.
It is hard to say what his intentions are or to tell if he is genuine or just interested in making money. Most of the advice is sound however. Fasting has reversed and or helped with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance is highly associated with tinnitus. Cold showers do create endogenous antioxidants and help relieve perceived stress. I think you guys are being way too harsh without evidence of ill intent. All of his advice is openly discussed in dozens of free YouTube videos.
Have you heard him discuss the science behind his ideas, though. It's all nonsense.
Have you heard him discuss the science behind his ideas, though. It's all nonsense.

In this recent video Liam discusses a Brazilian research paper that showed improved tinnitus with a hyperinsulinemia group that changed their diet. One of the reasons that these foreign papers are ignored in the West is because of prestige and strong bias. I have a researcher friend at a top US University. He and his lab completely ignores research in Latin America, Russia, Southeast Asia etc.

Medical and nutritional advice in the United States is VERY OFTEN not supported by science. Often, as in nutrition, it is impossible to study diet's effect on health with controlled studies. In the absence of diet experiments medical organizations and the federal government have been forming consensus based recommendations for decades with vague guesses and faulty logic. Almost all conventional medical advice on nutrition is wrong.
In this recent video Liam discusses a Brazilian research paper that showed improved tinnitus with a hyperinsulinemia group that changed their diet. One of the reasons that these foreign papers are ignored in the West is because of prestige and strong bias. I have a researcher friend at a top US University. He and his lab completely ignores research in Latin America, Russia, Southeast Asia etc.

Medical and nutritional advice in the United States is VERY OFTEN not supported by science. Often, as in nutrition, it is impossible to study diet's effect on health with controlled studies. In the absence of diet experiments medical organizations and the federal government have been forming consensus based recommendations for decades with vague guesses and faulty logic. Almost all conventional medical advice on nutrition is wrong.
I was referring to videos like this one:

He is ripping people off.
The people that recovered and are shown in YouTube as testimonials with success would have recovered anyway. It is 99% rubbish what Liam Boehm tells. At least I claimed my money back in time within 90 days and got it back.
For the record, y'all, I was on an intensive keto diet when my tinnitus surfaced. But the advice given (which is a crime to charge for) remains good advice: Keto diets improve health as does fasting, as do anti-inflammatory foods.

So take the money you'd spend on this quack's cure and buy some kale salad!

Good luck everyone and hugs!
I had purchased Liam Boehm's program, only to find out that he had a less expensive program after the fact.

It's this, and others comments that caused me to decide to withdraw from his program.

He did, however, REFUND ME PROMPTLY, I'll give him that much. At first I thought it was going to be a battle, and come to me having to file a dispute with my credit card company. Glad it didn't come to that.
So, I promised I'd check in. Here we go.

First of all: Liam's not a scammer. He's an honest dude that does his absolute best to help people.

Is he nuanced? No.
Does he always make perfectly logical videos containing fully rational arguments? No.
Can he be chaotic? Yes.
Can the course be a challenge to do? Yes.

But is the course helping people? Yes. Clearly. Testimonials, folks. And I'm in his (by the way VERY positive) Facebook group, there's people regularly posting stuff like ("omg my tinnitus went down") etc.

Liam does regular livestreams, answers questions, posts new content, etc etc. Really puts in the work.

As for the less expensive program, the money back stuff... look, it's one guy running this show. He's got some help, online, but things fall through the cracks. Shouldn't happen, it's true.

But he's not a scammer. I maintain my argument: if he wanted to scam, he could do much, much better.

As for me, personally, the program hasn't yet done much - but I'm taking it slowly, as that is also part of it. I'll give it time.
First of all: Liam's not a scammer.
You gotta be kidding me. He promises people SILENCE on his website.


You are one of the reasons scumbags like him flourish. He's laughing on his way to bank.
You gotta be kidding me. He promises people SILENCE on his website.


You are one of the reasons scumbags like him flourish. He's laughing on his way to bank.

And people DO get silence. But it's not overnight, or guaranteed.

Look, I don't disagree his communication needs work. His marketing needs work.

But laughing all the way to the bank... you're not on the inside of this, so take it from someone who is - he puts in a lot of work, and he doesn't charge a lot, at all, for what he does.

There are far, far easier ways to make money. And if you don't believe that, well, you do you man.
In this recent video Liam discusses a Brazilian research paper that showed improved tinnitus with a hyperinsulinemia group that changed their diet. One of the reasons that these foreign papers are ignored in the West is because of prestige and strong bias. I have a researcher friend at a top US University. He and his lab completely ignores research in Latin America, Russia, Southeast Asia etc.

Medical and nutritional advice in the United States is VERY OFTEN not supported by science. Often, as in nutrition, it is impossible to study diet's effect on health with controlled studies. In the absence of diet experiments medical organizations and the federal government have been forming consensus based recommendations for decades with vague guesses and faulty logic. Almost all conventional medical advice on nutrition is wrong.
Lots of us are open minded to diet improving tinnitus on a case by case basis. Isn't Liam claiming a cure for all subtypes of tinnitus?

And furthermore, isn't he also ignorant that there are many kinds of tinnitus that are going on in the brain?
I bought the program. It's not an overnight fix, it takes time and a lot of hard work, a lot. What he is proposing is aimed at improving general health so no harm in trying.

However, two things that makes me (very) sceptical are the claims of CURE and the reliability of testimonials from people with "fresh" tinnitus that, as we chronic suffers know, often gets better on its own, who achieved either silence or improvement.

I'm not saying that changing diet and some other bad habits don't help but it's debatable if it's the key.

What Liam should do is get a group of chronic cases and put his program to the test.

Anyhow, when I get silence I'll let you all know.

;) ;) ;) ;)

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