Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

Yes, thanks a lot for the detailed summary! It turns out I had you confused with someone else; the post I was thinking of is here: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/regeneration-of-the-cochlea-notch-inhibition-lllt-—-a-theoretical-approach.8418/#post-98073

I guess the theory there is that LED light in the same wavelength could have some version of the same effect; do you have any insight into that? At least one wound healing study seems to find efficiency in LED-LLLT; they are using a 830nm LED

edit: what about something like this?
Forget Led´s
There light is not enouph strong to do a propor LLLT treatment. It´s power is weaker than LLLT made with a proper Laser. So i think is a waist of time and money. And on the end you will get frustated with a tretament that you never made.

9 Months doing LLLT.
Let´s see if the 9 months cicle that Hansi talks about in his blog,is for real.
At least this last weeks a lot of reaction/ action. T beeing crasy, up and downs. and even louder than it used to be. Last Sunday sound´t sleep almost.
Just finished 17 days of 1 hour lazer a day with Lucky Laser. Two probes at the same time. Now time to stop for a wille and see how it goes.

Sheers all.
9 Months doing LLLT.
Let´s see if the 9 months cicle that Hansi talks about in his blog,is for real.
At least this last weeks a lot of reaction/ action. T beeing crasy, up and downs. and even louder than it used to be. Last Sunday sound´t sleep almost.
Just finished 17 days of 1 hour lazer a day with Lucky Laser. Two probes at the same time. Now time to stop for a wille and see how it goes.

Sheers all.

I really hope it works for you!
9 Months doing LLLT.
Let´s see if the 9 months cicle that Hansi talks about in his blog,is for real.
At least this last weeks a lot of reaction/ action. T beeing crasy, up and downs. and even louder than it used to be. Last Sunday sound´t sleep almost.
Just finished 17 days of 1 hour lazer a day with Lucky Laser. Two probes at the same time. Now time to stop for a wille and see how it goes.

Sheers all.
The part when it get worse always scares me. You are brave!!!
So, how is it now? Also, could you tell us how your T goes during all the 9 month therapy?
Mostly changed the sound during this last 9 months. The sound is getting thinner and lower. After 4 last days were it was lowereing, and yesterday was really low, during big part of the day, sometimes didn´t notice it, at night went up, and today is high again. But I never had a sound so high at this frequency so thinner. So now is up and down. I´m stoping the LLLT till a see it´s stable for a 10/15 days.
It´s a roller coast, looks like i´m at Six Flag Magic Mountain.

I bought the Wilden home unit, the LUX SPA. Quite pricey-4,000. I am on 6 months.
My problem are the meds Im taking. I believe they are in part causing the T and H to get worse.
I am going soon to get a new audiogram. I think my hearing has gotten better. Yet my T and H have gotten worse.
I know its the meds. I slept over a friends a few months ago and forgot my meds. I woke up after no sleep
and noticed later that day it was all worse. I drove home to get my meds. Too late the T/H were up considerably.
I cant say the LLLT is really working. It takes time and most likely will work for some and not others.
I think if you are not taking meds you might have a better go. Ill keep updating the LLLT.
I bought the Wilden home unit, the LUX SPA. Quite pricey-4,000. I am on 6 months.
My problem are the meds Im taking. I believe they are in part causing the T and H to get worse.
I am going soon to get a new audiogram. I think my hearing has gotten better. Yet my T and H have gotten worse.
I know its the meds. I slept over a friends a few months ago and forgot my meds. I woke up after no sleep
and noticed later that day it was all worse. I drove home to get my meds. Too late the T/H were up considerably.
I cant say the LLLT is really working. It takes time and most likely will work for some and not others.
I think if you are not taking meds you might have a better go. Ill keep updating the LLLT.

Why the are responsible for worsening the meds and not the Dr Wilden device ?
Sadly i can say you that you scamed.This device costs no more than 100 euros.
Also i strongly believe that Dr Wilden is the same scam as bankong steam cells.
If anyone want to try these lasers can buy from ebay for max 50 euros but lasers does not restore hearing
also not restore T & H. May worsen T & H but can not restore dead nerve cells.
Don't be fool it's all for the money. Don't believe magic cures so easy.
Is something real was here double blind randomized trial will have proven it.
Is it was real for sure it will written to the best scientific magazines not only from anecdotal reports
or affiliated persons.
In T treatments placebo is has proven effective with serious effectiveness.

