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Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

HHC was first created in 1944 by American chemist Roger Adams when he added hydrogen molecules to delta-9 THC. This process, known as hydrogenation, converted THC into hexahydrocannabinol (HHC).

I tried smoking HHC. Unfortunately, it didn't help :(
I wish more people would try this and report back!
So here's what I've noticed. I fully accept that it could just be psychological and in my head but it's been subjectively noticeable nonetheless. I've been using THC on and off to help me sleep. Usually either a 2.5 mg or 5 mg edible or a hit from a vape pen. Been doing this on an almost nightly basis for several months.

I have a dental procedure coming up and I stopped temporarily because of the new report that came out showing that THC use can decrease the effectiveness of some types of anesthesia.

After one or two nights of no THC, I woke up with the tinnitus seemingly much louder than it had been. I wrote it off as coincidence but after a couple of nights I was having a hard time sleeping so I took my usual dose and the next morning when I woke up the tinnitus was noticeably more quiet than the previous no-weed-at-night mornings.

Hmm... another coincidence. So again I didn't use any THC to sleep and the next morning, louder tinnitus.

I've been able to replicate this several times within the last couple of weeks including last night. No THC last night, this morning the tinnitus was much louder.

I do believe it's related and low to moderate doses at night cause my tinnitus to be perceptibly less loud the next morning and throughout most of the next day.

My dose has always been between 2.5 mg and 5 mg and once or twice close to 10 mg but never more than 10 mg so hopefully I can keep the dosage low.

I will have to take a break for a week though because of the dental procedure coming up next week. I'm curious to see if the tinnitus volume will reduce on its own after a week of no THC.
So here's what I've noticed. I fully accept that it could just be psychological and in my head but it's been subjectively noticeable nonetheless. I've been using THC on and off to help me sleep. Usually either a 2.5 mg or 5 mg edible or a hit from a vape pen. Been doing this on an almost nightly basis for several months.

I have a dental procedure coming up and I stopped temporarily because of the new report that came out showing that THC use can decrease the effectiveness of some types of anesthesia.

After one or two nights of no THC, I woke up with the tinnitus seemingly much louder than it had been. I wrote it off as coincidence but after a couple of nights I was having a hard time sleeping so I took my usual dose and the next morning when I woke up the tinnitus was noticeably more quiet than the previous no-weed-at-night mornings.

Hmm... another coincidence. So again I didn't use any THC to sleep and the next morning, louder tinnitus.

I've been able to replicate this several times within the last couple of weeks including last night. No THC last night, this morning the tinnitus was much louder.

I do believe it's related and low to moderate doses at night cause my tinnitus to be perceptibly less loud the next morning and throughout most of the next day.

My dose has always been between 2.5 mg and 5 mg and once or twice close to 10 mg but never more than 10 mg so hopefully I can keep the dosage low.

I will have to take a break for a week though because of the dental procedure coming up next week. I'm curious to see if the tinnitus volume will reduce on its own after a week of no THC.
Same thing here!
The original name for pharmacology was toxicology. Like centuries ago, it was administering a low dose of toxic substance to achieve a therapeutic effect. That's what we have with cannabis, it is two edged: lowish dose can promote a deep sleep and sleep promotes healing. Higher doses result in "cannabis toxicity" which means cannabis spikes the tinnitus, which everyone complains about.

I currently take low doses of weed, I start with CBD oil, and you must keep it under your tongue and in your mouth. If CBD gets into your stomach, the acid converts it to THC, and you don't want that. After I've got CBD in the system, then, I take a brownie, even that I keep in my mouth for as long as possible, and a bit of vodka at the same time, such as 1 ml (there are 30 ml to an ounce), the alcohol in the vodka will dissolve the cannabinoids facilitating intra oral absorption.

Then if I feel I can handle it, I fire up the vape, and vape some CBD/THC, just not too much. In medicine it is essential to use the lowest effective dose. That prevents downregulation of the cannabinoid receptor.

