I developed menieres age 17 and my Dad developed it n his 60s.
I presented completely differently to him and and there are other possible causes for mine. His was completely idiopthic - no infection, no head trauma. Mine was age 17, a few years previous I had a concussion head innjury with memory loss, and I also had tonsilar abscess which made me require a tonsilectomy twice becuase the little mofo grew back ( this was on the left side where the symtoms began).
So my dead presents bilaterally imediately with T and HL on both sides and of course the day long debilitating vertigo with vomiting etc. No drops yet.
I present in only one ear for 17 years. Hearing plummets in the first two years to profound (over 90db) and the vertigo lasts for years and eventually leads to two drop attacks, again leading to head injury.
A few years go by of milder dizziness without rotational vertigo.
Then after 17yrs of being single sided, 36 weeks pregnant, I have full SSNHL in hearing ear lasting 48 hours. Since then bilateral tinnitus and more severe vertigo, more severe tinnitus. I also have visual vertigo, struggle to cook, shop and now can't use a computer very easily or for very long. I no longer read anymore, I basically manage to do the online food shop and send a few emails.
I think what pisses me off is that if we were all rich golfers we would get immune therapy and have a doctor wh thinks outside the box, however we just get told its idopathic, here have this crappy life full of social isolation and failed dreams and just go and fucking deal with it. I was about to start an distance learning degree. I am feeling pretty sore and feeling like literally every part of my life is affected by this fucking constant disease, that nobody can even see.
apologies for vent, its been brewing for a while