Pharmaceutical companies give millions to research for T.
They have tested and lasers and the result are that are ineffective only obscure "scientists" like dr scam (wilden) use them in gold prices to fool some people in desperation
LLLT may not work for anyone but I personally speak to at least 7-8 people who have benefitted from it including myself. One guy I speak to is tinnitus free after using LLLT for some time. He is a strong believer in LLLT. Before that he tried TRT and many other stuff but went nowhere. LLLT did work for him. Don't call it a scam if it works for some but don't work for others. Nothing works on everyone 100%. It is possible the meds it is causing the T in the first place. If so, if you don't stop the meds, then LLLT will not help much. That is my view.
Placebo is true real treatment in T.
The some that have seen improvements there not exist in clinical trials
only in anecdotal reports also some of them are affiliated with scammers.
I have read his slides(dr wilden) and sure this is not a doctor but a scammer the only real that says
is that noise make damage and the improvement that have seen some is from the hear protection that gives
ant not from lasers.
Sorry that you feel that way. I believe in Dr. Wilden and so do some other people. The guy I mentioned who is tinnitus free went to see De. Wilden twice and used his home laser. It takes time and efforts to make it work. @FERNANDO GIL , @Nick J. and @helmuk in the forum all benefit from it and they are trying to help other people by sharing information here. If you don't believe it, then don't try it. Other people who try it may benefit from it. It is individual's decision.
@Nick J. wanf to see how you are doing these days. Have a chance to use lucky laser? I started got use it according to Anne's instruction, the T volume is getting thinner. Hope you feel better.

By the way, lucky laser can be shipped to the U.S.. Contact Lulu , the owner of lucky laser company and she will tell you how to.
I bought the Wilden home unit, the LUX SPA. Quite pricey-4,000. I am on 6 months.
My problem are the meds Im taking. I believe they are in part causing the T and H to get worse.
I am going soon to get a new audiogram. I think my hearing has gotten better. Yet my T and H have gotten worse.
I know its the meds. I slept over a friends a few months ago and forgot my meds. I woke up after no sleep
and noticed later that day it was all worse. I drove home to get my meds. Too late the T/H were up considerably.
I cant say the LLLT is really working. It takes time and most likely will work for some and not others.
I think if you are not taking meds you might have a better go. Ill keep updating the LLLT.
As far as I know you have full dr. Wildens support. Why not ask him what he thinks and share with us.
I read this thread and some people use the LLLT for years. One weird thing that happened to me recently,
my tinnitus was gone for about ten minutes- really gone. It blew me away. So I keep using the LLLT and now I listen on youtube for music mixed for anxiety, insomnia, depression etc etc. The music is great. Another thing on Wilden he is good on emailing you about the process. I also used the Alpha stim. Its good for anxiety and depression yet the the jury is out as to how the device handles tinnitus.
Thats a good way of describing what my Tinnitus currently is. The sound is thinner more acceptable.
If you think its a total scam then tell me what works? If you say nothing, thats your world not mine.
Theres too many people who describe good results. Cats Claw works for some. Angelica works for some.
One med I tried was super awful Oxcarbazepine was given to my by a shrink. The drug set me way back and the T and H were louder. The laser didnt do it the meds did.

Meds are what caused the whole mess Im in.
SSRI and Cipro for a stomach disorder. Cipro can be an awful med, best go through the stomach ailment and take pro-biotics. These are helpful ideas. Can you offer the same other than negativity? As for the Lazer it offers the most effect of any of the other home units. The plugs set way in the ear. I can feel the effect- the warmth. Its soothing. Have you tried it? As for reading what mainstream science has acertained, where is the study? If lazer does have an influence so be it. I tried all kinds of things. I can tell what doesnt work.
Six months on the laser so far, we will see. Im interested in audio nothch therapy to go with the current treatment.
Sure, the meds are...
Venlafaxine 150 mg for depression and anxiety in the morn.
I feel this is the first med I have to kick. I feel its causing more T and H.
Its hard to kick. When I get a little stronger Ill taper on this med.

