I am starting a list of lasers here and will edit as time goes on.
Maybe people can make suggestions/ comments below? (what to edit/change/add....or what I have said that is incorrect or not accurate) Thank you
Things we should look for/consider when purchasing a laser
LLLT run up to 500 mW
Cheaper lasers have one wavelength, vs. two
purchase from reputable seller (usually not from China-lucky laser is an exception)
warranty-usually 2 years
do all lasers have both infrared, and near infrared lights (not far infrared, right?)
The class 3B lasers reach the ear more effectively than the class IV lasers. Class IV lasers are more powerful, but
@attheedgeofscience explained in a video that due to our body percentage of water and other body processes (and other reasons I cannot articulate well), class 3B is usually more effective.
Brands of soft lasers to consider
MLS/Lux Spa Home Laser

Max Output power: 30mW +/- 10% (but fits closer to the ear for more accuracy during each treatment)
Wavelength: 658 +/- 15nm
@Nick J. uses this one. His dad has also had success with this one after using it for (a few weeks/a month)? Nick will be moving to the Lucky-laser soon.
Konftec (2 users have not seen effect with this brand)
Anne says this laser, after 1 year, loses power.
1,500 USD
"This laser has more power and two different wavelengths.
650 nm /(up to) 120 Mw and
808 nm/ (up to) 900 Mw.
The use method is the same as Dr Wilden inside the ear."
(I think
@FERNANDO GIL you were saying this is the same method Anne uses not Dr. Wilden?)
@FERNANDO GIL uses this one (used by Dr. Anne Harila)
Tinni Help (comments on this one?)
Combilaser (comments on this one?)
Irradia (comments on this one?)
the iraddia unit + 808 and 650 nm =about 7000 euros there is no a fixed price
expensive again, darn!
thank you
Things to remember
-Stop use if there are side effects like vertigo (though usually there are no side effects)
-Get an audiogram before you start treatment, at least up to 12 Hz, better to do up to 16 Hz, do not do up to the standard 8Hz-->also do every couple of weeks after starting, and then maybe every several months?
-must treat in long term to see results (plan on at least 1-3 years). It took Hansi (spelling?), who had sudden hearing loss (I'm not sure from what? was it loud exposure? Idopathic?) 3 years to get to about 85 percent. I believe his tinnitus is also gone at some points?
-treat every 5 days, then take a 2 day break? Some people disagree with taking breaks.
-wear earplugs during treatment, and possibly long after as well. Wear earplugs always during any loud noises anyway-sirens, theater? etc.
(any advice on what earplugs to get? I believe someone recommended the blue ones here if you have small ear canas
http://www.amazon.com/Etymotic-Rese...=UTF8&qid=1419791059&sr=1-3&keywords=earplugs and they grey ones on this same link, "standard fit," if your ears are a bit larger)
-possibly take b12 while doing treatment. Some suggested doing the shots. Yes, these are great for some people! They were not for me however. I couldn't figure out, when I was doing b12 shots for many months, why they were not working for me. I finally met with a doctor who explained it to me. It is important to take the correct b12 for your body, hydroxocobolamine is more easily absorbed by the body and used as "ready energy" that does not require more metabolizing that methylcobolamine requires (this is what is available in the b12 shots). Therefore sublingual b12 that had hydroxocobalamine was better for me, and sometimes is better for others too. Genetics also play a part in what type of b12 a person needs, as there are several forms (these genes can be found in a 23andme test). If you don't want to do the 23andme test, you can just experiment with other b12 until your energy is better, then you will know which one is right for you.
- ginko
-coQ10 for cellular energy
note*since supplements are not FDA regulated, make sure you get reputable brands, and supplements with the least amount of "fillers" including soy etc. (soy is especially bad for women)
List of practitioners people from the site have seen:
Dr. Wilden
Dr. Anne
More resources:
Hansi's blog (the one who healed from LLLT after using for 3 years)
(there are also links to a few other resources at the bottom of this page)
does anyone know how to get in contact with him? He is not on this forum anymore, correct?
Anne's site
Dr. Wilden's site
Dr. Wilden's info. pdf page about tinnitus/hearing loss symptoms /how the ear works (in english, I was told the german one is better)
p.s. I live in Baltimore. Message me/write a reply in this thread if you live in the Baltimore/Virginia/DC area, or are somewhat close-by and interested in going in on a laser with me. Thanks
*Note: Some more info that a user requested to add (thank you!) to the laser thread. He said this was from aaron beck (I am summarizing). He suggested finding the mW and wavelength that works best, for finding someone to build a cheaper laser. He was looking into the irradiate or combilaser-a high dosage laser. (I believe there are two schools of thought with this if I understand correctly? Dr. Wilden believes there is one frequency that is best for healing the lower frequencies and then the higher frequencies, where Dr. Anne believes multiple should be used simultaneously to help specific ranges of hearing loss?) . I think this is a great idea.
@Nick J. explained though, from talking to Anne, of the complications that come into actually building a laser. I also know that a lot of the cost comes from insurance on these devices. It turns out, I suppose, that it's not realistic for something that is needed now, but still a great thought.
Thank you again!