Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

Hi all
Two months I start the LLLT at Dr Widen.
Made a new audiograme but no big diferençe. The lower frequencies are getting " flat" all at the - 5 db , usual is what you see in all audigrams after making the LLLt. The high freqencies ar still exactly the same.
Note that the most famous cases with LLLt took 2 /3 years to say that there Tinnitus is almost gone.
So I can not expect to have big results only with 2 months.

But the truth is that my T is lower, and even the spike days are lower and last less time.
I had T in my left ear, only noticeble when putting my head on a pillow and going to sleep. Very low, but was there, that one is gone.

Now new audigrame will be done in January.

All the best to all of you.
Here they are.
Two months apart.



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Here they are.
Two months apart.


Hi Fernando,
From what I've been reading, it seems that most people experience what you did during the first two months. The low frequencies seem to be repaired first. During the next 6 months is where the bigger high end improvements are supposed to occur. I wish you the best! Please continue to update us with your audiograms along with what else you may be doing to to improve your hearing. Did you purchase a home laser or are you planning on going back to see the doctor again sometime soon?
Hi Fernando,
From what I've been reading, it seems that most people experience what you did during the first two months. The low frequencies seem to be repaired first. During the next 6 months is where the bigger high end improvements are supposed to occur. I wish you the best! Please continue to update us with your audiograms along with what else you may be doing to to improve your hearing. Did you purchase a home laser or are you planning on going back to see the doctor again sometime soon?
Thanks for the post.

No not yet, i did buy the MLS wille in Ibiza and doing everyday 35 /40 minute a day in the worst ear, and 20/25 on on the other, taking some time off now that I´m going on 10 days vacation.

Maybe in the future to recover the high frequencies faster I will need to buy a more powerfull laser, like Ansi and Sam.
Or going back to Ibiza for an extra and more powerfull tune up.

But above all, fellin better. At least till next spike......

Thanks for the post.

No not yet, i did buy the MLS wille in Ibiza and doing everyday 35 /40 minute a day in the worst ear, and 20/25 on on the other, taking some time off now that I´m going on 10 days vacation.

Maybe in the future to recover the high frequencies faster I will need to buy a more powerfull laser, like Ansi and Sam.
Or going back to Ibiza for an extra and more powerfull tune up.

But above all, fellin better. At least till next spike......


Please keep us informed on your progress and best of luck!
Hi all again
Beiing any controversial treatment as any other on T. I made a resume of the audiograms from Sam.
And put it in chronologic dates. As you all can see is really a time costuming treatment. If you fell you get fast results forget it. On March 2014 she still says she still have T. Very low but still there.
I couldn´t have expect ed to have big improvements in only 2 months. But is happening exactly what happen to her, the tendency for the "flat" between -5 db and -10 db ( same is happening with ATEOS as well).
See next post.
Hi All

I´ve posted my two last audigrams, with High Frequencies. But I feel for peolpe to have a more acurrate info of what was my earing since the beginning ( My T stated in mid December, but only made my first audiogram in 6th January). I´m posting all my audigrams since then. Concerning LLLT I started on the 16th June, and made 5 treatments in Dr Wilden, and only 40 minute on my "bad" ear. And my last audiogram is from 1st August. Only 6 weeks apart from starting the treatment.
The reason I belive ear can regenerate, ( fingers cross) is mostly due my improvement on the 2 MHZ from -20db (January) to -5 db in August. And above all -40 db in the 8 MHZ ( January as well) to -20 till now .
Note that I have made another audiogram when starting the TRT that shows as well -40 db in 8Mhz ( January as well, but the company says is classifed info so i can not have it, of corse I saw it) .

Another info I got, 2 hours treatment of LLLT in http://www.laserklinikken.com have a cost of 120€.
The treatment is documentated on Hansi Cross web page:

"Here follows some technical info:
The home laser that I had used for 18 months has a wavelength of about 650 nm
(nanometers) and the strength is 30 mw (milliwatt). This is for long term use.
I have used this for 35 minutes on each ear, 5 days a week.
At Anne Harila's clinic I received laser with 650 nm at 200 mw one hour per day.
808 nm at 500 mw, one hour per day. On top of that also some smaller doses of 820 nm and 830 nm. I also got massaged with a device that contained strong laser and vacuum massage every day. This to make sure that the blood flow should run as easy as possible up through the neck to the ears."

So herer they are.

I want to let you know as well, that on the 6th September I will be going to Bangkok for stem cell treatment.
Same clinic as ATEOS went, but diferente treamente. In this case I will try to have same treatment as Chloé did.
600 million adipose cells.
Concerning this treatment, if you want some info go tho this thread.
There all steam cell is more than debated.

Thanks all
I want to let you know as well, that on the 6th September I will be going to Bangkok for stem cell treatment.
Same clinic as ATEOS went, but diferente tremente. In this case I will try to have same treatment as Chloé did.
600 million adipose cells.

Thank you for your update. Good luck with the treatment.

I look forward to hearing about your experience. And also the results, of course!

Take care,
Hi all again
Even do my birthay was on the 20th August my real present was received today.
As I said I pretend to make two audiograms before going to my treatment un Bangkok.
The more info, the better.