Lorazapam 1-2 MG for sleep. Mostly one for sleep. This will be a bitch to quite.
You have to tapper slowly so it doesnt freak out the T/H.
Last med. Olanzapine 5-10 mg for sleep. I dislike the meds. O my onset of the T/H
I couldnt sleep. I went two months without a night of sleep. I looked like I was ready to die.
I had to give in to sleep meds. It was a very hard time in my life. I still got a long ways to go.
What I truly hate about this condition is how it changes minute by minute literally.
One last note. Another thing Im doing are exercises for throat and the mouth. Im trying to strengthen
the area cause I believe I have a breathing problem a la sleep apnea.
Sure, the meds are...
Venlafaxine 150 mg for depression and anxiety in the morn.
I feel this is the first med I have to kick. I feel its causing more T and H.
Its hard to kick. When I get a little stronger Ill taper on this med.

Lorazapam 1-2 MG for sleep. Mostly one for sleep. This will be a bitch to quite.
You have to tapper slowly so it doesnt freak out the T/H.
Last med. Olanzapine 5-10 mg for sleep. I dislike the meds. O my onset of the T/H
I couldnt sleep. I went two months without a night of sleep. I looked like I was ready to die.
I had to give in to sleep meds. It was a very hard time in my life. I still got a long ways to go.
What I truly hate about this condition is how it changes minute by minute literally.
One last note. Another thing Im doing are exercises for throat and the mouth. Im trying to strengthen
the area cause I believe I have a breathing problem a la sleep apnea.
U are one of the many victums of the system!
Try google or youtube Cannabis oil. That will treat pretty much all your conditions and with no sideeffects. Look for CBD oil... Its the THC in the cannabis that makes u high.
But u can get oil with almost no THC.
THC is good for other things like cancertreatment.
Anyways... Do yourself and your health a big favor and do some research and dont trust your local Pharma company Pusher!

Placebo is true real treatment in T.
The some that have seen improvements there not exist in clinical trials
only in anecdotal reports also some of them are affiliated with scammers.
I have read his slides(dr wilden) and sure this is not a doctor but a scammer the only real that says
is that noise make damage and the improvement that have seen some is from the hear protection that gives
ant not from lasers.
Why the are responsible for worsening the meds and not the Dr Wilden device ?
Cause there are no side effects in doing LLLT. LLLT is a prove therapy. It´s used for a bunch therapys. And is not know any side effect from doing LLLT. may work for some may not work for others.
So in the end you just saying that people that feel better doing LLLT are a bunch of liers.
Funny how people forget about ATEOS, he has T since childhood, and is now better 70%. Yes since he was child. Tell him that making the SC in Bangkok and China era only placebo and doing LLLT for almost two years, did reduce is T, is just part of is imagination.
Does the cannabis oil help sleep? How so? How many hrs of sleep do you think?
Oh yes it does!
But dont take my word for it!
Like i said, do your own research!
I will provide u with a few things to get u startet and to get an idea of it all.
The human body is not build for being stuffed with all kinds of chemicals in forms of drugs!
It might lower one symptom, but will then again create new ones that u need to take new drugs to keep down!
I wont try to diagnose u, since im not a doctor obv.
But the last few years i have studied alot about all kinds of stuff about cancer and hormones and ways to treat it.
I have a cyst in my thyroid and an imbalance in some of my hormones.
What u are describing sounds like the same. The Thyroid is one of the key players in creating hormones that regulates all kinds of stuff in the body and if u have low level of these hormones, then u get all the symptoms u describe.
Did your doctor try to find the reason for why u are having all these issues, or did he just filled u up with drugs to keep u happy for the moment??
What u need to do, is to go get a real doctor and not a drugpusher and then ask to have ALL your hormonelevels checked.
Some of the key hormones u need to have checked is called T4 and T3 (look it up)
Its pretty complicated and most normal doctors have no clue about this stuff.
But if u dont start getting your shit together and start taking your life out of the hands of a pusher and starts being in control of your own life, then the rest of your life is gonna be a nightmare!
Its sad, but u just cant trust doctors 100%. You need to research stuff yourself and know what he is doing to u ect. ect.

Anyway...ill fill in some links of what u should read and from there, u need to research further if u wonna be in control of your life.

Dont post more here btw.
I will send u the links in a PM!
Yea Nick. your right. I wlil soon start the taper of Venlafaxine. Another crappy thing about Vellafaxine it causes
insomnia. What the hell I asked my Shrink. He said I all ready had insomnia. What sort of answer is that?
So I need more insomnia! The western world for meds is very overrated. Their success rate is not that good!

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