This is super informative for me! I'll look into THCV strains through my medicinal supplier, possibly. I'm in Australia (and live in the city with no backyard or shed), so growing my own plants is pretty hard, apart from all the weird laws we have with it as it is. But hey, it didn't stop my mate, who grew some pretty decent stuff out of a tiny cupboard hydroponics setup...
Hey man, that's how I know you're being truthful that it hits

If I'm not feeling like I've lost at least half my brain cells, it's not as good!
Thanks for sharing that all with me

Hope is not lost! I'm a stoner first and a sufferer second in my heart. Bahahaha.
Thanks, mate, you make my day. It's almost like we are instant friends.
The CBG I describe is difficult to procure and expensive outside of the USA. As for the THCV I describe, I have not seen it sold in any government store or dispensary. I've got access to CBDV as well. CBDV has poorly characterized properties, but a strain that has balanced THC/THCV/CBD/CBDV seemed to work well for me.
Last year was the first time GTR Seeds started selling seeds to the public. Prior, it was farmer/commercial growers. I notice the website price for seeds has gone up considerably. I was fortunate to buy a good stock of seeds while their prices were low, and they sold packs of 50 seeds for less than $200 USD. They are now selling 100 seeds for $600 USD and no packs of 50.
The mental health issues I describe are real; I was just extremely fortunate to "accidentally" find a social worker who was a friend of mine. I just didn't know she was a social worker or knew anything about psychology since she was on LTD for back pain; all I knew was she was great at prayer warrior. I used to call her up with what must be a panic attack type of reaction, and she would say a prayer for me. I didn't know she actually went to school for how to say prayers, she did, as a matter of fact.
On one occasion, like usually, I'm not really into prayer/JC/imaginary guy in the sky sort of thing, but on one occasion, I just said, OK, I'm going to "run with it." My friend now has a "green light" to go into prayer warrior mode, which she enjoys; after 20 min, she goes into "JC is always with you, even to the depths of hell, and even deeper, he is always there with you." I'm thinking: so, I can tell Val my darkest deep and not be judged for it? Then, all of a sudden, it felt as if JC was actually there, sitting right on the edge of my bed, like, wtf? However, to Val, this is not the "power of suggestion or imagination"; it is reality. JC showing up is real life for her, and she does the "now JC enters into your body" ritual, which I can easily tell is just a clinical psychology technique method, so I'm saying to myself, "I didn't know Val knows clinical psychology." That is my freak chance occurrence.
So, in a couple of weeks, another strange chance occurrence: I've been invited to dinner with people who study the Word, so I went into Google; since I don't know scripture or anything, I don't go to church, but I wanted to have something prepared, so I went with the following prayer. JC's words are, "If you abide in me and my word abides in you, anything you ask for it shall be given unto you." So, I thought about that, and my requests were as follows: "Remove the sorrow from my heart, and replace it with your love and joy; remove my fear from outwardly expressing your inner presence in me; remove my anguish and comfort me with your presence."
The host/dinner people did not understand my request, but I called Val up the next day with the same thing; she instantly made a child abuse diagnosis and agreed to be my therapist. That's how my five years (finally) of therapy started out. I later saw some TikTok videos on #mentalhealth, and what she did was reparenting; I had an abandoned childhood and child neglect, so Val was an adopted mother/big sister. She also did a lot of Healing Temple visualization trauma healing.
According to the world-famous clinical psychologist Dr. Jack Kornfield, Buddha and JC were the two greatest healers in human history. I bought Dr. Kornfield's CD, in which he describes how to do Healing Temple visualization healing.
Val had never heard of Dr. Kornfield, but it is intuitive and easy. Dr. Kornfield does not see patients; he just gives seminars, writes books, and records CDs. You can create your own Healing Temple with yourself. The CD is about 20 bucks US on Amazon.
At my workplace, we have trainees. One of our third-year trainees was going into a more advanced program, so she gave me a card: "I'm so thankful to have a friend like you." Inside the card, she wrote: "Everything you have overcome in life has made you the remarkable person you are today, and I am grateful to know you. You have shown me what perseverance looks like. You have helped me find the confidence to get through medical school. I hope to be a brilliant, altruistic, and exceptional pathologist like you someday."
I wish Val were still alive so I could show her the card. Without mental health therapy, it would have been impossible for me to develop that type of interpersonal relationship. How does a person "help someone else find their own confidence?". Some kind of mystery wizard powers, also known as what you get from therapy, I guess.
Thanks again for the thoughtful reply; I wish we lived in closer proximity.