I'm happy to see this thread still alive. One of my friends is able to legally grow, and they are growing out a strain which is apparently a CBG, but for that I can ask several friends of mine to do a smoke test. CBG should be non-psychoactive, but will still have an effect. That's in the works, possibly will have some sample of that around next May sometime.
So, I have some really great news, I think.

My friend is allowed to grow cannabis. She grows it for me, allowed by Health Canada license. She has been growing out various strains, searching, searching, searching. When a novel strain hits the market, we try it. The latest novel strain is Diet Durban, balanced THCV/THC strain. All it did for me was the usual: cannabinoid tinnitus spike.

So, her place got overly hot, from unusually warm weather, and the THCV got stressed and grew male flowers. The plant next, was the CBD strain called Queen CBD. Queen CBD also got some male flowers on her. Anyways, my friend allowed everything to ripen as much as possible, then dried it and I helped her trimming and putting the bud into plastic bags for storage. Not unexpectedly, with male pollen, a few seeds were discovered in the Queen CBD. We weren't sure whether this was autopollination (selfing) or cross between DD and QC. She grew out three of the seeds, and they demonstrated outcross hybrid vigor (means they are a DD/QC F1 cross). So it takes several months to grow out everything and see what we've got. Could be a waste of time, but who knows, so far we haven't had much luck with anything, but luck can always change, if you play the game long enough. The F1 were labelled B1 B2 B3. Each bush had cuttings taken, and she succeeded in one rooted cutting from each bush (which is a low %, but greater than zero).

B1 died from something. B2 and B3 grew out. B2 had reasonable buds on her, B3 was vigorous, but the buds were fluffy. However, we didn't give up, and were rewarded when we observed B3 to have huge amount of sugar leaves, it seemed like frost had hit, it was so sparkly. So we had something to admire, but what was the clinical effect? Just another failed attempt? But no. The B3 bud/sugar leaf was ground up and vaped, starting at 260F, since THCV boiling point is 230F, I wanted to be sure to vaporize all cannabinoids. I do not have any analysis. This is a THCV/THC/CBD hybrid, so presumably there is some of each.

Anyhow, the experience was extremely smooth (I'm starting to sound like a druggie here, lol), the most remarkable thing, was no cannabinoid spike at all, nice smooth sedative effect, with satisfactory 6 hour sleep. I have friends who are familiar with cannabis, they agreed to do "smoke test" for me, which is pending. I describe the effect somewhat narcotic like, similar to an opiate, which I don't take (opiates will put you to sleep, but will you wake up is the question.)

I know people are posting about CBD, indica THC, and CBG. This is a novel chance hybrid, it is obviously a cannabinoid mix, I just don't know the proportions. In any case we have rooted cutting of each, so the genetics are carefully housed in my friend's place, and she guards them with her life (she has guard dog and electronic surveillance, to keep out prowlers.)

This is the first report that I've seen, about a cannabinoid that both puts you to sleep, with no real psychoactive effect except for some vague mild opiate type effect. I describe the effect as "dreamy" or even "spacey", it is not a THC "high/intoxication" at all. I do have access to commercial labs that can do the analysis, it is around $200 for an analysis, I'm not sure if I want to drop that kind of money or not, but given the positive effect, I might go for it.

In any event, it is a DD pheno. There is dramatic phenotypic variability with DD, this is the best pheno, of three DD seeds, the plants were labelled V1 V2 V3. V3 was obviously inferior, and was chopped and composted, V2 held some promise, but the buds were too light and fluffy, while the V1 pheno has nice buds and excellent yield, so this is a DD V1 x QC F1. That is the parentage and what was grown out. F1 had B1 B2 and B3. Both B2 and B3 were satisfactory for tinnitus chronic neuropathic pain med. My friend may do a limited backcross (BX) with both QC and DD to try to get a "stabilized" strain, at the moment it is just "clone only", which is not infrequent in cannabis culture industry.

The findings are dramatic enough to warrant another post on this extremely long and frustrating thread, the endless search for "something that works". In terms of human biology, THCV and CBD are both THC modulators, they act to change the shape of the CB1 receptor and modulate the THC effect. That's all I know at this point.
Okay, I've been using small amounts of a THC/CBD mix for about seven years now (small dose, as a tea). After about the first year, I hardly noticed the tinnitus.

