I was asking if this could be due to post laser therapy or the spike was mostly due to loud music.
Yes as stupid as it sounds I was wondering if the laser therapy can cause any side effect like that?
No the setback was 100% because of the music imo.
Cuz it happened right at that moment.
Ofcourse u can get striked by lightning and die from a heartattack right on the spot.
Maybe the heartattack was gonna happen right in that second with or without the lightning. But most likely it would be because of the lightning.
Similar to my situation...i have no reason to think it was gonna happen for no other reason!
If u read my post, im saying my T got lower and lower. I was useing my laser from Wilden during the hole cruise.
So if u come to the conclusion that it still might be damaged from doing LLLT, then fine by me.
I have met a handfull of people in here, that just keeps looking for a reason to stay sceptic and to prove to themselfs that the were right in not starting doing LLLT.
This is fine by me.
Im not here to force or cheat anybody into doing the treatment.
Like said so many times before in here by both me and Fernando...LLLT is just not for everybody.
U need to have a speciel mindset to keep doing the treatment day in and day out, month after month with ups and down and little if no improvement the first few month maybe, depending on your treatmentprotocol and how well u protect yourself during the day ect. ect.
You need the correct laser and know how to use it correctly (optimal) and imo eat the right stuff to optimize the cells abillity to make maximum ATP for maximum regeneration beside the ATP the cells make from the light. (The cells have two powerplants)
So there are so many factors that comes into play, if u want healing in less possible time.
Thats why some gets nowhere and others gets huge progess in short time if u ask me.
Ofcourse others thing comes into play, like the damaged u have and how bad/old it is ect.
So without the right mindset from the begining, its maybe just better to save the money and try to live with the condition.
Cuz otherwise u are just gonne do thing half and with litle to no improvement and with alot of money spent and then u will come back here and start hating on folks like me and Fernando, just like many did to Hansi from what i heard.
Not u...but people in general with the wrong mindset/approach.