In a conversation with ATEOS, he always thougt that the high frequencies audigrames, had some "that was not making sense".
Inside me I had same felling, something was not matching with the way I´m felling lately. Today I could say 50% of the time my T was away ( was there but easyly I forget it)
At night time here he is.

So yesterday decide to set up one of the two audiograms I want to make before going to Bangkok.
A few points need to ad:
1- Since the first audiogram ( 6yth January) I always take BETAHISTINA. The Ent said GINKO, but my problem is on my ear, not in my head, so I decided to take something that helps blood circulation on the ear.
2- A few weeks I got a mail, from an organization, talking about a steam cell treatment, where they said that the treatment would have as well as complementara help the use ALA ( alpha lipoic acid) so I started to have it two weeks ago, and keeping it, since the clinic in Bangkok, said there would be no problem. It helps nerve regeneration, and many things.
3- Since two months ago, I´m taking Magnesium.

This all complementary treatment I´m taking. besides running almost everyday. I lost 13 kg since January.
And of corse ear protection, mostly since I started LLLT.

So here it is my audigram for today.

I think, if I had any doubts that LLLT was working, Today I lost it.
Note as well as my Right year is now better than my Left year........ The reason is obvious, I´m makin 35/40 minutes a day in my right ear and only 15 minute on my left ear. And that is the proof that LLLT is working.
And final, the high frquencies audigrames have a probleme for sure. Something is not correct. My 8Mhz on the left ear is on the -20 db not on the -30 db, as all other audigrams i made.

I said I will try to make another one during next week.They said they can do it till 12Mhz. I will post it as well. But for now, i want mostly to confirme if my left ear on the 8Mhz is on the -20dn or -30db. That way I can almost make sure the high frequencies audigrame is incorrect.

And for now on for the LLLT to work fast I need more powerfull laser, cause my lows are fixed, and need more time on the right ear as well.

Thanks you all.
Hi all again
Even do my birthay was on the 20th August my real present was received today.
As I said I pretend to make two audiograms before going to my treatment un Bangkok.
The more info, the better.

In a conversation with ATEOS, he always thougt that the high frequencies audigrames, had some "that was not making sense".
Inside me I had same felling, something was not matching with the way I´m felling lately. Today I could say 50% of the time my T was away ( was there but easyly I forget it)
At night time here he is.

So yesterday decide to set up one of the two audiograms I want to make before going to Bangkok.
A few points need to ad:
1- Since the first audiogram ( 6yth January) I always take BETAHISTINA. The Ent said GINKO, but my problem is on my ear, not in my head, so I decided to take something that helps blood circulation on the ear.
2- A few weeks I got a mail, from an organization, talking about a steam cell treatment, where they said that the treatment would have as well as complementara help the use ALA ( alpha lipoic acid) so I started to have it two weeks ago, and keeping it, since the clinic in Bangkok, said there would be no problem. It helps nerve regeneration, and many things.
3- Since two months ago, I´m taking Magnesium.

This all complementary treatment I´m taking. besides running almost everyday. I lost 13 kg since January.
And of corse ear protection, mostly since I started LLLT.

So here it is my audigram for today.
View attachment 2715

I think, if I had any doubts that LLLT was working, Today I lost it.
Note as well as my Right year is now better than my Left year........ The reason is obvious, I´m makin 35/40 minutes a day in my right ear and only 15 minute on my left ear. And that is the proof that LLLT is working.
And final, the high frquencies audigrames have a probleme for sure. Something is not correct. My 8Mhz on the left ear is on the -20 db not on the -30 db, as all other audigrams i made.

I said I will try to make another one during next week.They said they can do it till 12Mhz. I will post it as well. But for now, i want mostly to confirme if my left ear on the 8Mhz is on the -20dn or -30db. That way I can almost make sure the high frequencies audigrame is incorrect.

And for now on for the LLLT to work fast I need more powerfull laser, cause my lows are fixed, and need more time on the right ear as well.

Thanks you all.
Hi Gil,

thanks for the update and cool that you experience good progress.
I also do LLLT (Konftec) but without any change.
What is your Konftec Devise, the LaserSpa from Dr. Wilden?
If so, what can be the difference?

Hi Tom
Hansy, and Sam booth say in there blogs Konftec are not as good as the others. after a wille they lose power.
Why do you think they are cheaper?
Maybe the problem is there....

I said before and say it again, don´t trust chinese products. I worked 5 years for chinese companies.
Deal with them everyday, they only look at the money. As long they know it does´t kill you or make no arm
they sell it and promoted as what ever you want.

I´m not saying that if you buy MLS, LUMINEX, IRRIDIA you will get results, but once again, two people
with Konftec and no results, and others with MLS, LUMINEX, IRRIDIA had.

And maybe I´m just a "special case", cause I was having a "natural regeneration" since my ear improved before the LLLT. But now I noticed is faster, and you can see it on the audigrams. And works, as I said,the left ear where I make the treatment everyday is now better ( till 8Mhz) than the right ear where I don´t do it everyday and do it for less time.
And that is the real proof.