The past month it's been going crazy. It used to be limited to the left ear, now it is a bit in the right as well. Though thankfully, I can ignore it for most of the day, it just gets really bad for part of it (like right now). A lot of it depends on distraction, having something remind me of it brings it back in focus.
I have noticed, and I'm sure most others have, is that getting proper amounts of sleep is beneficial. It is also good for your general health, besides (for myself at least) persuading the tinnitus to calm down a bit. Regular proper long term sleep along with other general health measures, in other words.

So what @rdrake just said, taking small amount CBD/THC likely promoted sleep and allowed for gradual calming down over time, as the body does what it needs to do (heal itself). Being tired and dragged out, results in oxidative stress (over the long term is called "aging"). We all know tinnitus is more prevalent as you get older.

This "proper amount of sleep" is elusive, in that insomnia is almost impossible to treat, clinically, with medication at least, since virtually all medications, including cannabinoids, lead to tolerance (medication doesn't work anymore, and now you are addicted as a bonus). Which is reason to keep your dose, always at the minimum, and refrain from the temptation to push more medications. And completely avoid benzo/imovane/any medications in that class guaranteed lead to tolerance and you will need more and more. I use Clonazepam short term only, to calm down a tinnitus spike, and then gradually taper it down, hopefully to zero, so the next time you have a spike, you can reach for something that will work. Or double your dose (which you can't do if you're already maxed out on your dose). I have succumbed to this temptation, resulting in ridiculous amount of med intake, with no obvious benefit. Which is why now, I promote keeping everything to a minimum, as use other modalities in combination.

Other modalities could be CBT, other mind methods (focused meditation, sleep "hygiene" and so on), regular reasonable amounts of exercise (such as 20 or 30 minutes per day, physically enough for you to notice your breathing), avoid overeating, especially before bed, avoid alcohol, quit cigarettes (nicotine withdrawal will wake you up), caffeine before bed, strive to an optimum weight (difficult to do when you're taking anything that promotes appetite - prescription medications, cannabis - which you are taking to promote sleep).

I am not a poster boy for what I just said, but at least I keep it in mind lol.

Certain foods contain high amounts of isoflavones - the "functional foods" - why you have another thread on Tinnitus Talk discussing isoflavones. Isoflavones are estradiol analogues (very safe to take for both male and female) that promote sleep, without any tolerance effect. I also take Prometrium, a bio-identical Progesterone. Neither of these has any problem with tolerance, meaning they are good for you, long term. Don't worry men, isoflavones will not cause any problem with sex life or feminization. Men in the Orient have been eating soy for centuries, without adverse effect, and soy (vegetarian in general even) is beneficial. Oriental people who follow the tradition, tend to live pretty long healthy lives.

Soy and Health Update: Evaluation of the Clinical and Epidemiologic Literature - PMC (nih.gov)

Role of mitochondria, oxidative stress and the response to antioxidants in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A possible approach to SARS-CoV-2 'long-haulers'? - ScienceDirect
Just as follow up, I did get a quote from the lab, it is $113CDN plus I need to ship it there, they will do a complete cannabinoid HPLC analysis, so I will have something to report possibly in another month. Depending on the findings, I can attempt back cross to the CBD mother plant. I just wish I was younger and had more years in the bank. Three seeds were planted initially, and this applies to only one of the seedlings (B3). The B2 seedling creates a spike, and the B1 died on me, but I was able to get a rooted cutting before it died, so I have the B1 to work with as well. If B1 has similar clinical effect, I could also do an F1xF1 of B1xB3, but let's not count chickens...

I was having great difficulty getting to sleep last night, so I did finally relent at around 2 a.m. and vaped some of it. It put me out for around 5-6 hours, which was satisfactory, so I can function ok today.

The other point, I'm pretty sure I must have long COVID-19 which is real pita; I've got brain fog one year later, fatigue, and increased tinnitus, so I'm depressed about that one, especially since I wear my mask everywhere, but my wife brought it home and gave me a heavy dose of it; I was sicker than a dog. I actually called paramedics to take me into hospital, I thought I was going to die.

