I'll do my first impressions right now. I'm only using the 660 (visible light) thing for 30 minutes a day now. I worked up to that, I started with just 10 minutes split in half and monitoring how my ears and tinnitus responds to it.
I agree with some who said that it seems to spike the tinnitus a bit, so I tried to be careful, but the spiking was not intense and could be just my regular ups and downs too. It is certainly within those boundaries and also as I'm writing this right now, my tinnitus is at my baseline, no spikes, so nothing permanent it seems despite using the laser now 30 minutes a day.
First times using it though it created some funny sensation in my inner ear, subtle but it was there. After few days of use my ears seem to not respond anymore. So I feel safe about using this long term now and will see if something positive happens within next months or so.
My initial thoughts about laser therapy for tinnitus: I am a believer in red light therapy in many use cases, but whether it works for tinnitus or not is the question. I believe in many cases it wont, but in some cases (as reported here by some users) it indeed has helped some. After all, it is energy transmitted by certain frequency of light that is supposed to invoke a natural healing process on a cellular level even when the body naturally would not do it. However, it is not hard to imagine that this transmitted energy could just as well irritate the damaged ear in some people, making the tinnitus more active. This is just speculation, but would explain some negative experiences some have had. I already believe that in therapy like this one needs to be their own doctor and monitor the results and make their own judgement weighting the risks and possible benefits. The manufacturers of these devices and the ones offering one-time sessions with even more powerful light devices will only speak roses about these treatments.
I also find the chart on Konftec website about the different wavelengths of light targeting different parts of inner ear and different frequencies of tinnitus just stupid. Of all the research I've seen about red light therapy for ears and tinnitus, nothing suggests anything to back up that chart. Correct me if I'm wrong about this though, but I think they pulled that chart out of their rear end.
Regular Joe, other things I'm doing are:
- Completely dropped sugar from my diet.
- Low carbs, high protein and (good quality) fats in my diet. Lots of clean fresh food and veggies, no meats other than fish and sometimes chicken.
- Exercising and losing excess fat.
- Meditate and yoga daily.
- Intermittent fasting. For me this means I have a long gap between meals, about 14 hours (from evening to next morning meal). This helps digestive system clear itself up and supports good bacteria in gut.
- Digesting some herbs and stuff, you guys must be familiar with these already. Turmeric, Neem, Hemp powders, Ginkgo biloba, bunch of vitamins, Zinc, Omegas and all the basic essential stuff.
So basically I'm going through a process of transforming my state of health and fitness. For me the dropping of sugar and losing excess fat (still going through it) and getting back in shape has helped more than anything so far. Or at least those together with yoga and meditation. I meditate in silence, no earphones, no ambient music, no maskers, no nothing. A silent room as silent as I can have it and there we go. I don't want to run away from a sound in my head or ears, to me that is just futile and I feel like I gain nothing from masking it or whatever. And weirdly enough, many many times the physical noise calms down during meditation, not only my perception of it but the noise actually calms down in that state. I know not everyone gets to have this kind of relief with their tinnitus, and for me it varies day by day, but still... I highly recommend a regular meditation practice. It takes time getting into meditation, but a big part of it for me is that I judge nothing, runaway from nothing, let everything be right there, the ringing, be it better or worse, also my fears and thoughts about it, all let it be there, just completely "naked" with the tinnitus, no masking no nothing. I went through an inevitable process of facing all kinds of fears and thoughts and turmoil I had about the tinnitus. Anger, disappointment, frustration, fear, rebelling against it, desperation, all the things. Am I never going to hear silence again? Am I going to enjoy a normal life again, the way I knew it before? Will I know peace and silence only in grave? Will my life be hijacked by this sound till the day I die? Many of you might relate with these thoughts. These thoughts were inevitable to come to surface, and I don't see any reason to run away from or deny such natural thoughts, feelings and responses. Overtime an acceptance starts to take over and a feeling of presence, calmness, stillness. And when one slowly calms down into a deeper state of wakeful stillness and acceptance, the sound or sounds that are there seem to just settle into the background.
Also I do a daily massage routine around the ears and stuff, takes like 5 minutes for me. Just things I collected from a bunch of YouTube videos, all that stuff that rarely works for anybody

But it does couple of things for sure: It enhances blood circulation into the area and drains extra fluids and mucus from the passages (whatever they're called...). Even the debated effect of Ginkgo biloba is said to come from enhancing blood flow to the head area. So a massage can't hurt. Also just going through the massage sometimes creates a feeling of relief, even if the physical noise doesn't come down. I don't know why, but it happens repeatedly. Like the noise seems a bit friendlier after a bit of massage. Lol might be just me, but hey whatever works.
Right now I feel like I'm heading to a good direction, much of the tinnitus has calmed down from last fall and winter and even from a recent loud noise incident. That was when I played an acoustic home gig and didn't take ear protection as these types of gigs almost never need it. Also hadn't gigged for a while because of COVID-19 so it slipped... And the people were a loud lot, screaming for two hours. I was terrified to go back home and hear the doubled up tinnitus.
Now I'm pretty much back to baseline before that incident I feel. Thankful for that. I hope things keep going well as they have till now, and there are still many things to try if I feel the need later on.
Hope I didn't hijack this thread! I was planning to write all these things and more on some other post, hopefully a success story later on