Mostly I´m happy cause we all, now can have hope that Ear regeneration is possible. With LLLT or any other form. Even today my ENT had to admited it , cause there are not any other explanation for what happen to me.
Actualy on the end, she asked for Dr. Wilden contact.


Wow lost 13kg... congrats...:beeranimation:

After lllt have u noiced difference in T. Change of volume or pitch anything like that..
I also want to try lllt but financial i am at bad position now..
Bangkok .. is not far from my place.. dono i can get off or not. . If can i would be sure to come and visit u at the clinic during the treatment. .
Thank u for posting and keep us updated. .
Yes, in the beginning my T was stronger, and higher, Now is "just" a high pitch, low but i pitch.
They say is cause the high frequencies are now ealing.

I´m felling exactly what Hansi Cross describe in is website , only diference is less time "I think and Hope"

For sure, let´s meet
I can't make it to bangkok till end of this month..
My boss is sick.. so i can't take off.. until he comes back..
Its roughly an 2hr flight from Singapore... me and my friend wanted to take a short vocation.. but have to wait now. .
Hope ur treatment goes well.
Yes, in the beginning my T was stronger, and higher, Now is "just" a high pitch, low but i pitch.
They say is cause the high frequencies are now ealing.

I´m felling exactly what Hansi Cross describe in is website , only diference is less time "I think and Hope"

For sure, let´s meet
If someone has heard about and considered purchasing laser units for treatments of menieres/tinnitus, but find new ones too expensive – I now have 3 units for sale. I have used them since September 2010, and do not need them anymore. Of course there is no guarantee, that these works for everyone.

First unit I have is a MLS laser, purchased from Dr. Lutz Wilden. Device is 5 years old, but has just been serviced and checked, in order to be ready for sale. New price for these devices are usd. 3600. I am selling it for usd. 1000.

Second unit is as Konftec laser type "emLas-520C". This unit sends out red laser light on 660 nm. Costs of new device is usd. 450. I am selling this unit for usd. 225.

Third unit is as Konftec laser type "emLas-520A". This unit sends out invisible laser lights on 780 nm. Costs of new device is usd. 450. I am selling this unit for usd. 225.

If someone is interested in all units, I am selling them for usd. 1275 in total. All prices are excluding shipments costs, depending on where you live. I am living in Denmark.

If interested please contact me on:

E-mail: andreasenthomas@live.dk , or send me a "pm" in here.


Best regards
As I said I would make another audiogram before leaving to Banhkok.
Here it is the drop on the 12MHZ is buge and confirms previous audiograms that show that drop.
A side from that, and as i said before do not compare this audigram with anny of the previous. Diferent machine.
I wiil in the future use them cause the clinic is my way to work so it´s easy for me to set up a new earing test.



  • Audiograma CAM_gil_fernando_amorim_2-2.pdf
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As I said I would make another audiogram before leaving to Banhkok.
Here it is the drop on the 12MHZ is buge and confirms previous audiograms that show that drop.
A side from that, and as i said before do not compare this audigram with anny of the previous. Diferent machine.
I wiil in the future use them cause the clinic is my way to work so it´s easy for me to set up a new earing test.


Well... if that audiogram is correct, your hearing loss, right ear > 8kHz, is catastrophic! I find it hard to believe that the measurement is correct. I simply don't believe it... However, if it is true, then there is a huge problem with the audiograms you had at Dr. Wilden's clinic. I don't know what to say...

Did you have a repeat measurement for 12,5 kHz? Have you considered doing a pulsating frequency hearing test....?

You are back in Europe now, I assume?

Take care
Thank you for your update. Good luck with the treatment.

I look forward to hearing about your experience. And also the results, of course!

Take care,
I know you have provided endless info on stem cell but I cant seem to find it easily. I tried to PM you but can not for some reason. Is it possible you could provide the essential links or threads I should read? Thanks.
Well... if that audiogram is correct, your hearing loss, right ear > 8kHz, is catastrophic! I find it hard to believe that the measurement is correct. I simply don't believe it... However, if it is true, then there is a huge problem with the audiograms you had at Dr. Wilden's clinic. I don't know what to say...

Did you have a repeat measurement for 12,5 kHz? Have you considered doing a pulsating frequency hearing test....?

You are back in Europe now, I assume?

Take care

Hi ATEOS. If it´s not on the 75 db loss would be around that, See my other two audiograms till 16 Mhz. They are on those range as well. The fist one was less -65db.

I just hope I can bring it up till the -40db, It´s where I believe that T start to disapear.
See what the steam cell tretament can do, and then take care of the rest with LLLT.

Hope for the best.

I will try to make pulsating.

Who ever use tinnitool?
Look like promising treatment..
Any result, please.? Thanks, God bless..

I believe it is an ordinary laser-pointer with a piece of optical fibre to attach at the top, and into the ear.

So I bought a 50mW red laser pointer (tinnitool is only 5!) from the net and attached a small cone to the top, to insert it in my ear.

No results so far. (> 1 month)
Of course I'can't be sure if it hits the eardrum nicely (and more importantly, the oval window and cohlea behind it.... probably not)

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