There was no cannabinoid spike from this unknown polyhybrid, I'm pretty sure I know the parentage of it, and I have rooted cuttings of each parent, and as I said already, one rooted cutting of this new uncharacterized strain to attempt back cross, which would be a potential for propagation by seed from this clone only. Requires silver nitrate and sodium thiosulphate reagent, which is readily available. Just takes time, something that I'm running low on.
I already use a tiny amount of cannabis, a mix of THC and CBD as a tea at night. I also top it off with 3 mg of Melatonin. Works well so long as I'm not stressed about something happening the next day, which can be just about anything. I don't think quitting the cannabis would put me into any sort of withdrawal but I'm certain it would negatively impact my sleep. Thinking about the tinnitus only makes things worse so I might vanish from here once I learn to forget it (at least, till the next time it comes back into focus).
Hi all. I haven't got the lab results back but, in the meantime, my friend has some just about ripe Diet Durban, it is supposedly 7% THCV & 7% THC. I took some fresh green buds and since my vape goes up to 260C and has a variable fan, I put several buds in the chamber, let it force dry slightly, the trichomes are on the surface of the calyx/sugar leaf so this is legit way of vaping.

Anyways, the effect is omfg, this kicks like a horse, and it definitely did not spike the tinnitus, and I definitely slept well, and I feel like I'm firing on most of my cylinders, as opposed to yesterday when I was barely functional.

In any event, my friend is force drying a few buds for me so I can sample the force dried. Fortunately my friend always takes slips, so the plant genetics are maintained by slips. This Diet Durban, she tells me is very difficult to grow, it is temperature sensitive, and the buds are large and very dense, she needs to run a dehumidifier 24/7 as well as constant ventilation, it is very prone to mold. It is likely the mother of the B2 and B3 that I reported on already.

Based on that none of these spike the tinnitus, I suspect the THCV suppresses the tinnitus spike effect. If I take THC either by vape or by edible, THC alone definitely creates a spike. THC is a CB1 modulator, as is CBD.
Weed always temporarily spikes my tinnitus - I now don't enjoy getting high because it always ends in a vicious cycle of anxiety/tinnitus that I'm sure many of you here are familiar with. But weed literally made my tinnitus audible before I had my big spikes that caused this condition to be a problem for me. Before I even knew what tinnitus was, when I was very high, I would hear a ringing in my ears and assumed it was just a side effect of being that baked. Sometimes the tinnitus would even be there at the start of the next day. To be honest it was definitely also related to the fact that I'd often listen to music too loud when I was that stoned. But the same music volumes never gave me tinnitus if I was sober.

I am envious of the people who say that THC temporarily calms tinnitus down for them.

But hey, at least this means I don't spend money on weed anymore.
This would be THCV which is referred to as the "THC antidote". In other words, it is a THC antagonist.

Last night I did a "cocktail" starting with CBD oil, intraoral, then a small THC cannabis brownie, mixed with a drop of high proof vodka, also stay intraoral for as long as possible, followed by vape of THCV rich cannabis.

The THCV is not available in the store, you can't get it unless you have someone grow it, and even then, there is phenotypic variability, so you need several seedlings and pick the best. Then we have the known effect of "heat stress", since this strain originates from Thai landrace. It is called Diet Durban. Seedsman.com sells it, and there is an elaborate description on their website.

When I got up after 2-3 hours of sleep, I took another CBD oil, a smaller cannabis brownie, this time followed by the uncharacterized (except by a friend "bioassay", also known as "smoke test") DDxQC - Diet Durban x Queen CBD, phenotype B2, which bioassay is "dreamy" effect, and what is remarkable, is no tinnitus spike, and I feel great today, like just about normal, lots of energy, and firing on all cylinders.

So my bottom line is, cannabis researchers have not gone to this extent, they have animal models, but no human clinical trials with what I'm doing here.

I'm going to contact the lab, and ask for analysis of Diet Durban B2 and B3, so we get a better idea of what I'm putting in my body.
Sample mailed to lab.

