Hey folks! I made an account JUST for this topic. I am a bit of a canna-connoisseur, smoked medical grade, dispensary cannabis regularly for 4 years up until I started having issues with my ears (over-exposure to sound and tons of stress). I haven't smoked regularly in over 7 months now, specifically because of tinnitus and depression (caused by tinnitus) which became an issue a year ago for me. Here's some answers to the questions you've been asking:
I have high-CBD strains because my aunt has brain cancer. I registered as a patient with her specifically to find that kind of cannabis to help treat her nausea and loss of appetite. Before I go any further--it works so well, she hasn't felt this good in weeks and is finally eating again. Never a weed smoker in her life before this. Fuck you FDA, federal government, and prescription drug lobbyists.
What I have (and she uses) is an 18% CBD strain that I recall reading has 1% THC. Regular weed has between 1 and 3% CBD, and roughly 10 to 15% THC. I had two puffs of the high-CBD strain off her vaporizer yesterday and yowzers it was a kick in the face after a 7 month break. Not a freakout high like with a high THC strain, just medicinal feeling like I took too much Nyquil or a painkiller.
The ringing actually was unchanged at first but by the end of the high it actually felt a bit worse than before. It's important to note I drove nearly 200 miles that day, dealing with my chemo'd aunt was emotionally stressful (seriously folks, cancer is a bummer), and I haven't been sleeping regularly this week. The CBD strain's effect could be completely unrelated! I am going to try catching up on my sleep and then taking another hit of the CBD strain to see if it makes a difference in my T. I can tell you I haven't laughed for no reason like that in a long time (which was great) and I slept like a log when I took a nap that afternoon. I even found myself emotionally relaxed and forgiving of some personal issues I've been holding onto over the past month or so.
Quick background: I have always had some level of tinnitus since I was a child, always in silence. After living in San Francisco for a year I found my hearing levels kind of fucked up and moved back to the suburbs to try and find some peace. It was really bad for about 6 months following a weird spike on a flight, and a death metal concert that was way too loud (despite foam earplugs, they were shitty). Since then I've been tested all the way up to 20,000 hz--don't have any significant hearing loss that would cause tinnitus. My ENT is confident it will go away after a few years, he even encouraged me to go back to concerts with musician's plugs. Thank God, they work great and I have my life back

Just can't overload my hearing threshold anymore.