I took THCV/THC/CBD last evening. My pharmaceutical use is in half. Sleeping better. The THCV is not a "cure all", basically another "pharmaceutical" by another name, but at least it gives another option, with a short half life and readily available where the world is still free of authoritarianism.

I've been taking lactobacillus cultured sprouted soy beans regularly now. Probably the sprouted soy beans help as much as anything else, possibly even more so. I just stumbled across ozone! Ozone kills molds, which a disaster for sprouts. My friend uses ozone to prevent molds on cannabis, so all of a sudden it occurs to me that it will likely prevent mold on soy bean sprouts as well. My next (weak lame) "breakthrough". I know, everyone is getting tired of my "breakthroughs" by now, but at least it provides some humor. Seriously though, this is the most potent natural isoflavone, it is non-habituating non-feminizing estradiol analogue, promotes plasticity, promotes sleep, bone health, cardiovascular health, this is a project I've been working on for years: how to sprout without getting molds, despite peroxide, frequent rinse, etc, mold is everywhere. Except: where there is ozone, the mold killer! Yay! Stay tuned for the next episode of how @object16 fails again!
Be very careful when working w/ ozone because the dangers are real. I used to work for the EPA and OSHA, and our studies on this substance showed it to be very harmful if one is exposed to it at higher levels. We're talking about potentially giving someone asthma, lung problems/disease, etc. Most states and cities have regulations on in-home ozone generators. This is considered to be a hazardous substance at the Federal level. Personally, I would do everything I could to avoid being exposed to it.

Having it at the top of our atmosphere is a good thing for the planet, but at ground level it is the opposite. We put together regulation that should be on every in-home ozone generator, but this is not to be considered an endorsement by the EPA. The America Lung Association has been warning people of its danger for many years.
My friend uses ozone to prevent molds on cannabis, so all of a sudden it occurs to me that it will likely prevent mold on soy bean sprouts as well.
Hydrogen peroxide will likely do the same. I read an account once of a fairly large organic vegetable business started adding hydrogen peroxide to the water used for irrigation. The health of the plants greatly improved, and their "freshness" lasted much longer after being harvested. Almost immediately, they could start shipping produce across country without having to worry about spoilage. I think they said it added two weeks to their freshness.
Hi, my very good protective friends, sprouting happens in the kitchen, well away from sleeping quarters, I can put ozone idea on timer and run it between 12 midnight to 4 a.m. By the time anyone gets up, the ozone should have dissipated. In any case, I invested in a ppm ozone meter, just to be safe. Apparently my friend's sleeping quarters are in close proximity to where cannabis is grown, and no complaints were reported. Plants showed no sign of toxicity, and friend reports that her bedroom actually was free of any ozone smell, which is quite distinctive (smells like you are in a public swimming pool, kind of chlorine like sharpness).

My house has suitable alternative places to do sprouting, which is well clear of any human habitation, such as a generous store room, so there are other ways around this problem. I can also check about an ozone respirator, I think I might actually have a good respirator mask that would work.

Yes, I've also been checking internet about lack of safety of the above "brilliant idea". I will try to stay safe. Wifey has a touch of asthma, so she wouldn't appreciate it very much either. From what I read, ozone at low concentrations breaks down to oxygen pretty readily, within a few hours. Higher concentrations are a bit more dicey. Thanks for the good pointers, y'all.
Hi, pardon me, I must have read the study too quickly: in fact TINY amounts of CBD will convert to THC in your stomach, so I'm at least partly right.


I got the lab results back, my "mystery" cannabis is: 4% CBD, 3% THC, 1% CBDV and 0.5% THCV.

It seems the pollen from the THCV strain carried the "varin" gene into the pure CBD plant, and the hybrid grew out to the above.

So, I would say that hope is not lost. The only difference, is that I'm taking significant amounts of CBDV and THCV. Neither have been studied with regards to tinnitus, but I do find the "mystery", now no longer mystery, gives reason to move ahead. My friend who does the medical growing, under government permit, is able to procure CBD/CBDV seeds, and CBD/CBDV/THC/THCV seeds. This will take around 9 months to grow out to ripe dried flower, for further evaluation.

For the longest period (years) I keep saying to myself - why persist in this futile exercise that goes nowhere. Well, it did get somewhere, and now with the Health Canada HPLC lab values, it gives direction as where to go from here.

For example: The "Diet Durban" strain, which supposedly was on the website as 7% THC/ 7% THCV, on government analysis, was actually 13% THC and 0.5% THCV. But the "varin" gene was still there, and the pollen carried the gene onto a promising recipient. The seed vendor was contacted, and apparently there were some "problems" that have been "stabilized", meaning we can expect 7% THCV and 7% THC from the "stabilized" Diet Durban. So ok, some years have gone by with no "breakthrough", but what else is new, at least this is something, and apparently the original flowers from B1 B2 B3 were carefully searched by the grower, now encouraged by the results, and approx 12 more ripe seeds were discovered, that can be stored carefully and another round of 3 seeds can be germinated, with perhaps an even more promising hybrid, possibly one with even more CBDV. In any case, there does seem to be on the market now, seeds developed by horticultural researchers that have a stabilized high yield of CBDV, such as 6-8% CBD and 6-8% CBDV, in the same flower. So it is not necessary to grow out any more of the "found by chance" seeds, but buy commercially available ones. The seeds are around $15-25 US per seed, but the vendor states these are "photoperiod" which means that cuttings/clones can be prepared, as opposed to "autoflower" which only has one cycle, and cannot be "cloned" or propagated by cuttings.

Anyways, thanks to at least this slight advancement, I can say that my dependence on conventional pharmaceutical, which I already mentioned before, is drastically reduced, my memory seems to be working again, and I'm not all dragged out and hung over from pharmaceuticals.

So I would encourage if someone else is able to find/buy CBD/CBDV isolate/oil/tincture, and see "what happens" , I would be greatly interested, and I think we all here would be.

In the meantime my friend will be busy with a new batch of seeds, and see what she can do for us all here.

And just so not everyone think I'm out to lunch re CBD to THC, I was reading research, and the researchers came to that wrong conclusion. So I was going by older studies, shown more recently to be not valid.

As per:

In conclusion, both publications, that of Merrick et al. → 1 and Bonn-Miller et al., →2 are unfortunately misleading in many aspects. Over 40 years of research on CBD does not suggest a conversion of CBD to delta9-THC and/or other cannabinoids in vivo after oral administration. Such transformation occurs under artificial conditions, but is without any relevance for an oral therapy with CBD. Traces of delta9-THC in CBD per se, although theoretically possible in less-purified CBD productions, are unlikely to be of concern as long as the intake does not exceed the LOAEL.
Hi all, my friend tells me she is in receipt of 2 strains of CBDV seeds, they come in little vials and she started germinating half the contents of each vial, unused go into storage. I find if I overdo it on the B2, it will cause a spike. The trick is to not overdo it. We are fortunate that we now have scientists working on development, with high tech methods like DNA sequencing, and great deal of expertise/knowledge. I am hoping this will provide some relief to the very severely afflicted who are at the point of giving up. I was at that point around 10 years ago, so I think you could call me a success story, in that my career is intact, and I'm still posting.

My own doctor, FWIW, is a chronic pain specialist, and he agrees tinnitus is a chronic neuropathic pain type disorder, and supports this approach. He also supports multi-modality approach which is appropriate for the chronic pain patient.
Apparently if you live in the United States, CBDV cannabis is readily available, and it is priced very reasonably. I don't have access to stateside weed, since they still criminalize illness, meaning if I bring any of that into Canada, it is a very serious offense, and they would seize my vehicle. So only people living stateside have legal access. In Canada you have to grow your own. Elsewhere, CBDV photoperiod seeds are not available.
My experience so far, after several weeks, is the strain with CBDV and THCV, coupled with CBD oil is helping me restore my sleep wake cycle; I'm getting up on time in a.m. and have energy to get moving. Just for what it's worth.

In six months I should have stabilized reliable rich CBDV flowers and rich THCV flowers to report on, meaning flowers are supposed to be 50%/50% CBD/CBDV 50%/50% THC/THCV.
Is there anyone who posts here who has had a positive experience with marijuana for their tinnitus?
Yes. I took a few tokes last week and it changed my reality so I felt less distracted by the tinnitus. My issue is I don't want to fry my lungs but maybe it's a chance worth taking.
Now, I have Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome. It doesn't produce the "traditional" tinnitus symptoms for me (ringing/buzzing/whooshing/etc), but it causes my eardrum to flutter at certain stimuli (loud/sharp sounds or touching the side of my face). It also causes a sense of fullness in the ear.

I was recommended topical CBD cream around the ear and neck area to help alleviate it. I haven't tried it yet.

I'm wondering if anyone here thinks there is merit to cannabinoids of any kind specifically for TTTS or similar contraction issues of the tensor tympani or stapedius muscles?
Edibles get me to sleep at night; smoking during the day takes the edge off the anxiety and irritation when my tinnitus ramps up in the afternoons. I haven't noticed any change whether I use CBD or not.
Hi all. I haven't got the lab results back but, in the meantime, my friend has some just about ripe Diet Durban, it is supposedly 7% THCV & 7% THC. I took some fresh green buds and since my vape goes up to 260C and has a variable fan, I put several buds in the chamber, let it force dry slightly, the trichomes are on the surface of the calyx/sugar leaf so this is legit way of vaping.

Anyways, the effect is omfg, this kicks like a horse, and it definitely did not spike the tinnitus, and I definitely slept well, and I feel like I'm firing on most of my cylinders, as opposed to yesterday when I was barely functional.

In any event, my friend is force drying a few buds for me so I can sample the force dried. Fortunately my friend always takes slips, so the plant genetics are maintained by slips. This Diet Durban, she tells me is very difficult to grow, it is temperature sensitive, and the buds are large and very dense, she needs to run a dehumidifier 24/7 as well as constant ventilation, it is very prone to mold. It is likely the mother of the B2 and B3 that I reported on already.

Based on that none of these spike the tinnitus, I suspect the THCV suppresses the tinnitus spike effect. If I take THC either by vape or by edible, THC alone definitely creates a spike. THC is a CB1 modulator, as is CBD.
If your friend has a clone mother, then you really shouldn't notice any difference in batches. A clone mother is used to make more like the mother with the same traits, typically a plant that produces good buds is kept for this reason. Also, in a previous post you mentioned that stress caused a plant to produce male flowers. This is not the case; a male plant is a male plant, you're not able to tell this until the plant is about to flower or right after. Most growers will pull these plants, which encourages the females to produce more resin, resulting in a better high.
Hi, @AbbaZaba, silver nitrate/sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate is used by growers to "stress" a female to produce male flowers. If she is under heat stress (which is not as easy to control), she will also grow "a bunch of bananas". Don't worry, I've seen this, and it is pretty shocking sight, your female plant all of a sudden covered in yellow.

No, absolutely, a female can grow male flowers, breeders use this technique for "selfing" meaning the female autopollinates (called S1), except we now delving into cannabis discussion forum, not tinnitus forum, lol. Anyways, the supposed THCV plant, on HPLC lab assay, turns out to be a THC 13% THCV 0.5%. As I then went on, the V gene did get transferred to my friend's CBD plant, and resulted in what I already said, and what I'm currently taking, the "B2" bud, which works pretty well, and only does a minor tinnitus spike.

However, we now have, thanks to GTR seeds of Oregon, reliable photoperiod THCV and CBDV in 50% proportions, so my friend switching to growing out GTR seeds. And I've noticed, GTR seeds CBDV bud can be purchased, for pretty reasonable, and I was hoping someone would chime in on whether they've tried any of it, either their THCV or CBDV strains.
Conclusions said:
Bothersome tinnitus prevalence was significantly higher among cannabis users relative to nonusers. High-volume cannabis use was independently associated with tinnitus in a multivariable model accounting for relevant factors including depression. Future study is warranted to elucidate the impact of various levels of cannabis use on tinnitus.
Association between Cannabis Use and Tinnitus in US Adults

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